
After having met Palestinians in Syria and Lebanon in the 1970s, I did my first fieldwork (for my MA) in a village in the Nablus region.  This region has remained my second home. My PhD was on women and property, that included also research on marriage contracts in the sharia court. I focused in depth on the material and immaterial meanings of the dower for different categories of women and started writing on gold jewelry. Next to this I became interested in the work of Hilma Granqvist, who did ethnographic research in a Palestinian village in the late 1920s, and who should be part of the history of anthropology. A very different research project was the work I did together with Steven Wachlin on postcards of Palestine. More recently I started writing again on politics and marriage, in particular the marriages of women (ex-)political prisoners. 


Samah Saleh and Annelies Moors, 2023. Palestinian Women Prisoners: The Relational Politics of Incarceration, Marriage, and Separation, 2023. In Muslim Marriage and Non-Marriage: Where Religion and Politics Meet Intimate Life. Julie McBrien and Annelies Moors, (eds.), Leuven University Press, p. 103-123.  Open Access:

Penny Johnson and Annelies Moors. 2020. Foreign to Palestinian Society? ‘urfi Marriage,  Moral Dangers and the Colonial Present, Hawwa 1 (2020): 159-181. Advance online publication

Moors, Annelies, 2011,  ‘Mahr meanings, dower dealings: Reflections from Palestine’ in Rubya Mehdi and Jorgen Nielsen, eds., Embedding Mahr in the European Legal System. Copenhagen: Djøf  Publishers. Pp. 21-33.

Moors, Annelies, 2011, ‘From Travelogue to Ethnography and Back Again? Hilma Granqvist’s Writing and Photographs’, Revue science and video 3.  (reprint)

Moors, Annelies, 2010, ‘Presenting People: The Cultural Politics of Picture Postcards of  Palestine/Israel’, in Jordana Mendelson and David Prochaska, eds., Postcards: Ephemeral Histories of Modernity, Penn State University Press. Pp. 93-105.*

Moors, Annelies, 2009, ‘Al-a'ras wa l-harb, tartabiyyat al-zawaj wa ihtifalatuhu khilal al-intifadatayn al-filastiniyatayn. with Penny Johnson and Lamis Abu Nahleh), [previously published in English in AMEWS 5 (2009) 3: 11-34], pp. 33-55. 

Moors, Annelies, 2009, ‘Weddings and war. Marriage arrangements and celebrations during two intifadas. JMEWS 5, 3: 11-34 (with Penny Johnson and Lamis Abu Nahleh). 2009 weddings and war.pdf  For the Arabic version of this article go to

Moors, Annelies, 2008, ‘Registering a token dower: The multiple meanings of a legal practice’ in Baudouin Dupret, Barbara Drieskens and Annelies Moors, eds., Narratives of Truth in Islamic Law. London: IB Taurus, pp. 85-104. 2008 registering token dower.pdf

Moors, Annelies, 2006, ‘Representing Family Law Debates in Palestine: Gender and the Politics of Presence’, in Birgit Meyer and Annelies Moors, eds., Religion, Media, and the Public Sphere. Indiana University Press, Pp 115-132.

Moors, Annelies, 2003,  ‘From “Women’s Lib.” to “Palestinian Women”: The Politics of Picture Postcards in Palestine/Israel’, in David Crouch and Nina Lubbren, eds.,  Visual Culture and Tourism, Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers. Pp. 23-39.

Moors, Annelies, 2003, ‘Public Debates on Family Law Reform. Participants, Positions, and Styles of Argumentation in the 1990s’, Islamic Law and Society 10, 1: 1-11. 2003introils.pdf 

Moors, Annelies, 2003, ‘Gendered globalization: the multiple meanings of gold’, Nour (in Arabic). Pp. 58-64.

Moors, Annelies, 2003, ‘Women’s gold: shifting styles in embodying family relations’, in Beshara Doumani, ed., Family History in Middle Eastern Studies. Household, Property, and Gender. New York: SUNY Press. Pp. 101-119.

Moors, Annelies, 2001, ‘Presenting Palestine’s Population: Premonitions of the Nakba’, MIT-EJMES electronic journal 1, 1: 14-26.

