

Ando et al. (submitted)

査読付き論文 (英文)

Nakahama N., Furuta T., Ando H., Suzuki S., Takayanagi A., Isagi Y. (2020) DNA meta-barcoding revealed that sika deer foraging strategies vary with season in a forest with degraded understory vegetation. Forest Ecology and Management

Ando H., Mukai H., Komura T., Dewi T., Ando M., Isagi Y. (2020) Methodological trends and perspectives of animal dietary studies by noninvasive fecal DNA metabarcoding. Environmental DNA, 2, 391-406.

Sawada, A., Ando, H., Takagi M. (in press) Evaluating the existence and benefit of major histocompatibility complex-based mate choice in an isolated owl population. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33, 762-772.

Matsuzaki, SS., Kohzu, A., Kadoya, T., Watanabe, M., Osawa, T., Fukaya, K., Komatsu, K., Kondo, N., Yamaguchi, H., Ando, H., Shimotori, K., Nakagawa, M., Kizuka, T., Yoshioka, A., Sasai, T., Saigusa, N., Matsushita, B. and Takamura, N. (2019) Role of wetlands in mitigating the tradeoff between crop production and water quality in agricultural landscapes. Ecosphere, 10, e02918.

Ando, H. (2019). Genetic and ecological conservation issues for oceanic island birds, revealed by a combination of the latest molecular techniques and conventional field work. Ecological Research, 34, 225-264.

Ando, H., Fujii, C., Kawanabe, M., Ao, Y., Inoue, T., Takenaka, A. (2018). Evaluation of plant contamination in metabarcoding diet analysis of a herbivore. Scientific Reports, 8, 15563.

Ando, H., Tsuda, Y., Kaneko, S., Kubo, T. (2018). Historical and recent impacts on genetic structure of island rabbit. Journal of Wildlife Management, 82(8), 1658-1667.

Komura, T., Ando, H., Horikoshi, K., Suzuki, H., Isagi, Y. (2018). DNA barcoding reveals seasonal shifts in diet and consumption of deep-sea fishes in wedge-tailed shearwaters. PLOS ONE, 13(4), e0195385.

Ando, H., Sasaki, T., Horikoshi, K., Suzuki, H., Chiba, H., Yamasaki, M., Isagi, Y. (2017). Wide-Ranging Movement and Foraging Strategy of the Critically Endangered Red-Headed Wood Pigeon (Columba janthina nitens): Findings from a Remote Uninhabited Island. Pacific Science, 71(2), 161-170.

Ando, H., Setsuko, S., Horikoshi, K., Suzuki, H., Umehara, S., Yamasaki, M., Hanya, G., Inoue-Murayama, M., Isagi, Y. (2016). Seasonal and inter-island variation in the foraging strategy of the critically endangered Red-headed Wood Pigeon Columba janthina nitens in disturbed island habitats derived from high-throughput sequencing. Ibis, 158, 291-304.

Nakahara, F., Ando, H., Ito, H., Murakami, A., Morimoto, N., Yamasaki, M., Takayanagi, A., Isagi, Y. (2015). The applicability of DNA barcoding for dietary analysis of sika deer. DNA Barcodes, 3, 200-206.

Emura, N., Furuya, W., Ando, H., Deguchi, T. (2015). Monitoring of avifauna to estimate the effect of ecological restoration in mukojima, Bonin Islands. Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, 46, 89-100.

Ando, H., Young, L., Naughton, M., Suzuki, H., Deguchi, T., Isagi, Y. (2014). Predominance of unbalanced gene flow from the western to central North Pacific colonies of the bleck-footed albatross. Pacific Science, 68, 309-319.

Ando, H., Emura, N., Denda, T., Nakahama, N., Inoue-Murayama, M., Isagi, Y. (2014). Development of microsatellite markers for the coastal shrub Scaevola taccada (Goodeniaceae). Applications in Plant Science, 2, 1300094.

Ando, H., Ogawa, H., Kaneko, S., Takano, H., Seki, SI., Suzuki, H., Horikoshi, K., Isagi, Y. (2014). Genetic structure of isolated islands and captive population of the critically endangered Red-headed Wood Pigeon Columba janthina nitens: implication on the management of threatened island populations. Ibis, 156, 154-164.

