By Leo Tavares 

The Bible teaches that God spoke creation into being. This shows that his WORD has power over all creation, which is the opening theme of Genesis 1:1 (the very foundation of Biblical Numerics):

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Jesus Christ is identified by the divine title "WORD" (LOGOS) in John 1:1, which is ultimately the New Testament version of Genesis 1:1. In fact, these two fundamental verses are semantically, mathematically and geometrically related (see here: Genesis 1:1/John 1:1). Notice that the Standard Greek numerical value of "WORD" (LOGOS) yields the concatenation of the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors:

   Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

     2701 + 1072 = 3773

 Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

The number 373 itself forms a geometric "Snowflake" of 373 counters. The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 115. I discovered years ago that the 115th Prime actually forms the precise Centered Hexagon that accommodates Snowflake 373 (a list of Primes can be found here: Prime Numbers):


HEXAGON = 631 counters

 115th PRIME = 631

Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

Snowflake = 373 counters

Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

The Standard Hebrew value of "THE WORD" (HaDavar) = 211 and the Standard Greek value of "WORD" (Logos) = 373. I will now show how these two values are inseparably linked through the fundamental geometric templates of Genesis 1:1 (Triangles/Hexagons). This can be seen clearly in my discovery of "The Hebrew/Greek Word Triangle Of Jesus Christ (T631)":


The 631st Triangle = The precise Triangle that accommodates the 211th HEXAGON

 Standard Hebrew "THE WORD" = 211

HEXAGON of 631 counters accommodates Snowflake 373

 Standard Greek "WORD" = 373

   Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

Genesis 1:1 is rooted in the number 37

     T631 = 199396

 (1 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 9 + 6) = 37


115 = 37th number that is a product of two PRIMES
(see here: Semiprimes)

    115th PRIME = 631


PERIMETER of T631 = 115th + 205th PRIMES

The following is a balancing code I have uncovered, which I have appropriately coined "The Balancing Logos Code Of Jesus Christ". Notice how these values were carefully chosen by the divine encoder to form a perfect balance of self-referencing identities:


Standard Hebrew "WORD" (Davar) = 206
Ordinal Hebrew "WORD" (Davar) = 26
Ordinal Greek "WORD" (Logos) = 62

206 + (26 + 62) = 294


62^2 - 26^2 = 3168


2662 - 294 = 2368


The Ordinal Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" = 115 and the Ordinal Greek value of "Jesus Christ" = 205. I formed a Trapezium of precisely 115 rows and an exact average of 205 counters per row, which led to my discovery of "The Davar/Logos Triangle (26/62)":



Trapezium = 115 × 205

Trapezium = 115 rows

Trapezium = EXACT average of 205 counters per row

This Trapezium can only accommodate ONE specific Triangle

This Trapezium accommodates the precise Triangle that embodies three Standing Triangles of Genesis 1:1 (T73)

This Trapezium accommodates a Triangle of precisely 294 × 37 counters


The total Triangle that is formed = T262

262 = CONCATENATION of 26 and 62

ORDINAL Hebrew "WORD" (Davar) = 26
ORDINAL Greek "WORD" (Logos) = 62

Standard Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 2368

2662 - 294 = 2368

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

2662 - (819 + 819 + 819) = 205


Inverted Triangle = T74

74th PRIME NUMBER = CONCATENATION of Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (373)

T74 + 373 = The 2701st COMPOSITE NUMBER

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

The Standard Greek value of "THE LOGOS" = 443, which appears once in all THREE semantic divisions of John 1:1. I did an analysis on the 443rd Triangle and found that it perfectly reflects the Triune structure of John 1:1 itself. I present to you: "The Super Logos Triangle (T443)"


John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions

John 1:1 consists of THREE instances of "THE LOGOS" (one in each division)

John 1:1
"In the beginning was THE WORD (443), and THE WORD (443) was with God, and THE WORD (443) was God"

74th Prime number = Standard Greek "LOGOS" (373)

Standard Greek "THE LOGOS" = 443

(74 × 443) + (74 × 443) + (74 × 443) = T443

(74 × 443) + (74 × 443) + (74 × 443)

The integrated codes between Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphanumerics represent a naturally related system, as the Greek New Testament is obviously tied to the Hebrew Old Testament. This natural relationship can also be seen in my discovery of "The Reciprocal Cipher Of Heaven/Earth":


74th PRIME = Standard Greek "LOGOS" (373)

443 = Standard Greek "THE LOGOS"

Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151

Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 151
Ordinal Hebrew "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 135

