Eugster's Photo Album - The Disney Studio, 1935-1938

Thanks to Kathleen Youngquist and Sarah Phelan, Bob Youngquist's daughter and grandaughter respectively, for identifying him in the photos below. If you can make any additions or corrections to what you see here, please email Mark Mayerson

The Disney Studio, 1935-1938

Photo 1. That's probably Al in the foreground of this picture taken in 1935. The artist in the background is unknown. Can anyone identify him?

Photo 2. Al working at Disney in 1937.

Photo 3, 4 and 5. These 1937 photos are of Bob Youngquist, Al's first assistant animator at Disney.

Photo 6. Lunchtime volleyball at the Disney studio in 1938. Al is in the middle of the front row. I believe that Woolie Reitherman is standing second from left. Can anyone identify the others in this photo?