
Traffic in Amsterdam can be quite exasperating, the combination of trams, buses and taxis running through small streets makes the streets quite busy. The only advantage is that you can go to any area of town quickly. Since it is assumed that you will not have a car when you are in Amsterdam, there are several transport alternatives in the city:

Trams and Buses

One of the cheapest way to travel by tram and bus is to by a public transportation card (which you can recharge) because single tickets are expensive. Every time you enter or leave a bus or a tram you need to pass the card into a reader, the card will automatically start discounting your credit. Please be aware that you can be fined for travelling without ticket. Information on schedules can be found at During public holidays and other times in the summer apply.


Trains to other cities are regular but are not always punctual. If you travel frequently by train is recommended to buy a reduction card. Dutch trains are called "Nederlandse Spoorwegen" and for more information on schedules, reduction cards and international trains can go to It is important to mention that a return ticket is valid for one day only, which means you have to return the same day!


If you want to use a taxi, which is quite expensive, it is best to call by telephone. The largest company is taking TCA them the following telephone number 6777777. While not wanting to be too negative, it is important to note that you should always check if the correct amount is being given and if the taxi driver is taking the shortest route to your destination.


Obviously the cheapest way to travel is by bicycle, and moreover it is typically Dutch! Did you know that Amsterdam has more bicycles than inhabitants? Most people have an old bike or second hand in town, because bike thieves (junkies) are very common. You can buy a second-hand at a bike shops, or even by checking ads in the supermarkets.

Of course you can buy (at your own risk) from the famous junkies, they sell bicycles ridiculously cheap because these bikes are stolen! If the police come can be arrested for possessing stolen goods.

If you do not want your bike is stolen, the following rule applies: your lock has to be more expensive than your bike! The best locks are simply the most expensive, accepted the advice of the salesman in a bike shop. Use your lock into a firm object like a lamp pole or bar channel. If your bike is stolen, report it to police.

Be aware that travel by bike can be dangerous in a city like Amsterdam, the truth is that many people do not obey traffic rules, keep to the right, as is the safest. The tracks of the trams may also be a hazard, make sure the wheels do not get stuck (you should cross them diagonally). Note that the tram, the ambulance and fire department go first, and more or less the same with taxis (not argue simply let them pass.) If you see white triangles on the asphalt, so-called "haaietanden" (shark teeth) means they have to prioritise. If you feel a little uneasy about bicycling, please try it first in the quiet neighbourhood or in a park.