By Leo Tavares
Why did God introduce his divine revelation in Hebrew? We know that the open text of the Bible is filled with patterns of numbers (such as the repeated occurrence of the symbolic number 7). It is as if the God of the Bible is a God of numbers. In fact, given Theism, the God of creation would most certainly have to be a God of numbers, as the universe itself is deeply rooted in mathematics. I will demonstrate here how the atomic structure of the universe is remarkably tied to the alphanumerics of the Hebrew alphabet. This will ultimately establish the divine origin of the 22 original alphabetic ciphers.
The languages through which the Bible was revealed (Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament) are alphanumeric languages, which means every letter in their alphabet is also a number. It follows that by adding the letter values in a given Hebrew/Greek word of the Bible, a distinct numerical value is revealed. This alphanumeric system is not some modern invention. Rather, it is an ancient system that was applied to both Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek.
There are two primary methods of assigning numerical values to the letters in the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets: The Standard method and the Ordinal method
Here are the STANDARD values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
Here are the ORDINAL values of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet:
The integrated codes between Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphanumerics represent a naturally related system. This is an undeniable fact, as they represent the two alphanumeric languages through which the Bible itself was revealed (Hebrew in the OT and Greek in the NT). I have formulated a simple analogy to represent this natural relationship between Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphanumerics by looking at the natural relationship between Prime/Composite numbers. I call this analogy "The Prime/Composite Nature Of The Hebrew/Greek Bible"
• Prime numbers represent the numerical "building blocks" of Composite numbers
• The Hebrew Old Testament represents the historical/theological/alphanumeric "building blocks" of the Greek New Testament
Conclusion: In the same way that Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related, Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphanumerics is naturally related
Genesis 1:1, being the very opening of the Biblical epic (and the introduction to Biblical creation), represents the foundation of Biblical Numerics. My research has repeatedly demonstrated how the coded mathematics of the Bible points back to the unique Prime Factors of this key verse.
Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
Standard Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773
We see that the unique Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 forms a perfect mirror symmetry (37 and 73). This is the only way to represent Genesis 1:1 as the product of two numbers (besides 2701 × 1). We see also that when Genesis 1:1 is added to its mirror reflection, it reveals its mirrored Prime Factors again. In fact, the value of Genesis 1:1 (2701) is the first and only number (out of the first 10,000 that have been checked) where when we sum a number with its reflection, it yields the Prime Factors of that number.
The Bible was originally revealed to the Jews, who have an ancient tradition that states God created the universe through the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Biblical creation account itself shows that God SPOKE creation into being. I found that this ancient tradition is geometrically tied to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors. Observe that the Standard Greek value of "WORD" (Logos), which is a divine title of Jesus Christ (see John 1:1), is a concatenation of 37 and 73:
Standard Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773
Standard Greek "WORD" (Logos) = 373
This value of 373 forms a geometric "Snowflake". What's more, it is the precise Snowflake that accommodates the sum of the Ordinal Hebrew alphabet as a Triangle (T22):
Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773
Standard Greek "WORD" = 373