Kamioki, M., Ando, H., Isagi, Y., Inoue-Murayama, M. (2013). Development of microsatellite markers for the Asian Stubtail Urosphena squameiceps by using next-generation sequencing technology. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5, 1027-1029.

Ando, H., Setsuko, S., Horikoshi, K., Suzuki, H., Umehara, S., Inoue-Murayama, M., Isagi, Y. (2013). Diet analysis by next-generation sequencing indicates the frequent consumption of introduced plants by the critically endangered red-headed wood pigeon (Columba janthina nitens) in oceanic island habitats. Ecology and Evolution, 3, 4057-4069.

Emura, N., Ando, H., Kawakami, K., Isagi, Y. (2013). Genetic and morphological differences among populations of the Japanese Bush-warbler (Aves: Sylviidae) on the Ogasawara Islands, Northern Pacific. Pacific Science, 67, 187-196.

Ando, H., Kaneko, S., Suzuki, H., Horikoshi, K., Takano, H., Ogawa, H., Isagi, Y. (2011). Genetic diversity of the Japanese wood pigeon, Columba janthina, an endemic to islands of East Asia, estimated by newly developed microsatellite markers. Zoological Science, 28, 891-896.

Ando, H., Kaneko, S., Suzuki, H., Horikoshi, K., Chiba, H., Isagi, Y. (2011). Lack of genetic differentiation among subpopulations of the black-footed albatross on the Bonin Islands. Journal of Zoology, 283, 28-36.

査読付き論文 (和文)

安藤温子,栄村奈緒子,出口智広(印刷中)小笠原諸島におけるジュウイチHierococcyx hyperythrusの初記録.日本鳥学会誌

安藤温子,森由香,佐藤望 (2017). 伊豆諸島八丈島と八丈小島におけるカラスバトの島間移動行動. Bird Research, 13, S35-S40.

安藤温子,小川裕子,鈴木創,堀越和夫,中原文子,川上和人,井鷺裕司 (2015). 小笠原諸島におけるカラスバト Columba janthina の亜種間交雑個体の初記録.日本鳥学会誌,64, 261-265.


安藤温子, 小村健人, 向井喜果, 安藤正規, 井鷺裕司(印刷中)DNAメタバーコーディングによる野生動物の食性解析手法.日本生態学会誌 (学術情報特集).

安藤温子, 安藤正規, 井鷺裕司(印刷中)植物食性動物を対象とした食性解析手法.日本生態学会誌 (学術情報特集).

小村健人, 向井喜果, 安藤温子, 井鷺裕司(印刷中)動物食性動物を対象とした食性解析手法.日本生態学会誌 (学術情報特集).

安藤温子, 小村健人, 向井喜果, 安藤正規, 井鷺裕司(印刷中)技術的な課題と適切なデータ解釈の重要性.日本生態学会誌 (学術情報特集).

武田浩平, 風間健太郎, 森口紗千子, 高橋雅雄, 加藤貴大, 長谷川克, 安藤温子, 山本誉士, 小林篤, 岡久雄二, 武田広子, 黒田聖子, 松井晋, 堀江明香 (2018). 絶海の孤島に通い詰めた日々. はじめてのフィールドワーク③日本の鳥編, 東海大学出版部, 217-246.

安藤温子, 成田あゆ, 会田済, 山根靖正, 内田初江, 岩本昌憲, 池野進, 井上智美, 竹中明夫 (2016). 糞のDNAを使って蓮田を利用する水鳥の食物を調べる. ひばり 日本野鳥の会茨城県会報 , 日本野鳥の会茨城県.

安藤温子 (2016). カラスバト.バードリサーチ,生態図鑑,バードリサーチ.

生物・生態系環境研究センター (2016). 平成28年度徳之島アマミノクロウサギ遺伝的多様性分析業務報告書.

小笠原自然文化研究所 (2014). アカガシラカラスバトの採食生態調査(平成26年度北硫黄島アカガシラカラスバト等生息調査報告書). 58-69.

小笠原自然文化研究所 「アホウドリ類遺伝解析調査」 海鳥繁殖状況等調査報告書・2008年3月: 60-92.

安藤温子「三宅島坪田林道におけるカラスバトの観察」 Miyakensis 三宅島自然ふれあいセンター研究報告14: 19-22.