김영한 교수 이력서 102523.pdf

You can measure your facial masculinity in the following website: www.fwhrmeasuring.com 

Fintech how will it transform financial markets and services 정리.pdf
Fintech how will it transform financial markets and services 세션 번역본.pdf

Associate Professor of Finance, SKKU, Seoul, Korea (9/1/2016~)

Assistant Professor of Finance, SKKU (3/1/2015~8/31/2016)

Assistant Professor of Finance, Nanyang Business School, Singapore (2009~2014)


Ph.D., University of Minnesota (2009)

MBA, University of Minnesota (2003)

BA, Yonsei University (1999)

Email: ayhkim@skku.edu


Address: Room #422, School of Business,

SKKU, Myung-nyun-dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, Korea


행동재무+핀테크, 데이터 사이언스와 헤지펀드, 국제재무관리, 기업가치평가 

Behavioral Finance & FinTech (2017~) - Undergrad, iMBA, EMBA, FMBA, Ph.D.

Data Science & Hedge Fund (2020~) - Undergrad

Intermediate Corporate Finance (2015~20) - Undergrad

Empirical Finance / Accounting (2016~) - MS, Ph.D. 

Research Interests [연구분야]: Aggression, Behavioral Finance, Alternative Data, AI, 공격성향, 행동재무, 비정형 빅데이터와 재무의사결정, 

<Behavioral Finance>

"The Voice of Risk" (with Min Jung KANG)

"The Face of Risk" (with Shinichi Kamiya & Soohyun Park) at European Financial Management

Media & Finance

Impact of Media on CEO Pay (with Jingoo KANG) at Organization Science [테레비전에 내가 나왔으면 정말 좋겠네] 

Self Attribution Bias of the CEO in the Media [잘되면 내 덕, 잘못되면 조상 탓]

"Investor PSY-chology surrounding 'Gangnam Style'",

"CEO Interviews on CNBC"

Tone of CSR Media coverage and donation,

North Korea Risk in British News Media,

<Econ >

Bankers on the Board and Crash Risk,

Bankers on the Board and CEO Turnover,

Bankers on the Board and CEO Pay,

Since I was a commercial banker at BofA, I have emotional attachment to this literature. But these are definitely non-behavioral. These are Econ!!!

British Short Sellers before North Korean Attacks