
A position against the partial 'burqa'-ban, does not mean taking a position on the act of face-veiling.

There is overlap and some stuff is outdated

Publications (full text below)

2022, 'Covering the Face: The Complexities of Gendered Racialization in Europe.' Implicit Religion, 23, 4:  337–362. 

2018, ‘Adopting a face-veil, concluding an Islamic marriage: autonomy, agency, and liberal secular rule’,  in Marie-Claire Foblets, Michele Graziadei and Alison Dundes Renteln eds., Personal Autonomy in Plural Societies. A principle and Its Paradoxes. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 127-140.

2014,  Face-veiling in the Netherlands: Public debates and women’s narratives. In Eva Brems, ed., Face-veiling in Europe. Cambridge University Press.

2013, 'Fashion and its discontents. The aesthetics of covering in the Netherlands', in Emma Tarlo and Annelies Moors, eds., Islamic fashion and anti-fashion. New perspectives form Europe and North America. London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomington (with Emma Tarlo). Pp. 241-60.

2013,'Discover the Beauty of Modesty': Islamic fashion online', in Reina Lewis, ed., Modest Fashion: Styling Bodies, Mediating Faith. I.B.Tauris, pp. 17-40.

2012, 'The affective power of the face-veil. Between disgust and fascination', in Birgit Meyer and Dick Houtman, eds., Things: Material Religion and the Topography of Divine Spaces. New York: Fortham University Press, Pp. 282-295.

2011, 'NiqaBitch and Princess Hijab: Niqab activism, satire and street art', Feminist Review 98: 128-135.

2010, ‘Fear of small numbers? Debating face-veiling in the Netherlands’ in Abdoolkarim Vakil and Salman Sayyid, eds., Thinking Through Islamophobia, London: Hurst and New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 157-164.

2009, “The Dutch and the Face Veil: The Politics of Discomfort”, Social Anthropology 17, 4: 392-407 (also in Spanish: 2012, ‘Los holandeses y el velo integral: la politica del malestar’, in Gema Martín Muñoz y Ramón Grosfoguel, eds., La islamofocia a debate. Madrid: Casa Arabe-IEAM, pp.219-245).

2007, ‘Fashionable Muslims: Notions of Self, Religion and Society in San’a’, Fashion Theory 11, 2/3: 319-347.


2009, Gezichtssluiers: Draagsters en Debatten. Report t.b.v. Ministerie van Women, Wijken, en Integratie. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (Report only in Dutch), https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/detail?id=2009D52810&did=2009D52810


Brief popularizing texts

2019, Over de niqaab en hoge hakken, CLOSER blog 21 August 2019 http://religionresearch.org/closer/2019/08/21/over-de-niqaab-en-hoge-hakken/

2011, Minister Donner as Mufti: New Developments in the Dutch 'Burqa Debates' (2011 The Dutch proposed 'burqa' ban.pdf and online https://religionresearch.org/closer/2011/09/21/minister-donner-as-mufti-new-developments-in-the-dutch-burqa-debates/

2007,  ‘“Burka” in Parliament and on the Catwalk’, ISIM-Review 19: 5. 2007 burqa catwalk.pdf

2003, ‘Banning the face-veil: The Boundaries of Liberal Education’, ISIM-Newsletter 13: 16-17  (co-author Linda Herrera)  2003 banning the faceveil.pdf