By Leo Tavares

All of creation is simultaneously visible to God, as the Creator of the microscopic world is the same Creator of the vast immensity of the universe. In the realm of mathematics, the larger-scale numbers would not appear any more distant to the mind of God than the more "humble" numbers. I will show how the coded geometry in Genesis 1:1 is further corroborated with large-scale geometry. I call this powerful union between the geometry of Genesis 1:1 and large-scale geometry "Super-Gematria".

Genesis 1:1, which is the first verse of the Bible, introduces the Biblical creation account as follows:

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the number 37 and the phenomenon of mirror reflections. In fact, the only way to represent the Standard numerical value of Genesis 1:1 as a product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1) is with the mirrored Primes 37 and 73:


913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 2701

       2701 = 37 × 73

     2701 + 1072 = 3773

The large-scale geometric union between the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1 can be clearly seen in my discovery of "The Genegon": The 73rd multiple of Standard Genesis 1:1 yields the 37th 298-gonal number!


Standard Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = T73

   Ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 298

 2701 × 73 = The 37th 298-gonal number

The Standard value of Genesis 1:1 forms the 73rd Triangle and its semantic structure remarkably corresponds with the natural geometric segmentation of T73:


Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Genesis 1:1 = T73

Standard Hebrew "In the beginning God created the heavens" =
666 + 666 + 666

666 + 666 + 666

Standard Hebrew "And the earth" = T37


The Standard numerical value of Genesis 1:1 = T73 = 2701. I did an analysis on the 2701st Triangle and found that it points to the same semantic/geometric logic seen within T73. I present to you: "The Super Triangle Of Genesis 1:1 (T2701)"


Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Standard Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = T73

Standard Hebrew "In the beginning God created the heavens" =

Ordinal Hebrew "In the beginning God created the heavens" = 225

T2701 accommodates T1351

THREE STANDING TRIANGLES in T2701 = 225 × 1351

Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 (the key "Creation Verses" of the Bible) are easily the most important verses in Biblical Numerics. The Standard Greek value of "WORD" (or "LOGOS") = The concatenation of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (373). Observe that John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions with THREE instances of "LOGOS" (one in each division):

John 1:1

1) "In the beginning was the LOGOS (373)"
2) "And the LOGOS (373) was with God"
3) "And the LOGOS (373) was God"

The Standard Greek value of John 1:1 = 3627 while its Ordinal Greek value = 605. I did an analysis on the 3627th Triangle and found that it yields a TRIPLE SET of the 605th Centered Hexagon through natural segmentations of Triangles/Hexagons (the two fundamental geometric templates of Biblical Numerics)! What's more, I found that the PERIMETER (or border) of this very Triangle, and ONLY this Triangle, yields the same counter sum as the precise Triangle that embodies THREE STANDING TRIANGLES of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73)! I present to you: "The Super Triangle Of John 1:1 (T3627)"


John 1:1 is coded with a TRIPLE semantic division

John 1:1 consists of THREE instances of "LOGOS" (one in each division)

Standard Greek "LOGOS" = 373
Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

STANDARD Greek John 1:1 = 3627
ORDINAL Greek John 1:1 = 605

T3627 accommodates an Inverted Triangle that sections off THREE Hexagons

These THREE Hexagons = The 605th Hexagon

605th + 605th + 605th

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

The PERIMETER of this total Triangle = 294 × 37

Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73

The precise Triangle that embodies THREE STANDING TRIANGLES of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle yields a total sum of 294 × 37

As I just showed, the PERIMETER of the 3627th Triangle points directly to Genesis 1:1, the numerical signature of Jesus Christ and even the "LOGOS" number of 373. This can be seen in my previous discovery of "The Logos Triangle Of 294 × 37":


Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73
Standard John 1:1 = 3627

Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

T3627 = The ONLY Triangle with a Perimeter sum of 294 × 37

294 × 37 = T147

Ordinal Greek "THE NAME OF THE LORD" (Romans 10:13) = 147

294 × 37 = The precise Triangle that embodies THREE STANDING GENESIS 1:1 TRIANGLES: 

T73 + T73 + T73

John 1:1 is coded with a TRIPLE semantic division

John 1:1 consists of THREE instances of "LOGOS" (one in each division)

