January 2020-today: Lecturer (assistant professor) at the School of Mathematics of Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales). On maternity leave end February-mid October 2020 and end January-mid November 2023.
June 2018-December 2019: NWO Veni Fellow, Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
August 2017-May 2018: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow, Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford (Oxford, England).
August 2016-July 2017: Junior Lecturer at the Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
October 2015-August 2016: ANR postdoctoral position at CMLS École Polytechnique within the French-German research project SISYPH (programme blanc ANR-13-IS01-0001-01/02, DFG Program DFG No HE 2287/4-1, SE 1114/5-1), with a temporary assignment at Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu–Paris Rive–Gauche (Paris, France).
October 2014-September 2015: postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn, Germany).
October 2011-September 2014: Ph.D. Mathematics, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany). Thesis title: "Matrix factorizations and the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence". Submitted on September 22nd, 2014; defense date: November 12th, 2014.
October 2009-September 2011: M.Sc. Mathematical Physics, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany).
September 2005-July 2009: B.Sc. and M. Sc. Physics ("Llicenciatura"), Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain).
And apart from this...
August-September 2010: I wrote some informal short project at the Emmy Noether Group "Conceptual questions of quantum gravity and mathematical structures in three-dimensional gravity" about “topological matter coupling in BF theories” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Catherine Meusburger and Dr. Winston Fairbairn.
July-September 2008: DESY summer student.
(Full curriculum vitae in pdf available on request!)