The Reverend Rob Sutherland CSC

The Reverend Rob Sutherland CSC and Reverend Angela McNeill and the congregation at St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church at Moggill invite everyone to join us in worship  on the 23rd of February 2025 - the  Seventh Sunday After The Epiphany and Festival of St Matthias, Apostle and Martyr 

The Sentence

Jesus said,’ You did not choose me, but I chose you.  And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, and 

that your fruit should abide.’`      John 15:16

Last Sunday's Reflection from The Venerable Rob Sutherland CSC - 16 February 2025

Dear Friends,

Like all those around us, I hope for and pray for God’s richest blessings for my family and for yours and for our nation and for our world.  At every wedding, I pray God’s richest blessings for the newly married couple.  We assume and usually hope that God’s blessings are wealth and health and success and happiness.  Jesus indeed promises us times of feasting and joy and honour, but these times, he says, will be in heaven.

Much of the Bible and particularly Jesus’s teaching in the Gospels is for people who are not experiencing good times.  It is this that makes the Bible and Jesus journey and teaching relevant for both us and for those around us.

People outside our church just as much as each of us who are members of it have differing views of what a church should be.  It has always been the same.  People tried to tell the prophets and Jesus and then the Apostles what the church should be and what sort of Messiah or Christ or Saviour or God Jesus should be.

Our Old Testament Reading and our Psalm this week speak of us being trees planted beside a river and able to withstand the tough times.  Jesus actions, his healing and his words are to be comfort for those who are struggling through the dark times in this world.

We as a church are called to be a place where we and others can bring our ‘bad times’ and can find that we and our tough situations are welcome.  I hope we will have many times of celebration but fundamentally I hope that we are a place where hugs are given and tears wiped away, a place where we can share with others how much God has done for us.

After he had healed the Gerasene Demoniac

Jesus said to him, “Go home to your own people, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and what mercy he has shown you.”

Grace and peace and hope,


16 Feb 25

This Week at St Michael and All Angels

*Also known as The Eucharist or The Lord's Supper or Lord's Table


(St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church is located adjacent to Moggill State School at 3407 Moggill Road Moggill QLD 4070. Catch the444 Bus to the Moggill terminus. The church is a short walk just past the 'new' Moggill State School. Originally our heritage church building was the original Moggill State School which opened in 1866.)