1/74 = .0135135135135 ... to infinity

Ordinal Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 225
Ordinal Hebrew "AND THE EARTH" = 73

1/443 = .0022573

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

CONCATENATION of 37 and 73 = 373

I discovered years ago how the Hexagon/Hexagram pair of 271/541 is tied to the Ordinal semantic structure of John 1:1 (the key Logos passage), which I call "The Logos Hexagon/Hexagram":


Hexagram of 541 counters accommodates Hexagon of 271 counters

Hexagram of 541 counters = The precise Hexagram consisting of 37 rows of counters

John 1:1 is the key Logos passage:
"In the beginning was the Logos, And THE LOGOS was with God, and the Logos was God"

ORDINAL Greek "And THE LOGOS was with God" = 271

271 + 172 = STANDARD Greek "THE LOGOS"

This geometric union between 541 and "THE LOGOS" is further confirmed by the fact that this is the precise Hexagram that accommodates Snowflake 373:


Hexagram of 541 counters = The precise Hexagram that accommodates a geometric "Snowflake" of 373 counters

Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

The Bible teaches that God SPOKE creation into being

Standard Hebrew "ISRAEL" = 541

Genesis 1:1 was revealed to ISRAEL

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

CONCATENATION of 37 and 73 = 373

This now leads to my discovery of "The Super Logos Triangle Of Heaven/Earth (T541)". I studied the 271st natural Trapezoid (having 271 counters in its top row and 271 rows of counters) and found that it too is deeply coded with the mathematics of Genesis 1:1, its theme of "The heavens and the earth" and Snowflake 373:


Hexagram of 541 counters accommodates Snowflake 373

Hexagram of 541 counters accommodates Hexagon of 271 counters

Standard Greek "LOGOS" = 373


271 + 172 = Standard Greek "THE LOGOS"

The 271st natural Trapezoid accommodates a Triangle of 271 × 135 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 135

The 271st natural Trapezoid forms the 541st Triangle

The 271st natural Trapezoid consists of 110026 counters


110026 + 620011 = 730037

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 73 × 37
Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

The Standard Greek value of "LOGOS", derived from John 1:1, forms Snowflake 373, which is accommodated by a Hexagram of 541 counters. This Hexagram is formed through the self-intersection of T28. I will now demonstrate a powerful confirmation of the Ordinal system of Biblical Numerics that I found in this very Triangle. Unbelievably, the Ordinal Greek values of all three semantic divisions in John 1:1 are coded in the natural geometry of T28. Furthermore, this also ties back to Ordinal Genesis 1:1 and a natural semantic division within Genesis 1:1 ("The heavens and the earth"). I present to you: "The Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle (T28)"


John 1:1 consists of three semantic divisions:

Ordinal Greek "In the beginning was the Word" = 171
18 + 56 + 20 + 15 + 62 = 171

Ordinal Greek "And the Word was with God" = 271
20 + 15 + 62 + 20 + 66 + 47 + 41 = 271

Ordinal Greek "And the Word was God" = 163
20 + 46 + 20 + 15 + 62 = 163

Hexagon embodies a natural Trapezium that forms a Triangle of 171 counters

Total Hexagon consists of 271 counters

Hexagon embodies a Triune Set of joined Inverted Triangles with a total sum of 163 counters

This is all geometrically coded within T28

T28 self-intersects to form the precise Hexagram that accommodates Snowflake 373

Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

Total sum of three Standing Triangles outside the Hexagon = 135 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (Genesis 1:1) = 135

The combined sum of the three Standing Triangles outside the Hexagon with the three joined Inverted Triangles inside the Hexagon (135 + 163) = 298

Ordinal Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 298

Ordinal Greek John 1:1 = (171 + 271 + 163) = 605

T28 + 605 = 1011

Standard Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 1011

The Ordinal Greek value of "THE LOGOS" (15 + 62) = 77. This now leads to an epic discovery I made in the higher order Polygons. The formula for the 3003-sided Polygons is n(3003 - 2999)/2. Therefore, I present to you: "THE LOGON"


Ordinal Greek "THE LOGOS" = 77

T77 = 3003

77 and 3003 suggests 3773 (whereby the bounded zeros in 3003 serve as "place holders" for 77)

Standard Greek "LOGOS" = 373

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773

Standard Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 1998
Standard Hebrew "AND THE EARTH" = 703

The 37th 3003-sided Polygon = 1998703 counters

(1 + 9 + 9 + 8) + (7 + 0 + 3) = 37

The Ordinal Greek value of "The heavens and the earth" = 151. This coded statement was made by the divine encoder in the Olivet discourse, which is recorded in Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33. I previously demonstrated how Snowflake 373 yields the same semantic/geometric division of this wording as does the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73):


Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151

Standard Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

Antisnowflake 151 = Six Hexagons of 114 counters
Antisnowflake 151 = Center Hexagram of 37 counters

114 + 37 = 151

Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS" = 114
Ordinal Greek "AND THE EARTH" = 37

Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73

T73 embodies three Standing Triangles of 1998 counters
T73 accommodates T37 (as an Inverted Triangle)

Standard Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 1998
Standard Hebrew "AND THE EARTH" = T37

I did an analysis on the 151st Triangle and found that not only does it tie back to the key Logos passage of John 1:1, it yields the very same logic of a semantic/geometric division between "THE HEAVENS" and "AND THE EARTH" that I showed in Snowflake 373. I have coined this remarkable find "The Triple Logos Triangle (T151)"


Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151

Antisnowflake 151 yields Ordinal Greek semantic/geometric division of "THE HEAVENS" and "AND THE EARTH"

Standard Greek "WORD" (LOGOS) = 373

John 1:1 (the key Logos passage) consists of THREE semantic divisions with THREE instances of "LOGOS" (one in each division):

1) In the beginning was the LOGOS (373)
2) And the LOGOS (373) was with God
3) And the LOGOS (373) was God

Standard Greek "In the beginning was the LOGOS" = 1275

The precise Hexagon accommodated by T151 sections off THREE Triangles of precisely 1275 counters each

The precise Triangle accommodated by T151 is the ONLY Triangle with a PERIMETER of 225 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 225

The precise Triangle accommodated by T151 is the ONLY Triangle with an INTERIOR of T73

Ordinal Hebrew "AND THE EARTH" = 73

STANDARD Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = T73

STANDARD Genesis 1:1 = T73
STANDARD Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

We see that the Standard/Ordinal semantic divisions of Genesis 1:1 are clearly encoded in T151, which corresponds with the semantic/geometric division in Antisnowflake 151. This geometric code is confirmed even further through a Fractal-like pattern of "The heavens and the earth". How? Very simple. When we apply the very same logic of inscribing the accommodated Hexagon/Triangle within T73, it sections off precisely 1098 counters (where Standard Hebrew "The heavens and the earth" = 1098):


Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Standard Genesis 1:1 = T73

T73 accommodates T37

T73 accommodates a Hexagon of 1801 counters

T37 sections off precisely 1098 counters within the Genesis 1:1 Hexagon (1801 - 703 = 1098)

Standard Hebrew "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 1098
Standard Hebrew "AND THE EARTH" = T37

I found that this Fractal-like pattern of "The heavens and the earth" goes even deeper. We saw how the Hexagon accommodated by T151 sections of THREE TRIANGLES with each yielding the STANDARD Greek value of the first semantic division in John 1:1 (where 151 = Ordinal Greek "The heavens and the earth" and is geometrically tied to Snowflake 373). Unbelievably, the 37th Triangle, which is itself accommodated by T73, embodies THREE TRIANGLES with each yielding the ORDINAL Greek value of the first semantic division in John 1:1! Therefore, I present to you: "The Fractal Logos Of T37"


Snowflake 373 accommodates Antisnowflake 151

T73 yields the Standard Hebrew value of "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" (when its accommodated Hexagon is sectioned off by its accommodated Triangle)

Ordinal Greek "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH" = 151

T73 embodies THREE TRIANGLES with a total sum of 1998

Standard Hebrew "In the beginning God created THE HEAVENS" = 1998

T73 accommodates Inverted Triangle of T37

Standard Hebrew "AND THE EARTH" = T37

John 1:1 consists of THREE semantic divisions with THREE instances of "LOGOS" (one in each division)

Standard Greek "LOGOS" = 373

T37 embodies THREE TRIANGLES with each yielding the ORDINAL Greek value of the first semantic division in John 1:1 (171)

T151 embodies THREE TRIANGLES with each yielding the STANDARD Greek value of the first semantic division in John 1:1 (1275)

John 1:1

The remarkable thing about the integrated codes of Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphanumerics is the fact that they represent a naturally related system. That is, Biblical Hebrew/Greek is inherently related, in that they represent the two major sections of the Biblical canon itself (the Hebrew OT and the Greek NT). Thus, the fact that they are mathematically/geometrically related is remarkable indeed, as one is not appealing to some arbitrary system or language outside of the revealed text. This integrated system between the natural Hebrew/Greek Biblical canon can be seen further in a discovery I made through the self-intersection of T115. I present to you: "The Logos Diamonds Of Jesus Christ"