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Ordinal sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = T22
I previously demonstrated how the Prime Factorization sum of the 22 Ordinal Hebrew letter values is coded with the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ". I also found that this Prime code within the 22 Hebrew letters points to the natural relationship between Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphanumerics (through Romans 10:12-13):
1) 1 = 1
2) 2 = 2
3) 3 = 3
4) 4 = 2 × 2
5) 5 = 5
6) 6 = 2 × 3
7) 7 = 7
8) 8 = 2 × 2 × 2
9) 9 = 3 × 3
10) 10 = 2 × 5
11) 20 = 2 × 2 × 5
12) 30 = 2 × 3 × 5
13) 40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
14) 50 = 2 × 5 × 5
15) 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5
16) 70 = 2 × 5 × 7
17) 80 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5
18) 90 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 5
19) 100 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 5
20) 200 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5
21) 300 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 5
22) 400 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205
Romans 10:12
"For there is no difference between the JEW and the GREEK: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him"
Romans 10:13
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"
Standard Greek Romans 10:13 = 205 × 22
The God of Biblical Numerics is the God of creation. I am now going to show how this numerical signature of Jesus Christ within the Prime nature of the Hebrew alphabet ties in with my prior discovery of "The Proton/Neutron Code Of 2368". Prime numbers represent the "building blocks" of Composite numbers, just as atoms represent the "building blocks" of the physical world. The Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" = 2368 and the fundamental number in Biblical Numerics is 37. Unbelievably, I found that the sum of the Composite numbers indexed to the Proton/Neutron counts in each of the first 37 atomic elements = 2368! The Composite numbers can be referenced here: Composite Numbers
COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the individual numbers of Protons/Neutrons in each of the first 37 atomic elements (with COMPOSITE NUMBERS in parentheses):
P = Protons and N = Neutrons
Hydrogen: P = 1 (4) and N = 0 (0)
Helium: P = 2 (6) and N = 2 (6)
Lithium: P = 3 (8) and N = 4 (9)
Beryllium: P = 4 (9) and N = 5 ( 10)
Boron: P = 5 (10) and N = 6 (12)
Carbon: P = 6 (12) and N = 6 ( 12)
Nitrogen: P = 7 (14) and N = 7 (14)
Oxygen: P = 8 (15) and N = 8 (15)
Fluorine: P = 9 (16) and N = 10 (18)
Neon: P = 10 (18) and N = 10 (18)
Sodium: P = 11 (20) and N = 12 (21)
Magnesium: P = 12 (21) and N = 12 (21)
Aluminium: P = 13 (22) and N = 14 (24)
Silicon: P = 14 (24) and N = 14 (24)
Phosphorus: P = 15 (25) and N = 16 (26)
Sulfur: P = 16 (26) and N = 16 (26)
Chlorine: P = 17 (27) and N = 18 (28)
Argon: P = 18 (28) and N = 22 (34)
Potassium: P = 19 (30) and N = 20 (32)
Calcium: P = 20 (32) and N = 20 (32)
Scandium: P = 21 (33) and N = 24 (36)
Titanium: P = 22 (34) and N = 26 (39)
Vanadium: P = 23 (35) and N = 28 (42)
Chromium: P = 24 (36) and N = 28 (42)
Manganese: P = 25 (38) and N = 30 (45)
Iron: P = 26 (39) and N = 30 (45)
Cobalt: P = 27 (40) and N = 32 (48)
Nickel: P = 28 (42) and N = 31 (46)
Copper: P = 29 (44) and N = 35 (51)
Zinc: P = 30 (45) and N = 35 (51)
Gallium: P = 31 (46) and N = 39 (56)
Germanium: P = 32 (48) and N = 41 (58)
Arsenic: P = 33 (49) and N = 42 (60)
Selenium: P = 34 (50) and N = 45 (64)
Bromine: P = 35 (51) and N = 45 (64)
Krypton: P = 36 (52) and N = 48 (68)
Rubidium: P = 37 (54) and N = 48 (68)
TOTAL SUM = 2368
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368
Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888 = 24 × 37
Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480 = 40 × 37
(8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37
The total number of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements = 1532. The number 37 is a Star number, which means it forms a perfect Hexagram. I placed the order of the Proton/Neutron sums of the 37 atomic elements in the form of a Hexagram. This now leads to my discovery of "The Atomic Hebrew Star (37)".
