Teaching and supervision
(At Cardiff University)
Lecturing experience:
Fall semester 2024: "Lie algebras".
January 2020-today: coordinator of the Maths Support Service/Gwasanaeth Cymorth Mathemateg.
Fall semester 2022: "Lie algebras".
October+November 2020: tutorials for "Linear algebra I".
PhD supervision experience:
October 2021-present: second supervisor of the PhD thesis of Valerio Bianchi, with Ulrich Pennig as main and Pieter Naaijkens as double second.
October 2020-August 2024: second supervisor of the PhD thesis of Jamal Noel Shafiq, with Simon Wood as main.
October 2020-August 2024: main supervisor of the PhD thesis of Samuel Hannah, with Simon Wood as second.
MSc supervision experience:
Summer 2022-Winter 2022: supervising the MSc projects of Neeru, Samuel Folson Hinostrosa, Guoyi Jia, Roushan Kumar, Yingshan Li and Oliver Thomson.
Summer 2021-Winter 2021: supervising the MSc projects of Heqi Tian and Huiyu Xie.
BSc supervision experience:
Fall 2021-present: supervising the BSc project of Alexandra Mason.
December 2022: Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UKPSF.
(At Universiteit Utrecht)
Lecturing experience:
Fall 2018: "Orientation to Mathematical Research".
Spring 2018: "Introduction to Geometry".
Winter and summer term 2017: Lab Course "Group Theory" (UCSCIMATL3), at University College Utrecht.
Fall semester 2016: "Basic Mathematics: Calculus" (UCSCIMAT11), at University College Utrecht.
Supervision experience:
September 2018-December 2019: co-supervisor of the Master thesis of Francisco Simoes, joint with Stefan Vandoren.
November 2016-June 2020: co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Timo Kluck, joint with Gunther Cornelissen.
November 2018: Dutch Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO).
November 2017-June 2018: course on Teaching in Higher Education, by drs. Elma Zijderveld, successfully completed.
(At Universität Hamburg)
Summer semester 2012: teaching assistant for "Mathematik II für Studierende der Physik" with Priv.Doz. Dr. Ralf Holtkamp (in German).
Winter semester 2011/12: teaching assistant for "Mathematik I für Studierende der Physik" with Priv.Doz. Dr. Ralf Holtkamp (in German).
Summer semester 2011: tutor and corrector for "Mathematik II für Studierende der Physik" with Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebert (in English).
Winter semester 2010/11: tutor and corrector for "Mathematik I für Studierende der Physik" with Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebert (in English).