This Triangle accommodates an Inverted Triangle of T74

74th PRIME NUMBER = 373
Standard Greek "LOGOS" = 373

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

T74 + 373 = 2701st COMPOSITE NUMBER


Biblical prayer traditionally ends with an affirming "AMEN", which has a Standard Greek value of 99. In fact, the very last word of the Bible, and therefore the final divinely inspired word, is "AMEN". I did an analysis on the 99th Triangle and found that it is deeply tied to what I already showed in the Triangle formed through three sets of T73 and in T3627. The divine unity I have uncovered between these three Triangles is absolutely mind-blowing. I present to you: "The Amen Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T99)"


Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

Standard Greek "AMEN" = 99

T99 has a PERIMETER of 294 counters

T99 is the ONLY Triangle with a PERIMETER of 294 counters

T99 accommodates an Inverted Triangle of 1275 counters

Standard Greek "In the beginning was the LOGOS" (John 1:1) = 1275

Standard Greek of total John 1:1 = 3627

294 × 37 = The PERIMETER of T3627

T3627 is the ONLY Triangle with a PERIMETER of 294 × 37

Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73

294 × 37 = The precise Triangle that embodies THREE STANDING GENESIS 1:1 TRIANGLES:

T73 + T73 + T73

294 + 99 = 393

Standard Greek John 1:1 = 39 × 93
CONCATENATION of 39 and 93 = 393

Ordinal Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 144

Each of the THREE STANDING TRIANGLES in T99 have a PERIMETER of 144 (these are the ONLY Triangles with a PERIMETER of 144):

144 - 144 - 144

John 1:1 is coded with a TRIPLE semantic division


T99 - (441 + 441 + 441) = 3627

Standard Greek John 1:1 = 3627


I discovered years ago that the 37th multiple of Ordinal Genesis 1:1 (298 × 37) forms a specific Triangle (T148) and points right back to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (through the same Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror reflection). I will now demonstrate in the next three graphic displays a powerful convergence I have uncovered in this miraculous Triangle (uniting the alphanumeric encoding of Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, the key Messianic prophecy of Psalm 2:7 and the numerical signature of the divine encoder).

T148 accommodates the 50th Centered Hexagon and this Hexagon accommodates two joined squares of 50². The outline (or "Frame") of this figure forms what I have coined "Twin Square Frames" and have formulated as 8n + 7 (note that the Ordinal Greek value of "JESUS" = 87). Incredibly, T148 accommodates a "Twin Square Frame" of precisely 391 counters, which is the Standard Hebrew value of "JESUS" (Yehoshua):


Ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 298

298 × 37 = 11026 = T148

11026 + 62011 = 73037

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 73 × 37
2701 + 1072 = 3773

The PERIMETER of T148 = 3 × 7 × 7 × 3

Standard Hebrew "PASSOVER" = 148

T148 accommodates two joined squares of 50² (joined at a center counter)

This figure yields a "Twin Square Frame" (the blue lines) of precisely 391 counters

Standard Hebrew "JESUS" = 391
Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480

Jesus Christ is our Passover lamb

T148 also accommodates two joined Triangles of T50, which sections off two equal squares of 49² within its naturally accomodated Hexagon (i.e. the 50th Hexagon). I have coined these figures "Hourglass numbers" and have formulated them as n+(n+1)^2. Unbelievably, I found that the very Hourglass figure accomodated by the T148 Hexagon forms the 373rd Prime number (and that this is even tied to the first semantic division of John 1:1):


John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word"

Standard Greek value of this phrase = T50

Standard Greek "WORD" = 373

Two joined Triangles of T50 (joined at a center counter) = Precisely 2549 counters

2549 = The 373rd Prime number

This is the precise Hourglass figure accomodated by T148

This sections off two equal squares of 49² and two equal Triangles of T49 beside them

This forms two joined figures of 3627 counters (joined at a center counter):

Left figure = T49 + 49² + 1 = 3627
Right figure = T49 + 49² + 1 = 3627

Total Standard value of John 1:1 = 3627

These joined figures of 3627 now give us precisely 3773 remaining counters within T148:

T49 + (T50 - 1) + (T50 - 1) = 3773

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

The PERIMETERS of each of the three T49 Triangles (surrounding the natural Hexagon) = 144 counters

The PERIMETER of the natural Hexagon = 294 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 144
Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294

I checked to see which Hourglass figure is accomodated by T37 (i.e. the precise Triangle accommodated by the Genesis 1:1 Triangle) and then paired it with the Hourglass figure derived from the 373rd Prime (and accomodated by the 298 × 37 = T148 Triangle). This now reveals the Standard Greek value of JESUS CHRIST and an alphanumeric code that is tied to the semantic structure of a key Messianic prophecy (in Psalm 2:7):


Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73
T73 accommodates T37

T37 accomodates two joined Triangles of T13 (joined at a center counter), which yields 181 counters

Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73
Prime Factors of John 1:1 = (3 × 13) × (31 × 3)

The Hourglass 181 figure (accomodated by T37) sections off two equal Trapeziums of 37 rows and 1184 counters within the Hourglass derived from the 373rd Prime

373rd Prime number = 2549

2549 - 181 = (1184 + 1184) = 2368

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368


Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me"

Ordinal Hebrew value of this phrase = 181

58 + 13 + 27 + 26 + 34 + 23 = 181

Total Ordinal Hebrew value of Psalm 2:7 = 363

58 + 13 + 27 + 26 + 34 + 23 + 26 + 28 + 25 + 34 + 69 = 363

Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" (HaMashiac) = 363

Psalm 2:7
"The decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee"

Standard Hebrew value of this phrase = 1480

108 + 26 + 241 + 41 + 62 + 406 + 61 + 61 + 474 = 1480

Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480


I will now demonstrate a "Super-Logos Proof" that I have uncovered, which involves three perfectly self-referencing displays. We begin with the 58th Triangle, whereby the PERIMETER of this Triangle reveals the alphanumeric identity of the first semantic division in John 1:1 (i.e. the alphanumeric home of the Logos code):


The PERIMETER of T58 = 171 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS" (Yehoshua) = 58

John 1:1
"In the beginning was the WORD"

The Ordinal Greek value of this divine statement = 171


The 58th Prime number = 271

271 + 172 = 443

Standard Greek "THE WORD" = 443

We see how the PERIMETER of the 58th Triangle yields the first semantic division of John 1:1. The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus" (Yehoshua) = 391. Given the fact that the Ordinal Hebrew value of this very same Hebrew name is 58, and the fact that 171 is itself a Triangular number (the 18th, to be exact), I wondered what would happen if I separated the Triangle of 171 counters from the 391st Triangle. Are you ready to be amazed? Behold:


Total Triangle = T391
Standard Hebrew "JESUS" (Yehoshua) = 391

John 1:1
"In the beginning was the WORD"

Ordinal Greek value = 171

The top Triangle = 171 counters

This reveals a Trapezium of precisely 373 rows of counters

Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

This Trapezium has an EXACT average of 205 counters per row

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

Standard Greek "In the beginning was the WORD" = 1275
1275 + 205 = 1480

Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480


John 1:1 is the alphanumeric home of the Logos code
Standard Greek John 1:1 = 3627

The MIRROR SUM of the John 1:1 MIRROR SUM yields the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew product of "CHRIST" (HaMashiac):

3627 + 7263 = 10890
10890 + 09801 = 363*57

Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" = 363
Ordinal Hebrew "CHRIST" = 57

We saw how the PERIMETER of T58 was the key to unlocking this Super-Logos code. Therefore, I applied the same logic to the 205th SQUARE, which leads to even further perfection:


The PERIMETER of the 205th SQUARE = 816 counters

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

John 1:1
"And the WORD was God"

Standard Greek value of this divine statement (the last semantic division of John 1:1) = 816


37^2 - (205 + 205 + 205) = 754

Standard Hebrew "I AM" = 21
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754

585858/37 = 21*754
21754/73 = 298

Ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 298

Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ created the universe


I will now present a powerful Standard/Ordinal union I have uncovered between the key OT/NT verses of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 and Isaiah 48:12 (forming a miraculous convergence that points back to the Genesis 1:1 Triangle). This 5-step display, which I call "The John-esis 1:1 Code", begins with the first semantic division of John 1:1 as the alphanumeric/geometric seed.

The Ordinal Greek value of the first semantic division in John 1:1 = 171 and this forms the 18th Triangle (T18). Incredibly, I found that if we keep surrounding this Triangle with counters until a perfect Centered Hexagon is formed, precisely 298 counters are required in the process. Thus, this perfectly unites Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 in their respective Ordinal numerations:

STEP 1) The John-esis 1:1 Hexagon

John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word"

Ordinal Greek value = 171 = T18

Precisely 298 counters are required to surround this Triangle and form a perfect Centered Hexagon of equal sides

Ordinal Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 298

Total Hexagon = 171 + 298 = 469
469th Prime number = 3329

298 + 469th Prime = 3627

Total Standard Greek value of John 1:1 = 3627

This is not just any old Hexagon that is formed through the geometric union of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. As a matter of fact, it is the precise Hexagon that is accommodated by the 37th Triangle:

STEP 2) The John-esis 1:1 Triangle

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73
"In the beginning God created the heavens" (SH) = 1998
"And the earth" (SH) = T37

T73 accommodates T37, which sections off 1998 counters

The 469 Hexagon is precisely accommodated by T37

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 2701 = 37 * 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

PALINDROMES = Numbers that yield the same value when reversed

The 469th PALINDROME = 37073

John 1:1 consists of three semantic divisions. Incredibly, the 469 Hexagon itself accommodates three joined Triangles that yield the central semantic division of John 1:1 in its Ordinal numeration:

STEP 3) The John-esis 1:1 Trinity

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions:

"In the beginning was the Word"
"And the Word was with God"
"And the Word was God"

The 469 Hexagon, which unites Genesis 1:1/John 1:1, accommodates THREE joined Triangles of 271 total counters (the green counters)

The Ordinal Greek value of the CENTRAL semantic division in John 1:1 ("And the Word was with God") = 271

271 + 172 = 443
"THE WORD" (SG) = 443

The divine encoder seals his work with his alphanumeric signature:

STEP 4) The John-esis 1:1 Signature

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS" (Yehoshua) = 58
Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" (HaMashiac) = 363

The 469 Hexagon accommodates three joined Triangles of 271 counters, which is the 58th Prime number

The OUTLINE of these three joined Triangles sections off precisely 363 counters (the red counters)

We now come to the culmination of this divine convergence, which began with the first semantic division of John 1:1 and unites the alphanumeric identities of Genesis 1:1, John 1:1 and Isaiah 48:12 (forming a Standing miracle that points back to the foundational Genesis 1:1 Triangle):

STEP 5) The John-esis 1:1 Convergence

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73

T73 accommodates T37, which sections off 1098 Hexagonal counters (the green Trapeziums)

T37 accommodates the 469 Hexagon that unites Genesis 1:1/John 1:1

Isaiah 48:12
"Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I AM HE; I am the first, I also am the last"

Ordinal Hebrew Isaiah 48:12 = 469
50 + 23 + 47 + 70 + 63 + 25 + 12 + 25 + 62 + 18 + 25 + 49 = 469

"I am he; I am the first, I also am the last" (SH) = 1098
61 + 12 + 61 + 557 + 81 + 61 + 265 = 1098

"I am he; I am the first, I also am the last" (OH) = 216
25 + 12 + 25 + 62 + 18 + 25 + 49 = 216

The Triple Trapeziums = 1098 counters
The Perimeter of T73 itself = 216 counters

"I AM HE" (OH) = 37
"I AM HE" (SH) = 73

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73


The following is another John 1:1 code that I have uncovered. This powerful confirmation of John 1:1 encoding is hidden within the semantic structure of John 1:1 and the Triangle indexed to the Ordinal Greek signature of John 1:1 (i.e. T605).

The Ordinal Greek value of John 1:1 = 605 and the Standard Greek value of the first semantic division in John 1:1 = T50. Therefore, we have the following miraculous perfection:


John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word" (SG) = 1275 = T50

John 1:1 (OG) = 605

T605 - T50 = 205 * 888

"JESUS" (SG) = 888

"CHRIST" (SG) = 1480
T50 + 205 = 1480

Add up the three values highlighted on this Triangle and observe the miraculous:

T50 + 205 + 888 = 2368
"JESUS CHRIST" (SG) = 2368


The 205th PRIME = 1259
2368 + P(205) = John 1:1 (SG) = 3627


John 1:1 reveals the divine identity behind Genesis 1:1 (in Jesus Christ) and consists of three semantic divisions. Remarkably, I found that the Standard numerical value of John 1:1 can also be represented as a "Triune" geometric figure:

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions:

1) "In the beginning was the Word"
2) "And the Word was with God"
3) "And the Word was God"

John 1:1 (SG) = 3627

(38^2)*2 + T38 - 2 = 3627

This "Triune" geometric figure I just showed actually serves as a PROOF OF GOD. Why do I say that? Two reasons: 1) It pairs with the familiar Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle (i.e. T112) and 2) It perfectly divides the natural semantic division of Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73
John 1:1 (SG) = 3627

T73 + 3627 = T112


T112 accommodates the John 1:1 figure

This perfectly splits the semantic division of Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (SH) = 666 + 666 + 666

"And the earth" (SH) = 703

The 3627 figure also points to the numerical signature of the divine encoder through the very SAME geometry:


(9^2)*2 + T9 - 2 = 205

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73

205 + (P37 + P73) = 9*9*9
205 + (157 + 367) = 9*9*9

"JESUS" (OH) = 58
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

3627 - 205 = (58 * 118) / 2

I showed how the SAME geometric pattern that yields John 1:1 (3627) also yields the Ordinal Greek signature of "Jesus Christ" (205). I also found that this geometric signature of the divine encoder is itself encoded with the Ordinal Hebrew signature of "Jesus Christ" (Yehoshua HaMashiac):


205 - (T9 + T9) = 115

The Ordinal Hebrew value of Genesis 1:1 can be represented as THREE joined Squares of (10^2)*3 - 2. The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus" (Yehoshua) = 58 and the ONLY way to represent 58 as the sum of two Squares = 3^2 + 7^2 (note the 3/7). This now leads to my next find, whereby a TRIPLE representation of 58 (as 3^2 + 7^2) pairs with the TRIUNE figure of Genesis 1:1 (with Genesis 1:1 itself being rooted in the Prime number 37):

The ONLY way to represent 58 as the sum of two Squares = 3^2 + 7^2

"JESUS" (OH) = 58 = 3^2 + 7^2

TRIUNE figure = 298 counters

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298

TRIUNE figure of 298 accommodates TRIPLE figures of 58 (when represented as 3^2 + 7^2)

This sections off remaining Rectangles with sides of 3 * 7

The following is now a mind-boggling convergence I have uncovered between the Ordinal Hebrew values of Jesus/Christ (58/57) and the Ordinal Greek values of Jesus/Christ (87/118):

"JESUS" (OH) = 58
"CHRIST" (OH) = 57

Total Triangular union = THREE sides

Each of the THREE sides = T58 + T58 + T58

The THREE empty Triangles = T57 + T57 + T57

"JESUS" (OG) = 87
"CHRIST" (OG) = 118

Red Triangles = (T58 * 6) = 87 * 118

The following is yet another geometric union I have uncovered, which again reveals the natural division within the name of the divine encoder:

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73

"JESUS" (OG) = 87

205 * 73 = The 87th Centered Square

Observe how the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37/73) form the 4th Hexagon/Hexagram pair:

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73

The 4th Hexagon/Hexagram pair = 37/73

This now leads to the following discovery I made, which is nothing short of miraculous. Every Polygonal series begins with the number 1. Thus, we have the following perfection, whereby the 4th term in the 3627-gonal series reveals the Genesis 1:1 values of 298 and 73 (thereby further uniting the alphanumeric signatures of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1):

The 4th Hexagon/Hexagram pair = 37/73

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 37 * 73 = T73

The 4th 3627-gonal figure = 298 * 73 counters

3627-gonal formula:
n*(3625*n - 3623)/2

4*(3625*4 - 3623)/2 = 298 * 73

Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298
John 1:1 (SG) = 3627

Jesus Christ created the universe

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares