I am Professor of Finance and Economics at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, holding a joint appointment in the Economics Department of the Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Art and Science. 

I am an NBER Research Associate (IFM Program), a CEPR Research Fellow (IMF Programme), and an ABFER Fellow. I am also a Non-resident Research Fellow of the Center for Urban & Real Estate Management and Globalization of Real Estate (University of Zurich) and the Centre for Applied Financial Economics (University of Southern California).

I am an Associate editor of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Banking and Finance, and the Journal of International Money and Finance.

Previously, I held research and policy positions at the International Monetary Fund (Economist and Senior Economist: 1998-2008) and the Inter-American Development Bank (Lead Economist and Principal Economist: 2008-2013).

Research Interests: International Finance, Macrofinance, and Macroeconomics 