Moors, Annelies, 2000, ‘Embodying the Nation: Maha Saca’s Post-Intifada Postcards, Ethnic and Racial Studies 23, 5: 871-887. 2000 embodying the nation.pdf

 Moors, Annelies, 1999, ‘Debating Islamic Family Law: Legal Texts and Social Practices’, in Marlee Meriwether and Judith Tucker, eds., The Social History of Women and Gender in the Modern Middle East. Boulder: Westview Press. Pp. 141-177. 1999 tuckermeriwether.pdf 

Moors, Annelies, 1998, ‘Wearing Gold’ in Patricia Spyer, ed., Borderfetishisms. London: Routledge. Pp. 208-223.

Moors, Annelies, 1997, ‘Een aanzienlijke som geld of slechts een symbolisch bedrag’, Geld en goed. Jaarboek voor vrouwengeschiedenis 17: 99-114.

Moors, Annelies, 1997, ‘Over vrouwen en bezit: juridische documenten en mondelinge verhalen’, in S.W.E. Rutten, red., Recht van de Islam 14, Maastricht: RIMO. Pp. 39-49.

Moors, Annelies, 1996, ‘On Appearance and Disappearance. Representations of Women in Palestine During the British Mandate’, Thamyris 3, 2: 279-310.

Moors, Annelies, 1996, ‘Gender Relations and Inheritance. Person, Power and Property’, in Deniz Kandiyoti, ed., Gendering the Middle East. Emerging Perspectives, London and New York: IB Taurus Publishers, pp. 69-84.

Moors, Annelies, 1995, Women, property and Islam. Palestinian experiences, 1920-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Moors, Annelies, 1995, ‘Crossing Boundaries, Telling Stories: Palestinian Women Working in Israel and Poststructuralist Theory’, Orientations 3: 17-36.

Moors, Annelies, 1995, co-editor (with  Toine van Teeffelen, Ilham Abu Ghazaleh and Sharif Kanaana)., Discourse and Palestine: Power, Text and Context. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis 

Moors, Annelies, 1995, ‘Introduction’, in A. Moors, T. van Teeffelen, I. Abu Ghazaleh and S. Kanaana, (eds.), Discourse and Palestine: Power, Text and Context. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. Pp. 1-7 (with co-editors).

Moors, Annelies, 1995, ‘Dealing with the Past, Creating a Presence: Picture Postcards of Palestine,’ in A. Moors, T. van Teeffelen, I. Abu Ghazaleh and S. Kanaana (eds.), Discourse and Palestine: Power, Text and Context. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. Pp. 11-26  (with S. Wachlin).

Moors, Annelies, 1994, ‘Natie, klasse en sekse: een antropologische visie op het werk van Sahar Khalifa’, in R. van Leeuwen en E. de Moor, red., De Arabische roman. Identiteit en sociale werkelijkheid. Muiderberg: Coutinho. Pp. 95-106.

Moors, Annelies, 1994, ‘Women and Dower Property in Twentieth-Century Palestine: The Case of Jabal Nablus’, Islamic Law and Society 1, 3: 301-331 1994 women and dower.pdf

Moors, Annelies, 1991, ‘Gender, Property and Power: Mahr and Marriage in a Palestinian Village’, in Davis, K., M. Leijenaar and J. Oldersma (eds.), The Gender of Power. London: Sage. Pp. 111-129.

Moors, Annelies, 1991, ‘Vrouwen en geld: historische bronnen over de mahr’ in Paul Aarts, red., Geld, goed en godsdienst in het Midden-Oosten. Muiderberg: Coutin­ho. Pp. 101-118.

Moors, Annelies, 1990, ‘Gender Hierarchy in a Palestinian Village: The Case of Al-Balad.’ In K. Glavanis and P. Glavanis, (Eds.), The Rural Midd­le East: Peasant Lives and Modes of Production. London: Zed Press. Pp. 195-210.

Moors, Annelies, 1987, ‘Postcards of Palestine: Inter­preting Images’ (photographic essay), Critique of Anthropo­logy 7, 2: 61-77 (with S. Wachlin).

Moors, Annelies, 1986, ‘Toegang tot bezit. Dorpsvrouwen op de Westelijke Jor­daanoever.’ Antropologische Verkenningen 5, 2: 23-37.