
IMF World Economic Outlook Reports and Country Reports

The Changing Housing Cycle and the Implications for Monetary Policy (with R. Cardarelli and D. Igan), IMF World Economic Outlook, Chapter 3, April 2008.

Exchange Rates and External Imbalances (with R. Cardarelli), IMF World Economic Outlook, Chapter 3, April 2007.

Oil and Global Imbalances (with N. Spatafora), IMF World Economic Outlook, Chapter 2, April 2006.

Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Financial Dollarization,and Monetary Policy Credibility in Uruguay (with A. Lopez Mejia and C. Saizar), IMF Country Report, 2007.

The Determinants of the Chilean Peso/US Dollar Spot Rate: Is there an Argentine Factor? Is there Evidence of Shift-Contagion, IMF Country Report 2002.

Why Mozambique Run Into Debt? Mozambique Debt Burden in Historical Perspective, IMF Country Report, 2000.

IDB Macroeconomic Reports

Rethinking Reforms: How Latin America and the Caribbean can Escape Suppressed WorldGrowth (A. Powell Coordinator), March 2013.

The World of Forking Paths: Latin America and the Caribbean facing Global Economic Risk (A. Powell Coordinator) March 2012.

One region, Two Speeds: Challenges of the New Economic Order for Latin America and the Caribbean (A. Izquierdo and E. Talvi Coordinators) March 2011.

The Aftermath of the Crisis: Policy Lessons and Challenges Ahead for Latin America and the Caribbean (A. Izquierdo and E. Talvi Coordinators) March 2010.

Policy trade-offs for Unprecedented Times: Confronting the Global Crisis in Latina America and the Caribbean (A. Izquierdo and E. Talvi Coordinators), March 2009.

IMF Global Housing Watch:

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