
Most of these salads can be used as a main dish but they work equally well as a sandwich filling, stuffing for a pita, a side or as a first course. If you serve them as a side dish, you will have twice as many servings as listed in the recipe.

For more tips see Cooking Basics.

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To print the recipe, select the print icon on your device after the recipe is displayed.

This is a colorful dish packed with healthy, delicious ingredients. We enjoy this interesting combination of flavors each time we have it.

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This is a colorful salad that comes together quickly. Massaging the kale softens it and gives it a nice texture.

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We have this salad dressing over a large salad (1 quart serving bowl per person) every day for lunch. We like this dressing so much I make a quadruple version once a week and keep it in the refrigerator.

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The peanut butter forms the base for a creamy dressing over a salad of broccoli, raisins and pumpkin seeds. I've taken this to several pot lucks and picnics and it always goes over well.

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This mixture of chickpeas, celery and seasonings is similar to a tuna salad in taste and texture but it's all plant based and makes a delicious sandwich.

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The mix of bok choy, apples and carrots with a tasty dressing make this a real treat of a salad. I’ve taken this to picnics and everyone enjoyed it.

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