By Leo Tavares

The Prime number 37 plays a central role in the coded mathematics of the Bible. I discovered years ago how the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368) actually forms an exclusive Trapezium of precisely 37 rows of counters. This Trapezium accommodates the 45th Triangle, with 45 being the Standard Hebrew value of "Adam". I will now demonstrate how this Trapezium also points to the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754), the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73) and the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73). I will also demonstrate a powerful alphanumeric code that I have coined "The Solomonic Proof Of God", as well as a powerful code in the introduction to the Olivet discourse (in Luke 21). Further, I will demonstrate a powerful convergence of identities that are tied to the only Trapezium that pairs with Star 73.

The Standard Hebrew value of "Eve" (the Biblical mother of the human family) = 19. I have previously demonstrated how the first 19 Fibonacci numbers are coded with the Standard Greek value of Jesus Christ (and the number 37), which I appropriately coined "The Fibonacci Prime Factorization Code Of Jesus Christ (2368)". This code reveals an amazing fact: The Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 and every 19th Fibonacci number is divisible by 37 (note also that the Golden Ratio, or Phi, is deeply related to the Fibonacci number series itself)


1) 1 = 1
2) 1 = 1
3) 2 = 2
4) 3 = 3
5) 5 = 5
6) 8 = 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 2
7) 13 = 13
8) 21 = 3 Ă— 7
9) 34 = 2 Ă— 17
10) 55 = 5 Ă— 11
11) 89 = 89
12) 144 = 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 3 Ă— 3
13) 233 = 233
14) 377 = 13 Ă— 29
15) 610 = 2 Ă— 5 Ă— 61
16) 987 = 3 Ă— 7 Ă— 47
17) 1597 = 1597
18) 2584 = 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 2 Ă— 17 Ă— 19
19) 4181 = 37 Ă— 113

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

Standard Hebrew "EVE" = 19

Jesus Christ ultimately entered into human history through Eve

Every 19th Fibonacci number (and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number) is a multiple of 37

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888 = 24 Ă— 37
Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480 = 40 Ă— 37

(8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

This takes us to the discovery I mentioned on the exclusive Trapezium of 2368, which I have coined "The God/Man Triangle Of Jesus Christ". There is only one nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium (the trivial case being a single row of 2368). This Trapezium consists of 37 rows and accommodates T45 (Standard Hebrew "Adam" = 45):


Trapezium = 2368 counters

Trapezium = 37 rows

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

This is the ONLY nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium

This Trapezium can only accommodate ONE specific Triangle

This Trapezium accommodates T45

Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45

Jesus Christ is identified as "The Second Adam"
(1 Corinthians 15:45-49)

Sum of ODD numbers from 37 to 45 = 205:

37 + 39 + 41 + 43 + 45 = 205

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

I am now going to demonstrate how this exclusive Trapezium of 2368 is also coded with the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) and the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1. I showed how the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers yields 2368. I realized that there are 19 ODD rows in the Trapezium of 2368. Incredibly, I added up the 19 ODD rows and found that it points back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflections)!


46 + 48 + 50 + 52 + 54 + 56 + 58 + 60 + 62 + 64 + 66 + 68 + 70 + 72 + 74 + 76 + 78 + 80 + 82 = 1216

1216 + 6121 = 7337

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 73 Ă— 37

2701 + 1072 = 3773

The number 19 is a Centered Hexagonal number, which means these numbers can be placed in a Hexagonal form. A Hexagon of 19 counters accommodates a Hexagram of 13 counters. In accordance with this natural geometry of 19, I placed the order of the 19 values derived from the Trapezium of 2368 in the form of a Hexagon. The key to unlocking the Hebrew signature of Jesus Christ here is through the following logical order: The inscribed Hexagram positions (or Star positions) are filled in first and then the remaining Perimeter positions are filled in. I placed the order of the numbers going clockwise (from the center and moving outward). Here is a demonstration with the numbers 1 through 19 as an example (simply follow the numbers):

Hexagons and Hexagrams are naturally related. This logical Hexagon/Hexagram representation of the 19 ODD row numbers in Trapezium 2368 is what led me to uncover a Star form of the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754) within it. I present to you: "The Hexagon Of Jesus Christ (754)"


Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

There is only ONE nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium

This Trapezium consists of 37 rows

This Trapezium consists of 19 ODD rows

The number of counters in the 19 ODD rows forms a coded Hexagon

Sum of numbers making up the Star position = 754

Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 754

Total sum of Hexagon = 1216

1216 + 6121 = 7337

Genesis 1:1 = 73 Ă— 37

I am now going to demonstrate how the 19 ODD rows of Trapezium 2368 also point to the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73). Observe that Genesis 1:1 forms the 73rd Triangle with a semantic/geometric division that yields three Standing Triangles of 666:


Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Genesis 1:1 = T73

T73 accommodates T37, which sections off three Standing Triangles of 666

"In the beginning God created the heavens" =
666 + 666 + 666

"And the earth" = T37

This now takes us to my discovery of "The Trapezoid Code Of Genesis 1:1 (T73)". In the same way that 2368 forms an exclusive Trapezium, the sum of its 19 ODD rows also forms an exclusive Trapezium. Unbelievably, this Trapezium consists of precisely 19 rows and forms the Genesis 1:1 Triangle itself! What's more, it does so through the addition of Trapezium 819 (where 819 = Standard Hebrew "Lord Jesus Christ") and the 666 Triangle!


Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

There is only ONE way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium

This Trapezium consists of 37 rows

This Trapezium consists of 19 ODD rows

The sum of the 19 ODD rows = 1216

There is only ONE way to represent 1216 counters as a Trapezium

This Trapezium consists of 19 rows

The EXCLUSIVE Trapezium of 1216 counters accommodates a Trapezium of 819 counters

Standard Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" (Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 819

The union of Trapezium 1216 and Trapezium 819 forms a Trapezium of 37 rows

This Trapezium of 37 rows accommodates the 666 Triangle

This completes the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73)

T73 embodies three Standing Triangles of 666

Genesis 1:1 = 73 Ă— 37

1216 + 6121 = 7337

Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the saviour of mankind. I showed at the start of this article how the exclusive Trapezium of 2368 accommodates T45, with 45 being the Standard Hebrew value of "Adam". Remarkably, the divisions I just demonstrated in the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) are also coded with the mathematics of Adam/Eve:


Ordinal Hebrew "ADAM" = 18
Ordinal Hebrew "EVE" = 19

18 + 19 = 37

Trapezium of 819 = 18 rows
Trapezium of 1216 = 19 row

18 + 19 = 37

This is the ONLY nontrivial way to represent 1216 as a Trapezium

Trapezium 1216 consists of EXACTLY 64 counters per row

Standard Hebrew "ADAM" + 'EVE" = 64

64 Ă— 37 = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368


King Saul was the very FIRST king of Israel. I will now demonstrate a powerful code I have uncovered in 1 Samuel 24:20, which reveals a powerful PROOF of the identity of the Messiah. Students of the Bible understand that the Messiah would be known as the son of David and that king David himself was a type or foreshadow of Jesus Christ. In 1 Samuel 24:20, the very FIRST king of Israel sought to kill David and failed. Instead, he came face to face with David and was given an alphanumeric vision of the future Messiah of Israel. I present to you: "The Alphanumeric King Of Israel"


King Saul was the FIRST King of Israel

1 Samuel 24:20
"And now, behold, I know well that thou shalt surely be king, and that the kingdom of ISRAEL shall be established in thine hand"

Standard Hebrew "And now, behold" = 541

481 + 60 = 541

Standard Hebrew "ISRAEL" = 541

Standard Hebrew value of underlined portion = 2368

494 + 30 + 90 + 496 + 151 + 36 + 530 + 541 = 2368


Ordinal Hebrew value of "And that the kingdom of ISRAEL shall be established in thine hand" = 205

43 + 27 + 71 + 64 = 205



I showed in 1 Samuel 24:20 how King Saul looked into the eyes of King David and was given an alphanumeric vision of the Messiah (with King David being a Biblical type/foreshadow of the Messiah). I will now demonstrate a 2-step PROOF OF GOD that I have uncovered in 1 Chronicles 22:11, which shows that King David himself was also given an alphanumeric vision of the Messiah when he looked into the eyes of his son (King Solomon) and charged him with the responsibility of building the Temple of the LORD:

STEP 1) The Temple Of Solomon

The CONCATENATION of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (373) forms a geometric "Snowflake"

The New Testament identifies Jesus Christ with the divine title "LOGOS" (or "Word")

Standard Greek "LOGOS" (John 1:1) = 373
Standard Greek "The LOGOS" (John 1:1) = 443

1 Chronicles 22:11
Standard Hebrew "The LORD be with thee; and prosper thou, and build the house of the LORD thy God, as he hath said of thee" = 373rd Prime number (2549)

