
JEDI (Justice, Equality/Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) in Mathematics

(At Cardiff University)

... Since March 2023, I am a board member of the Association of Women in Mathematical Physics.

... Since December 2022, I am Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the School of Mathematics in Cardiff University.

... On December 13th, 2022, I gave a talk about JEDI in mathematics, my personal experience and past and future initiatives at the Patreon Seminar of Michael Penn.

... On February 22nd, 2022, I gave a talk for the Cardiff University Women in Mathematics and Computer Science Society reflecting on my personal experience as a female mathematician.

... From January 2022 until December 2022, I was Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. This duty is now contained among my duties as current Director of EDI.

... In January 2022 I joined the DiSTEM group at the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Cardiff University as local representative for the School of Mathematics and core organizer.

... In February 2021, Geraint Palmer, Mathew Pugh and I created a platform for the translation of mathematical basic terms to Welsh which is being continuously improved.

(At Universiteit Utrecht)

- Durante mi estancia en Utrecht, estuve al frente de la Asociación de Estudiantes y Trabajadores Hispanohablantes del Instituto Matemático de la Universidad de Utrecht.

(During my time in Utrecht, I commanded the Spanish-Speaking Students and Staff Association of the Mathematical Institute at Utrecht University.)

- Also in Utrecht, I attended regularly the Westerdijk lunches organized by Damaris Schindler, aimed to support and encourage the younger female generations of mathematicians in our Mathematical Institute through the academic path.


I am a member of:

- The Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK,

.- The London Mathematical Society,

- The AQFTUK (Algebraic QFT in the UK) network, and

- The Heidelberg Laureate Forum and German Scholars Association Alumni Network and the Lindau Alumni Network.


... On February 9th, 2024, I gave a talk and held a Q&A with the students of the CEIP Alfares (Seville, Spain) on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Blog entry here!

... On October 26th, 2021, I gave a talk about "Algebra and Mathematical Physics" at the "Algebra and its Connections" Session in the Catedra Europa (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia).

... On September 10th, 2021, I gave a talk about "Mathematics and Islamic art" for the series "Encuentro Virtual con Matematicos Sobresalientes", organized by Fundapromat (Panama). 

... "The mathematical beauty of snowflakes": an interview with the Communications Department of the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University (hier ook in Nederlands), on December 20th 2018.

... At the Ateneo de Sevilla, I gave a public talk on the role of algebra in theoretical physics on May 24th 2018.

... At the Bulebar (Alameda de Hércules 83, Seville), I gave a public talk on how symmetries help us undertanding the Universe on December 20th 2017 (in Spanish, video available on Youtube).

... At the Colegio de España (Cité Universitaire de Paris) we organized a Science Week April 4th-11th 2016. I was a co-organizer and commanded the Math team. We had a workshop on "existential scientific questions", talks, ateliers for kids (feedback from the Colegio Español Federico García Lorca students here) and more. For more info and some photos have a look at our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! =)

(During the Q&A with the students of the CEIP Alfares, January 2024)

(During my "Atélier Symétries", I Semaine de la Science, April 2016. Photo courtesy of Rosario Domenech)

... Also at the Colegio de España, on June 20th 2016, I gave a talk for all audiences on the role of algebra in the quest for a theory of everything in physics.


- December 2022: at the LMS Early Career Researcher Continuing Professional Development sessions, Session 2: "Applying for grants and fellowships", London Mathematical Society (UK).

- September 2018: at Positive Discrimination: advantages and drawbacks, organized by European Women in Mathematics-The Netherlands (Delft, The Netherlands).

- June 2018: at Research Funding Days, organized by Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands). 


... In April 2022 I got elected as a member of the EPSRC Early Career Forum in Mathematical Sciences. This tenure is for 3 years.

... I review projects for the Comisión de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Astronómicas del Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT) de la República Argentina and also for the European Commission.

... On my Facebook profile, I used to post every morning (with respect to where I was in the world in that moment) an all-math arXiv review. This was only available to Facebook friends, and has been paused since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

... In winter 2016 I participated at the Utrecht University InclUUsion Program, which aims to offer free courses to refugees at Utrecht University. 

... I am a reviewer for zbMATH and Mathematical Reviews.

And besides all that,

... I am a martial artist since I was 16, having trained Aikidô (1st kyu), Karate (Shitô-Ryû and Shotokan), Judô, Kendô, Iaidô, personal defense, Ninjutsu and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. And I love sports in general =)

... I volunteer for Nuestra Escuela Cardiff, and co-organize a conversation group for non-Spanish-speaking parents during classes.

(At the Tenshinkan Dojo, Sevilla, aged 17. Photo courtesy of Toshiaki Higashio Sensei)

... Some press stuff...

... I collaborated with a citizen platform in my hometown providing ideas and suggestions to improve the city's economy, life quality, etc. There's a report online collecting some of them (in Spanish), according to which I am a "Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Hamburg" (?! xD).

... If you want to have a laugh, have a look at my interview with the local newspaper of the city I was born published on July 22nd, 2012 (in Spanish).

... Some "artistic" impression of mine about the Higgs-like detected particle at CERN while attending the 62nd Lindau Nobel Prize Meeting was published at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (13th slide), on July 7th, 2012 (in German).