The 37 values = The Proton/Neutron sum in each of the first 37 atomic elements
Standard sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = 1495
1495 + 37 = Proton/Neutron sum of first 37 atomic elements
Sum of 6 Hexagram points = T22
Ordinal sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = T22
Prime Factorization sum of 22 Ordinal Hebrew letters =
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" (205)
Composite numbers indexed to Protons and Neutrons of first 37 atomic elements =
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" (2368)
Sum of Hexagram with 6 points removed = Sum of mirrors of first 37 integers (1279)
We see how "The Atomic Hebrew Star" yields 6 points with a sum of T22 (representing the Biblical "6 days of creation") and a remainder of 1279, which is the sum of the mirrors of the first 37 integers:
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = 01
11 = 11
12 = 21
13 = 31
14 = 41
15 = 51
16 = 61
17 = 71
18 = 81
19 = 91
20 = 02
21 = 12
22 = 22
23 = 32
24 = 42
25 = 52
26 = 62
27 = 72
28 = 82
29 = 92
30 = 03
31 = 13
32 = 23
33 = 33
34 = 43
35 = 53
36 = 63
37 = 73
This now leads to what I have coined "The Atomic Snowflake (373)", which follows the same logical pattern I showed in "The Atomic Hebrew Star". Incredibly, the number 1279 forms the precise geometric "Antisnowflake" that accommodates Snowflake 373, which, as we already saw, is the precise Snowflake that accommodates T22!
Genesis 1:1 introduces the Biblical "6 days of creation":
"In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"
Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73
God SPOKE creation into being
Standard Greek "WORD" = 373
Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151
Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 151
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Snowflake 373 surrounded by 6 Antisnowflakes of 151 forms a greater Antisnowflake of 1279
6 points of "The Atomic Hebrew Star" = T22
6 points of "The Atomic Hebrew Star" removed = 1279
Sum of mirrors of first 37 integers = 1279
G-Triangles pair with specific Hexagons to form unique Triangle/Hexagon pairs. The Standard Hebrew value of "Adam" + "Eve" (45 + 19) = 64 and T64 actually forms the 22nd Triangle/Hexagon pair. This now leads to my discovery of "The Integer Sum Code Of 115/205", which is tied to what I showed in "The Atomic Hebrew Star" and "The Atomic Snowflake":
Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45
Standard Hebrew "EVE" = 19
45 + 19 = 64
T64 accommodates 22nd Hexagon
Biblical creation = 6 days + 7th day of rest
Biblical creation culminates with Adam/Eve
Centered Hexagon formed with 6 + 1 Triangles
Triangles = T64
Sum of all integers from 115 to 205
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205
Horizontal/Diagonal rows = 3 Triangles
Total Triangles = 7 Triangles
64 × 37 = 2368
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368
Snowflake 373 is geometrically encoded with the Genesis 1:1 theme of the creation of the heavens and the earth. In fact, it is tied to the cryptic statement "The heavens and the earth" made by Christ himself during the Olivet discourse, which is recorded THREE TIMES (once in each of the THREE Synoptic Gospels). This understanding led me to uncover the following (note how it points to the Standard sum of the Hebrew alphabet through the logic of Primes):
Jesus Christ made a cryptic reference to the coded mathematics of Genesis 1:1 in the Olivet discourse, which is recorded THREE TIMES (once in each of the THREE Synoptic Gospels)
Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151
Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 151
Standard Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 1011
Sum of THREE even word values in Genesis 1:1 = 1011
913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37 × 73
203 + 401 + 407 = 1011
Snowflake 373 accommodates Hexagram 337:
337 + 337 + 337 = 1011
373rd number that is the product of THREE Prime numbers = 1495
(see here: Tri-Primes)
Standard sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = 1495
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Ordinal sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = T22