25 + 26 + 130 + 539 + 468 + 412 + 26 + 66 + 521 + 206 + 130 = 373rd Prime number

1 Chronicles 22:11
Ordinal Hebrew "The LORD be with thee; and prosper thou, and build the house of the LORD thy God, as he hath said of thee = 443

25 + 26 + 40 + 71 + 54 + 34 + 26 + 39 + 53 + 26 + 49 = 443

1 Chronicles 22:11
Standard Hebrew "And prosper thou, and build the house of the LORD thy God, as he hath said of thee" = 2368

539 + 468 + 412 + 26 + 66 + 521 + 206 + 130 = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

The number 373 is a CONCATENATION of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 and 73) and forms a geometric "Snowflake" of 6 equal Hexagons and 7 equal Hexagrams (representing the 6 day creation account and the 7th day of rest). Incredibly, this Snowflake of 373 counters accommodates the precise Hexagon that yields a CUBE of 512 counters, which is the total Ordinal Hebrew value of 1 Chronicles 22:11 (every Hexagon yields a specific CUBE through 3-D projection):

STEP 2) The Cube Of Solomon

Snowflake 373 accommodates Hexagon 169, which yields a 3-dimensional CUBE of 512 counters

The TOTAL Ordinal Hebrew value of 1 Chronicles 22:11 = 512

43 + 26 + 25 + 26 + 40 + 71 + 54 + 34 + 26 + 39 + 53 + 26 + 49 = 512

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

512 = 8 Ă— 8 Ă— 8

FACES of Cube = 64 counters

64 Ă— 37 = 2368

1 Chronicles 22:11
Standard Hebrew "And prosper thou, and build the house of the LORD thy God, as he hath said of thee" = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368


I will now demonstrate a powerful code I have uncovered in the INTRODUCTION to the Olivet discourse in the 21st chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Genesis 1:1, being the INTRODUCTORY verse of the Bible, sets the standard in the science of Biblical Numerics. That is, the phenomenon of opening or introductory statements plays a significant role in the coded mathematics of the Bible. In Luke 21:7, the spirit of God records an apocalyptic question to the Messiah on the Mount of Olives, who then responds in Luke 21:8-36 with what is known as the Olivet discourse. Thus, Luke 21:7 can be seen as an INTRODUCTION to the Olivet discourse. With this in mind, I now present the following 4-step PROOF OF GOD:

STEP 1) The Trapezium (118)

The Ordinal Greek value of "CHRIST" = 118

There is only ONE non-trivial way to represent 118 counters as a Trapezium

We see that 118 forms an EXCLUSIVE Trapezium. The next step I'm about to show here is simply miraculous, as it proves the Ordinal Greek values of "JESUS" (87) and "CHRIST" (118) are geometrically related. What happens if we form a symmetric pairing of Trapezoids, such that the top/bottom rows are equal? Unbelievably, this reveals a perfect geometric split between 87 and 118:

STEP 2) The Name (87/118)

Blue counters = 87
Red counters = 118

"JESUS" (OG) = 87
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

Keep in mind that this symmetric pairing of 87/118 is derived from the ONLY Trapezium of 118. We should now like to know what Triangles are accommodated at both ends of this figure of 87 + 118 = 205 counters:

STEP 3) The Prime Factors (37/73)

"JESUS CHRIST" (OG) = 87 + 118 = 205

The 205 figure (derived from the ONLY Trapezium of 118) accommodates Triangles of T27

1/27 = .037037037 ... to infinity
1/37 = .027027027 ... to infinity

Top Triangle = (3^3 * 7) + (7 * 3^3)
Bottom Triangle = (3^3 * 7) + (7 * 3^3)

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73

The pairing of the 205 figure with two equal Triangles forms a specific square (taking a Diamond shape). The INTRODUCTION to the Olivet discourse is now revealed through a miraculous convergence of identities:

STEP 4) The Olivet Diamond

Luke 21:7 = The INTRODUCTION to the Olivet discourse of Jesus Christ

Luke 21:7 (OG) = 31^2

127 + 9 + 68 + 89 + 63 + 55 + 48 + 60 + 52 + 20 + 28 + 34 + 79 + 48 + 55 + 60 + 66 = 31 * 31

The abbreviated Hebrew form of Elohim (or "God") = "EL"
"EL" (SH) = 31

The 205 figure accommodates two equal Triangles to form 31^2:
205 + (T27 + T27) = 31 * 31

Luke 21:7
"But when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?"

