Ethics and integrity

Moors, Annelies, 2023. 'Commentaar' (sectie Waakzame Wetenschap), in Lukas Verburgt en Jan Willen Duyvendak, Academische vrijheden in Nederland. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 239-243.

Moors, Annelies, 2023,

De Koning, Martijn, Annelies Moors and Aysha Navest. 2020. 'On speaking, remaining silent and being heard: Framing research, positionality and publics in the jihadi field', Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: Meanings, Aesthetics, Appropriations, edited by Christoph Günther and Simone Pfeifer. Edinburgh University Press. Pp. 27-50.

Moors, Annelies, 2019, The trouble with transparency: Reconnecting ethics, integrity, epistemology and power. Ethnography 20, 2.

Linked to the publication above: de Koning, M., Meyer, B., Moors, A., & Pels, P. (2019). Guidelines for anthropological research: Data management, ethics and integrity. Ethnography 20, 2.

Moors, Annelies, 2019, 'No escape: the force of the security frame in academia and beyond', in Nadia Fadil, Martijn de Koning, and Francesco Ragazzi, eds., Narratives of De/Radicalisation. Critical Approaches from Belgium and the Netherlands. Bloomsbury. Pp. 245-259. 

Moors, Annelies and Martijn de Koning, 2018, Jihadisme aan de Amstel? Sociologisch Magazine 2018, 2: 24-6.

Moors, Annelies and Martijn de Koning , 2018, De wetenschap, de NRC en de veiligheidsdiensten, publihsed online May 31, 2018,

Moors, Annelies, 2017, ‘On autoethnography,’ Ethnography 18, 1: 387-389.