Geometry can be seen as the "eyes" of mathematics, since it reveals the hidden symmetries of numbers. I am now going to demonstrate how the ancient Jewish teaching of God creating the first human pair with an instinctive comprehension of the 22 original Hebrew ciphers (Aleph to Tav) is actually coded in the eternal realm of geometry. The Standard Hebrew value of "Adam" = 45. This led me to analyze the 45th Centered Hexagon (Hexagons/Hexagrams representing a fundamental geometric template in Biblical geometry). I present to you: "The Hebrew Hexagon Of Adam"
Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45
Standard Hebrew "EVE" = 19
Standard sum of 22 Hebrew letters = 1495
The 45th Hexagon = 5941
1/22 = 04545454545 … to infinity
T22 + 45^2 = The Triangle accommodated by the 45th Hexagon
The Perimeter of the 45th Hexagon (528) = The Standard Hebrew value of "THE ALPHABET" (HaAlephbeyt)
The 19th Prime number = 67
The 45th Hexagon accommodates T67
This Triangle/Hexagon pair sections off THREE equal Trapeziums of 22 rows each and 1221 counters each:
Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73
12th Prime = 37 and 21st Prime = 73
T67 + 1495 = 3773
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Ordinal sum of 22 Hebrew letters = T22
The 373rd number that is the product of THREE Primes = 1495
This is also tied to my previous discovery of "The Hebrew Triangle Of 22":
Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Ordinal sum of 22 Hebrew letters = T22
T22 + 22^2 = 737
Trapezium = 737 counters = 22 rows
Top Triangle = T22 = 22 rows
Ordinal Hebrew "ADAM" = 18
Ordinal Hebrew "EVE" = 19
The 737th positive integer that is a Cyclops number (having a central zero) = 19018
(see here: Cyclops Numbers)
Genesis 11:9
"Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: AND FROM THENCE DID THE LORD SCATTER THEM ABROAD"
386 + 225 + 26 + 100 = 737
I showed how the 45th Centered Hexagon is coded with the alphanumeric identities of Adam/Eve and with the Hebrew alphabet. The 45th Centered Hexagon is naturally accommodated by the 45th Hexagram. This now leads to my discovery of "The Hebrew Star Of Adam" (notice how the 45th Hexagon/Hexagram pair embodies a Palindromic nature, with Palindromes being numbers that give the same value when reversed):
Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45
Standard sum of 22 Hebrew letters = 1495
The 45th Hexagon = 5941
The 45th Hexagon sections off a Triple set of equal Trapeziums (through its accommodated Triangle) with 1221 counters each:
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Ordinal sum of 22 Hebrew letters = T22
All sides of the 45th Hexagon accommodates Trapeziums of 22 rows and 737 counters each
The Trapeziums of 737 counters each accommodate T22 and form the 45th Hexagram in the process:
TRIPLE TRAPEZOIDS 1221 = 22 rows each
TRAPEZOIDS 737 = 22 rows each
TRIANGLES T22 = 22 rows each
22 = Palindrome
737 = Palindrome
1221 = Palindrome
737 - 22^2 = T22
737 + 22^2 = 1221
The Triangle accommodated by the Centered Hexagon accommodates "The Atomic Snowflake" of 1279 counters, which itself accommodates Snowflake 373
The Hexagonal outline that bounds "The Atomic Snowflake" of 1279 counters sections off Triple Triangles of T22
The number 737 unites the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (73 × 37). I will now demonstrate how it actually unites the Standard/Ordinal sums of the Hebrew alphabet within the INTERIOR of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73). In fact, this is even tied to the Biblical holy of holies, which was contained INSIDE of the ark of the covenant (thereby highlighting the ancient Jewish tradition of Hebrew as a divine alphabet). I present to you: "The Standard/Ordinal Hebrew Triangle Of Genesis 1:1"
Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73
Standard Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37
737 forms a Trapezium of 22 rows
This Trapezium splits the INTERIOR of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle into a top Triangle and a bottom Trapezium
Top Triangle = T22
Bottom Trapezium = 1495
Ordinal sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = T22
Standard sum of 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet = 1495
T22 - 737 + 1495 = 1011
Standard Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EATH" = 1011
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
The 373rd number that is the product of THREE Primes = 1495
The PERIMETER of the Genesis 1:1 Triangle = 216
Standard Hebrew "HOLY OF HOLIES" (1 Kings 6:20) = 216
The "HOLY OF HOLIES" was contained INSIDE of the ark of the covenant
(see here: Holy Of Holies)
Standard Hebrew "THE ARK OF GOD" (1 Samuel 3:3) = 7^3
Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73
The number 737 is also tied to a balancing code I uncovered years ago, which ties the Standard/Ordinal values of Genesis 1:1 to the Standard Hebrew numerical signature of Jesus Christ (through the Genesis 1:1 principle of mirror symmetry):
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754
Standard Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 2701
Ordinal Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 298
(1072 + 892) + 737 = 37 × 73
(2701 + 298) - 737 = 754 + 754 + 754
(1072 + 892) + 3773 = 754th Prime number
I also found that the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of "Jesus Christ" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) point to the Standard/Ordinal sums of the Hebrew alphabet (and the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors) through a Prime Factor pattern:
Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773
Snowflake 373 accommodates T22
Ordinal sum of 22 Hebrew letters = T22
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
115 × 2.2 = T22
Tri-Primes = Numbers that are the product of three Primes
Standard sum of 22 Hebrew letters = 1495
373rd Tri-Prime = 1495
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754
T22 + (37 × 73) = 754th Tri-Prime
I showed how the first 37 atomic elements are coded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ through the phenomenon of Composite indexing. I have also discovered the phenomenon of Prime indexing in Biblical Numerics (keep in mind that Primes are the "building blocks" of the Composite numbers). One amazing example of the Prime indexing pattern is found in the Triple Repdigits, which are each Palindromic and each united by the Prime number 37. Observe that the Triple Repdigits (111 to 999) are each tied to 37 through a consistent pattern:
111 (1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and 3 × 37 = 111)
222 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6 and 6 × 37 = 222)
333 (3 + 3 + 3 = 9 and 9 × 37 = 333)
444 (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 and 12 × 37 = 444)
555 (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 and 15 × 37 = 555)
666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 and 18 × 37 = 666)
777 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21 and 21 × 37 = 777)
888 (8 + 8 + 8 = 24 and 24 × 37 = 888)
999 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27 and 27 × 37 = 999)
This leads to a shocking find I made years ago in the Triple Repdigits, whereby the sum of the Prime numbers indexed to each term yields a total sum of 37073 (the Prime numbers can be referenced here: Prime Numbers):
111th Prime = 607
222nd Prime = 1399
333rd Prime = 2239
444th Prime = 3119
555th Prime = 4019
666th Prime = 4973
777th Prime = 5903
888th Prime = 6907
999th Prime = 7907
Total sum = 37073
Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73
I will now demonstrate another shocking find I made in the Triple Repdigits. Jesus Christ is identified as "THE LOGOS" in John 1:1. The Standard Greek value of "LOGOS" = 373 and the Standard Greek value of "THE LOGOS" = The 86th Prime (443). Unbelievably, the difference between the sum of the Triple Repdigits and the sum of the Primes indexed to them = 373 × 86! Therefore, I present to you: "The Triple Repdigit Logos Code (373)"
111th Prime = 607
222nd Prime = 1399
333rd Prime = 2239
444th Prime = 3119
555th Prime = 4019
666th Prime = 4973
777th Prime = 5903
888th Prime = 6907
999th Prime = 7907
Sum of numbers on the left = 4995
Sum of numbers on the right = 37073
37073 - 4995 = 373 × 86
Standard Greek "LOGOS" (John 1:1) = 373
Standard Greek "THE LOGOS" (John 1:1) = 86th Prime
The Triple Repdigits logically entail a Triune system, which highlights the Triune nature of the Biblical God. The sum of the Triple Repdigits = 4995. I formed a Trapezium of 4995 counters and 37 rows (37 being the fundamental number of Biblical Numerics and the Prime number that unites the Triple Repdigits themselves). This led me to another amazing fact. The Triple Repdigits point to the geometric signature of Jesus Christ through the same Triune logic that is inherent to the Triple Repdigits themselves (notice how the Triple reference to 115/754 in this Triangle is also confirmed in the alphanumeric identity of John 1:34):
The Triple Repdigits form a Triune ascending order through multiples of 37:
37 × (3 × 1) = 111
37 × (3 × 2) = 222
37 × (3 × 3) = 333
37 × (3 × 4) = 444
37 × (3 × 5) = 555
37 × (3 × 6) = 666
37 × (3 × 7) = 777
37 × (3 × 8) = 888
37 × (3 × 9) = 999
Sum of Triple Repdigits (111 to 999) = 4995
Trapezium = 4995 counters
Trapezium = 37 rows
This Trapezium can only accommodate ONE specific Triangle
This Trapezium accommodates a Triangle with a Perimeter sum of Triple 115:
115 + 115 + 115
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
This Trapezium accommodates a Triangle that is formed by the union of THREE TRAPEZIUMS with each yielding a Triple sum of 754:
(754 × 3) + (754 × 3) + (754 × 3)
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754
John 1:34
"And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God"
Standard Greek John 1:34 =
(754 × 3) + (754 × 3) + (754 × 3)
[(1 + 1 + 5) + (1 + 1 + 5) + (1 + 1 + 5)] + (7 + 5 + 4) = 37
The total Triangle that is formed = T153
37th + 73rd COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 153
54 + 99 = 153
Sum of PRIME NUMBERS indexed to Triple Repdigits = 37073
Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205
Standard Greek "THREE" (Treis) =
205 + 205 + 205
Total Triangle = T153
Standard Hebrew "I AM THE LORD THY GOD"
(Isaiah 43:3) = 153
This Triangle (T153), which I ultimately derived through placing the Triple Repdigit sum (4995) as a Trapezium of 37 rows, is actually tied to my previous discovery of "The God/Man Triangle Of Jesus Christ". In the exact same way that a Triple sum of the STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (754 × 3) forms a Triple set of Trapeziums that yield a specific Triangle, so does a Triple sum of the ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (115 × 3). Through a simple process of reverse engineering, I formed a Triangle with the Triple Trapezoids of 115 × 3 and extended its accommodating Trapezium out to 37 rows (in accordance with the Triple Repdigit Trapezium). Are you ready to be amazed? I present to you: "The God/Man Triangle Of Jesus Christ" (note that the numerical signature of the encoder of the Triple Repdigit codes is revealed yet again)
Trapezium = 2368 counters
Trapezium = 37 rows of counters
This is the ONLY nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368
This Trapezium accommodates T45
Standard Hebrew "ADAM" = 45
T45 embodies a Triple set of Trapeziums with each yielding a Triple sum of 115:
(115 × 3) + (115 × 3) + (115 × 3)
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
• 2368 as Trapezium of 37 rows yields Triangle coded with Ordinal Hebrew "Jesus Christ" (115)
• Triple Repdigit sum (4995) as Trapezium of 37 rows yields Triangle coded with Standard Hebrew "Jesus Christ" (754)
Sum of all ODD numbers from 37 to 45 = 205:
37 + 39 + 41 + 43 + 45 = 205
Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205
Standard Greek "THREE" (Treis) =
205 + 205 + 205
Micah 6:8
"O MAN, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"
Standard Hebrew value = T82 (3403)
45 + 45 + 17 + 51 + 26 + 510 + 100 + 30 + 41 + 776 + 429 + 414 + 72 + 221 + 450 + 110 + 66 = T82
This key passage embodies a TRIUNE requirement of MAN:
1) To do justly
2) To love mercy
3) To walk humbly with thy God
Jesus Christ is identified in the New Testament as "The Second Adam". I demonstrated how the God/Man Triangle is coded with a Triune identity of 115 and arises out of the EXCLUSIVE Trapezium of 2368. I also found that this Triune identity is coded with the Standard Hebrew value of "THE NAME" (Hashem):
Trapezium = 2368 counters
Trapezium = 37 rows of counters
This is the ONLY nontrivial way to represent 2368 counters as a Trapezium
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368
Standard Hebrew "THE NAME" = 345
Triple Trapezoids = 345 + 345 + 345
Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888
345 + 543 = 888
345 + 543 = 888
345 + 543 = 888
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
Standard Hebrew "THE NAME" =
115 + 115 + 115
I showed earlier how the first 37 atomic elements are coded with 2368 and with the sum of the mirrors of the first 37 integers (1279). Incredibly, the God/Man Triangle, which arises out of the EXCLUSIVE Trapezium of 2368, is tied to the sum of the mirrors of the first 73 integers (note how this ties back to Genesis 1:1 as well):
Standard Genesis 1:1 = Sum of first 73 integers (2701)
Sum of MIRRORS of first 73 integers = 3043
The God/Man Triangle = T82 = 3403
The Triune nature of the Triple Repdigits and of 115/754 is united through the Prime number 37 (forming the Trapezium of 37 rows), which is the Prime number that unites the Triple Repdigits themselves. This reveals the numerical signature of Jesus Christ behind all the Triple Repdigit codes that I have uncovered. In fact, the Trapezium of 4995 counters and 37 rows is also tied to my discovery of "The Standard/Ordinal Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T115)", as the coded values in its accommodated Triangle points to a TRIPLE SET of T115:
Sum of Triple Repdigits (111 to 999) = 4995
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754
Trapezium of 4995 counters and 37 rows accommodates a Triangle with a Perimeter sum of Triple 115:
115 + 115 + 115
Trapezium of 4995 counters and 37 rows accommodates a Triangle formed by the union of THREE TRAPEZIUMS with each yielding a Triple sum of 754:
(754 × 3) + (754 × 3) + (754 × 3)
The G-base of T115 yields a Triple sum of 754:
754 + 754 + 754
I showed how the Triple Repdigits are tied to the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 and are geometrically coded with a Triune signature of Jesus Christ (forming the 153rd Triangle). The Lord showed me that the number 153 is itself tied to the Triune logic of the Triple Repdigits. This is seen in the catching of the 153 fish at the very end of the Gospel of John and our Lord asking Peter if he loved him THREE TIMES. What's more, this was the THIRD TIME that our Lord appeared to the disciples:
John 21:10-11
"Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.
Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, AN HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND THREE (153)"
Standard Hebrew "SONS OF GOD" = 153
John 21:14
"This is now the THIRD TIME that Jesus showed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead"
John 21:15
"So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord: thou knowest that I love thee"
John 21:16
"He saith unto him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee"
John 21:17
"He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee"
My work demonstrates repeatedly how the natural order of Prime/Composite numbers are deeply encoded in Biblical alphanumerics. The Triple Repdigit Trapezium of 37 rows also points to my previous discovery of "The Prime Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T231)". How? The very Triangle that is accommodated by this Trapezium, which yields all the Triune patterns of 115/754 that I showed, is precisely the Triangle accommodated by the Triangle that is formed through the sum of the 754th and 2368th Prime numbers (T231)!
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368
754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737
2368th PRIME NUMBER = 21059
754th + 2368th PRIMES = T231
T231 accommodates the precise Triangle that is accommodated by the Triple Repdigit Trapezium of 37 rows
THREE Standing Triangles = T115:
T115 + T115 + T115
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
Ordinal Greek "LORD JESUS CHRIST" = 294
Standard Hebrew "THE NAME" = Triple sum of 115:
115 + 115 + 115
Romans 10:13
"For whosoever shall call upon THE NAME (231) of the Lord shall be saved"
Standard Greek "THE NAME" = 231
I showed how the Triangle accommodated by T231, which embodies a Triune identity of 754, is also the Standard Greek value of John 1:34. Therefore, this amazing Prime Triangle (T231) can also be represented as follows:
Standard Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 754
Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368
754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737
2368th PRIME NUMBER = 21059
754th + 2368th PRIMES = T231
T231 embodies THREE Standing Triangles of T115:
T115 + T115 + T115
Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115
Standard Hebrew "THE NAME" = Triple sum of 115:
115 + 115 + 115
T231 accommodates a Triangle of 6786 counters
John 1:34
"And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God"
Standard Greek John 1:34 = 6786
Romans 10:13
"For whosoever shall call upon THE NAME (231) of the Lord shall be saved"
Standard Greek "THE NAME" = 231
Copyright 2025, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares