Who Else Takes Part? Publication

This publication is a companion to a number of artworks, (a list of which can be found towards the end of this book) which have been produced so as to conduct this research project through art. They embody and emphasize aspects of this thesis in various ways. The texts in this book take the form of correspondence with those people who took part in artworks over the course of this three year project, and who have been significant interlocutors in the thinking of this thesis. They are arranged thematically to address conventional aspects of research, such as methodological concerns, ethical considerations, and accounts of specific artworks discussed in relation to theoretical concepts.

At a public vive voce event at the Quaker meeting house in Oxford on 20th November 2015, these correspondents are invited to continue the thinking of these themes and concepts, opening up the thesis again through a process of relating and exchanging.

“Who is missing?” you may ask. “Who else takes part?” While the texts in this publication address only human participants, other texts and artworks which accompany this book give some indication of my attempts to admit the more-than-human into my work in practice, as things. The more-than-human as a concept emerges as a recurrent theme in the following texts.

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SPOPE—WhoElseTakesPart? v.2 online version.pdf