The Ordinal Greek value of this passage = 605

55 + 48 + 60 + 52 + 20 + 28 + 34 + 79 + 48 + 55 + 60 + 66 = 605

John 1:1 (OG) = 605

John 1:1 (SG) = (31 + 31 + 31) * (13 + 13 + 13)

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

298 - (31 + 31 + 31) = 205 = "JESUS CHRIST" (OG)
298 + (31 + 31 + 31) = 391 = "JESUS" (SH)

298 + 31^2 = The 205th Prime number

"JESUS CHRIST" (SG) = 2368

2368 + 205th Prime number = John 1:1 (SG)
2368 + 1259 = 3627

Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ created the universe


I will now demonstrate a miraculous array of new findings I have uncovered that converge into what can only be called a PROOF OF GOD (through the universal language of mathematics/geometry). We begin with the following geometric symmetry I formulated and submitted to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS):

This "Triune symmetry" represents the geometric union of the first two Polygonal sequences (Triangles and Squares). Remarkably, when I formulated this logical series, I immediately noticed that the term derived from the union of the 8th Square and the 7th Triangle points to a natural split in the Ordinal Greek signature of Jesus Christ (87/118):

Diamond = 8^2 and Triangles = T7

Total figure = 118 counters

"JESUS" (OG) = 87
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

Observe how this geometric signature of Jesus Christ is precisely accommodated by T21 (i.e. the "I AM" Triangle). Observe also how this Triangle yields the Standard Hebrew signature of "Christ" (363) through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror symmetry:

T21 accommodates the 118 figure

"I AM" (OH) = 3*7 = 21
"I AM" (SH) = 7*3 = 21


T21 = 231 and 231 + 132 = 363

"CHRIST" (SH) = 363

"I AM THAT I AM" (SH) = 543

543 + 345 = 888

"JESUS" (SG) = 888

We now turn to a miraculous find I previously demonstrated, whereby the Standard Greek signature of "Christ" (1480) forms a Trapezium of 37 counters and pairs with the "I AM" Triangle (T21) to form the 58th Triangle:

Red Triangle = T21 = 231 counters
Blue Trapezium = 37 rows = 1480 counters

231 + 1480 = T58

"JESUS" (OH) = 58 and "CHRIST" (OH) = 57
"JESUS" (SH) = 391 and "CHRIST" (SH) = 363


57 + (58 + 58 + 58) = 231
391 + (363 + 363 + 363) = 1480

I trust you can see now where I'm going here. The 58th Triangle is nothing short of a miraculous convergence of the key numerical signatures of Jesus Christ. What's more, I show here how the divine encoder is aware of the exact placement of Prime/Composite numbers (i.e. the two most fundamental families of numbers in all of mathematics):

Top Triangle = T21 = 231 counters

T231 = P(754) + P(2368)

T231 = 5737 + 21059

"JESUS CHRIST" (SG) = 2368

T21 accommodates the 118 figure
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

Trapezium = 37 rows = 1480 counters
"CHRIST" (SG) = 1480

T21 + 1480 = T58
"JESUS" (OH) = 58

The sum of the 37th to 58th COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 1480:

54 + 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + 60 + 62 + 63 + 64 + 65 + 66 + 68 + 69 + 70 + 72 + 74 + 75 + 76 + 77 + 78 + 80 + 81 = 1480


T58 = 231 + 1480 = 1711 counters

"CHRIST" (OH) = 57
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118
"CHRIST" (SH) = 363
"CHRIST" (SG) = 1480

The 1711th COMPOSITE NUMBER = 57 + 118 + 363 + 1480

The 1711th COMPOSITE NUMBER = The CHRIST Tetra-Set

T21 = 231 counters
The 231st COMPOSITE NUMBER = 294


The following is another geometric series I formulated and submitted to the OEIS. I call these "Square Traps", since each term is itself a Square number. In fact, each term corresponds with every 4th Square number and each term accommodates a specific Hexagram:

Observe how the ONLY Trapezium that accommodates the Hexagon/Hexagram pair of 37/73 (i.e. the mirrored Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1) pairs with 21 counters. Note also that 73 itself is the 21st Prime:

Red counters = The ONLY Trapezium that accommodates the Hexagon/Hexagram pair of 37/73

This Trapezium accommodates a Triangle of precisely 21 counters

"I AM" (OH) = 21
"I AM" (SH) = 21

The 21st PRIME NUMBER = 73

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73
Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73

"I AM HE" (OH) = 37
"I AM HE" (SH) = 73

This now takes us to my previous find in T37, whereby its "Triangulated Star" reveals the Ordinal Hebrew signature of Jesus Christ (115):

The "Triangulated Star" of T37 sections off three sets of 115 counters (the red counters)


"Triangulated Star" = 358 counters (the blue counters)

"MESSIAH" (SH) = 358

This ties our key Trapezium here with the natural geometry of T37 (and the alphanumeric signature of 115), since the precise Star accommodated by T37 is the ONLY Star that pairs with it:

The "Triangulated Star" of T37 sections off three sets of 115 counters


"Triangulated Star" = 358 counters

"MESSIAH" (SH) = 358

Green counters = The ONLY Trapezium that pairs with the Hexagon/Hexagram pair of 37/73

The following is now the ONLY Trapezium that will accommodate a Triple set of this important Trapezium (note that the base = 19 + 19 + 19 = 57):

This is the ONLY Trapezium that accommodates a TRIPLET of the Trapezium that accommodates Star 73

The BASE of this Trapezium = 19 + 19 + 19 = 57 counters

"CHRIST" (OH) = 57

What follows now is truly miraculous. Are you still an avowed skeptic? You can muster up whatever skepticism you have left and it will not stand against the geometric convergence of Biblical Numerics:


"JESUS" (OH) = 58

This geometric union = T58 + (13^2 * 9) + (T12 * 6) = 3700 total counters

T58 + (73 * 9) = 2368 counters
58 + (37 * 9) = 391

"JESUS CHRIST" (SG) = 2368
"JESUS" (SH) = 391

Keep in mind that T58 is the very Triangle we saw that yields the Ordinal/Standard Greek union of "Christ" (118/1480), not to mention all the other alphanumeric encoding I showed. With all this in mind, we will now count the Perimeter of the Triple Trapeziums (i.e. three united sets of the Trapezium that pairs with Star 73):

Red Perimeter counters = 144
Blue Interior counters = 121 + 121 + 121 = 363

"CHRIST" (SH) = 363

The BASE of the Triple Trapeziums = 19 + 19 + 19 = 57 counters

"CHRIST" (OH) = 57

We see how this further reveals the alphanumeric signature of the divine encoder. Logically, this too pairs with T58:


"JESUS" (OH) = 58

Red counters = 144 + 144 + 144
Blue counters = 363 + 363 + 363

"CHRIST" (SH) = 363

We now come to the Grand Finale of this geometric convergence. Amazingly, all this geometric encoding relating to T58 is ITSELF tied to T115 (since T115 accommodates T58). Therefore, we have the following perfection:

T115 accommodates an inverted Triangle of T58

The geometric convergence between T58 and the Trapezium that pairs with Star 73 is ITSELF accommodated by the 115th Triangle

"JESUS CHRIST" (OH) = 58 + 57
"JESUS CHRIST" (SH) = 391 + 363

T58 + (T57 + T57 + T57) = T115
391 + (363 + 363 + 363) = 1480

"CHRIST" (SG) = 1480

Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ created the universe


I discovered years ago how the product of the 115th Prime number and 37 (where 115 = The Ordinal Hebrew numerical weight of "Jesus Christ") yields the 37th Polygon with 37 sides (i.e. the 37th 37-gonal number). This was the first great find in the higher order Polygons and is a testament to the infinite mind of God, who sees the entire infinite family of numbers simultaneously. Over the years, I did a further analysis into this divine encoding in the higher order Polygons and found an amazing convergence between the natural semantic division of Jesus/Christ that is simply miraculous:

T58 = 1711 counters

"JESUS" (OH) = 58
"JESUS" (SG) = 888

The 58th 888-gonal number = T1711

T58 = 1711 and accommodates a Hexagon of 1141 counters

"JESUS" (OG) = 87 and "CHRIST" (OG) = 118
"JESUS" (SH) = 391 and "CHRIST" (SH) = 363

1711 * (7^3) = The 118th 87-gonal number
1141 * (7^3) = 391363

We see clearly how the geometry of T58 and its natural Hexagon points to the natural semantic division of Jesus/Christ. I also found a self-referencing semantic division between Jesus/Christ within the very formula that yields the 118-gonal numbers:

"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

Formula for 118-gonal numbers:
n*(58*n - 57)

"JESUS" (OH) = 58 and "CHRIST" (OH) = 57

This now leads to my discovery of the 3-D Christ Cube, whereby the 57th term in this Polygonal sequence gives the 57th Cube (further uniting the Ordinal Hebrew/Greek signatures of "Christ"):

"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

118-gonal numbers = n*(58*n - 57)

"JESUS" (OH) = 58
"CHRIST" (OH) = 57 

The 57th 118-gonal number = The 57th Cube

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2025, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares