(At Cardiff University)
Global events:
April 2026: organizing with K. Barron and G. Yamskulna the research workshop "Women in Mathematical Physics 3", ICMS (Scotland, UK).
March 2026: organizing with P. Naaijkens and S. Wood the Mathematical Physics section of the British Mathematical Colloquium, Cardiff University (Cymru, UK).
May 2025: organizing with S. Wood the LMS South West and South Wales Regional Meeting and Workshop 2025, Cardiff University (Cymru, UK).
October 2022-present: organizing with S. Hannah and R. Laugwitz the seminar EQuAL: European Quantum Algebra Lectures (online).
May 2024: organized with Tara Brendle, Ran Levi, Ehud Meir, Simona Paoli and Markus Upmaier a 4-week-program on "Topology, representation theory and higher structures" at the INI-Sabhal Mor Ostaig (Isle of Skye, Scotland).
August 2023: organized with N. Aghaei the 5-day workshop "Women in Mathematical Physics 2" at BIRS (Banff, Canada).
September 2020: organized with N. Aghaei the 2-day online workshop "Women in Mathematical Physics" at BIRS (Banff, Canada).
Local events:
March 2022-present: organizing with K. Strokorb the "TEASER: TEAching and Supervision Exchange Forum".
May 2021-present: organizing with M. Corradini the "Special EDI-tion Colloquium Series".
January 2021-present: organizing with S. Wood and U. Pennig the PhD seminar "CFT and tenuously related topics".
(At Universiteit Utrecht)
Global events:
December 2019: organized with S. Wood the 2-day workshop "Beyond rationality ∞: exploring the many roads to postrational conformal field theory" at the Woudschoten Hotel & Conferentiecentrum (Zeist, The Netherlands).
May 2019: organized with S. Wood the 2-day workshop "Beyond rationality 2: integrability and postrational conformal field theory" at the Woudschoten Hotel & Conferentiecentrum (Zeist, The Netherlands).
September 2018: organized with J. E. Andersen, G. Borot and D. Ridout a 5-day workshop on "Geometric and categorical aspects of CFTs" at Casa Matemática Oaxaca-BIRS (Oaxaca, Mexico).
September 2018: organized with J. van de Leur a mini-workshop on algebraic structures in conformal field theory at Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
April 2018: organized with A. Gainutdinov and M. Mueger a 2-day workshop on "Conformal field theory and categorical structures, beyond rationality" at the Woudschoten Hotel & Conferentiecentrum (Zeist, The Netherlands).
Local events:
Fall 2018-December 2019: organized with Gijs Heuts and Damaris Schindler the Utrecht Geometry Center Seminar.
Summer 2017-December 2019: organized with Stefan Vandoren and Thomas Grimm an interdepartamental Mathematical Physics Seminar.