BA. Zweibrücken

These examples show records for the same place: Zweibrücken.  

Bipontiae [Latin]

Deuxponts [French]

Zweibrücken [German]

To get more variations of this place name go to: 

Link to database of Funeral Sermons: Personalschriften

This site will give you the historical form for places in the German Empire.

Use the following procedure: 

1.  Click on Thelo

2. Choose "Registersuche"

3.  In "Suchbegriff" enter the name of the place, such as "Leipzig"  "Berlin"  "Schleswig"

4.  Click on the name of the place that you entered.

The results will give your the various forms of the names as they appear in the Funeral Sermons of the 16th and 17 centuries.

If you have a name of a place that you cannot identify in a record or printed source, you can enter the name and see if it is included in the database.

The map section can be used to find the place on a modern map.