Ordinal Hebrew "JESUS CHRIST" = 115

T115 self-intersects to form the precise Hexagram accommodated by the 77th Centered Hexagon

Ordinal Greek "THE LOGOS" = 77

This Hexagram sections off six Diamonds within the 77th Centered Hexagon

Total sum of Diamond Perimeters = 888 counters
Sum of each Diamond Perimeter = 148 counters

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888
Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480


My research shows that the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament are alphanumerically "boobytrapped", such that the first people to whom they were revealed (the Jews) are simply left without any excuse as to who their Messiah is. The following is a 4-step PROOF OF GOD that I have uncovered in Psalm 2:7, which highlights a self-referencing semantic structure that is absolutely stunning:

STEP 1) The Psalm Of Jesus Christ

All three Synoptic Gospels (in Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11 and Luke 3:22) reference Psalm 2:7 when Jesus Christ is baptized and THE HOLY SPIRIT descends upon him

Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son"

Standard Hebrew value of this passage = 1261

This number forms a Hexagram of 1261 counters

Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee"

Ordinal Hebrew value of total Psalm 2:7 = 363:

58 + 13 + 27 + 26 + 34 + 23 + 26 + 28 + 25 + 34 + 69 = 363

Standard Hebrew "CHRIST" = 363

Psalm 2:7
"The decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee"

Standard Hebrew value of this passage = 1480:

108 + 26 + 241 + 41 + 62 + 406 + 61 + 61 + 474 = 1480

Standard Greek "CHRIST" = 1480

I showed how a key semantic division of Psalm 2:7 yields 1261 and forms a perfect Hexagram. This ties back to a find I made years ago, which shows how this is the precise Hexagram that accommodates the Logos Star (within its Centered Hexagon) and how the Logos Star sections off precisely 888 counters (the Standard Greek value of "Jesus"):

STEP 2) The Logos Psalm

Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son"

Standard Hebrew value = 1261:

346 + 31 + 108 + 26 + 241 + 41 + 62 + 406 = 1261

The Centered Hexagon in Star 1261 precisely accommodates Snowflake 373

Standard Greek "LOGOS" (John 1:1) = 373

Snowflake 373 sections off 888 counters within Star 1261

Standard Greek "JESUS" = 888

I will now demonstrate how Psalm 2:7 yields a perfect semantic division that splits Star 1261 into two Hexagrams:

STEP 3) The Hexagrams

Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me"

Standard Hebrew value of this passage = 793:

346 + 31 + 108 + 26 + 241 + 41 = 793

This number also forms a perfect Hexagram

Psalm 2:7
"Thou art my Son"

Standard Hebrew value of this passage = 468:

62 + 406 = 468

Star 793 sections off precisely 468 counters within Star 1261

I mentioned in step 1 how the Synoptic Gospels all point back to Psalm 2:7 in reference to THE HOLY SPIRIT descending upon Jesus Christ as a confirmation of his divine identity. Unbelievably, I found that this is also semantically/geometrically encoded in Psalm 2:7 itself:

STEP 4) The Holy Spirit

All three Synoptic Gospels (in Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11 and Luke 3:22) reference Psalm 2:7 when Jesus Christ is baptized and THE HOLY SPIRIT descends upon him

Psalm 2:7
"I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me"

Ordinal Hebrew value of this passage = 181:

58 + 13 + 27 + 26 + 34 + 23 = 181

This number also forms a perfect Hexagram

Star 181 sections off precisely 1080 counters within Star 1261

Standard Greek "THE HOLY SPIRIT" = 1080


The book of Job culminates with God answering Job in the midst of his suffering. Within this answer is a NUMERICAL statement made in Job 38:37, which is tied to the wisdom of God in his CREATION. I have uncovered a Standard/Ordinal code within this NUMERICAL statement that points back to the Prime Factors of CREATION in Genesis 1:1 (37/73). I now present to you: "The Standard/Ordinal Stars Of Job"


God answered Job in the midst of his suffering with a NUMERICAL statement in Job 38:37

Job 38:37
"Who can NUMBER the clouds in wisdom? or who can stay the bottles of heaven"

STANDARD Hebrew Job 38:37 = 1813
50 + 350 + 458 + 75 + 98 + 390 + 50 + 342 = 1813

ORDINAL Hebrew Job 38:37 = 373
23 + 62 + 71 + 39 + 44 + 57 + 23 + 54 = 373

The Biblical CREATION account = 6 "days" and a 7th "day" of rest

1813 forms a perfect geometric "Snowflake" of 6 equal Hexagons and 7 equal Hexagrams

373 forms a perfect geometric "Snowflake" of 6 equal Hexagons and 7 equal Hexagrams

373 = The CONCATENATION of 37 and 73

Standard Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73


The number 373 embodies the Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 (37 and 73). The Biblical ark of the covenant was housed in the "holy of holies" (a holy place within the ancient temple at Jerusalem), which was in the shape of a CUBE and was also known Biblically as the ORACLE (1 Kings 6:20). I have uncovered a stunning convergence of key identities linked to the holy of holies, the Star of Israel and the hidden geometry of Snowflake 373. I present to you: "The Oracle (373)"


Standard Hebrew "ISRAEL" = 541

541 forms the precise Hexagram consisting of 37 rows

Hexagram 541 accommodates Snowflake 373

Snowflake 373 accommodates the precise Hexagon that forms Cube 512 through 3-D projection

King David tells his son (Solomon) to build the TEMPLE in 1 Chronicles 22:11

Ordinal Hebrew 1 Chronicles 22:11 = 512

1 Kings 6:20 records that the holy of holies (or the ORACLE) is itself a CUBE of 20 × 20 × 20 cubits

The INTERIOR of Cube 512 = 343

Standard Hebrew "THE ARK OF GOD" (1 Samuel 3:3) = 343

The INTERIOR of Cube 343 = 216

Standard Hebrew "ORACLE" (which is referring to the holy of holies in 1 Kings 6:20) = 216


(5 + 4 + 1) + [(5 + 1 + 2) + (3 + 4 + 3) + (2 + 1 + 6)] = 37

541 + (512 + 343 + 216) = 1612

1612 + 2161 = 3773

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

2701 + 1072 = 3773

Snowflake = 373

Standard Greek "WORD" (John 1:1) = 373


I will now demonstrate a powerful geometric union I have uncovered between the FIRST semantic division of Genesis 1:1 and the FIRST semantic division of John 1:1 (i.e. the two key "Creation Verses" of the Hebrew OT and the Greek NT). This alphanumeric encoding is revealed through what I call "Hexagonal packing", whereby a natural geometric figure is completely filled with equal Hexagons. I present to you: "The Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Creation Diamond"


The Ordinal Hebrew value of the FIRST semantic division in Genesis 1:1 = 225 = 15 × 15

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (OH) = 15^2

The Ordinal Greek value of the FIRST semantic division in John 1:1 = 171

"In the beginning was the Word" (OG) = 171

15^2 accommodates a total Hexagonal packing of precisely 171 counters

This reveals a CENTER Hexagram of 37 counters


"In the beginning" (OH) = 76

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (OH) = 225

"In the beginning was the Word" (OG) = 171

171/225 = EXACTLY .76

The Standard Greek value of "Word" (373) forms a geometric "Snowflake" of united Hexagons/Hexagrams and John 1:1 is the alphanumeric home of the "Word" (or "Logos"). Incredibly, the G 1:1/J 1:1 Creation Diamond I just demonstrated is precisely accommodated by Snowflake 373:


The G 1:1/J 1:1 Creation Diamond unites the FIRST Ordinal semantic divisions of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

Standard Greek "WORD" (John 1:1) = 373

373 forms a geometric "Snowflake" of united Hexagons/Hexagrams

The G 1:1/J 1:1 Creation Diamond is precisely accommodated by Snowflake 373

Genesis 1:1 INTRODUCES the Biblical creation account and God SPOKE creation into being (i.e. through his WORD)

Standard Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73

CONCATENATION of 37 and 73 = 373


I have formulated a new Star series called "Octo-Stars" (generated through the formula 9n^2 - 10n + 2). This new Star series reveals a perfect union between the Standard Greek identity of "Logos" (373) and the Ordinal Greek identity of the very one who is himself the "Logos". The central structure of this Star figure entails a Rectangle of short sides n and long sides n*2 - 1. The Rectangle then accomodates two equal Trapeziums to form an Octogonal figure (of equal sides). The Octogonal figure will then accomodate 8 equal Triangles to form a specific "Octo-Star".  Therefore, I present to you: "The Logos Flower"


The blue Octagon = 205 counters

Ordinal Greek "JESUS CHRIST" = 205

This Octagon accomodates 8 Triangular "Petals" of 21 counters

Ordinal Hebrew "I AM" =  21
Ordinal Hebrew "I AM" = (3*7) = (7*3)

This forms an Octo-Star (or "Flower") of 373 counters

Standard Greek "LOGOS" = 373

Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares

Copyright 2024, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares