Paper Discussions since 2010

• Domestic Lending and the Pandemic: How Does Banks’ Exposure to Covid-19 Abroad Affect Their Lending in the United States? by Temesvary and Wei, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Asia Economic Policy Conference, 2023

Preemptive Policies and Risk-Off Shocks in Emerging Markets by Das, Gopinath, and Kalemli- Ozcan, 2023 AEA meeting, 2023

Collateral Advantage: Exchange Rates, Capital Flows, and Global Cycles by Devereux, Engel, and Wu, Pacific Basin Research Conference, San Francisco Fed, 2022

Global Demand for Financial Assets, Falling Real Interest Rates, and Macroeconomic Instability by Mendoza and Quadrini, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas/University of Houston/Banco de México Seventh Annual Conference on International Economics, 2022

The Currency Channel of the Global Bank Leverage Cycle by Pedrono, AEA Meeting, 2021 

Asset Purchases as a Remedy to the Original Sin Redux: Benefits, Risks and Limitations by Mimir and Sunel, BoE/BdF/IMF/OECD Workshop on International Capital Flows and Financial Policies, 2021

Global Risk Aversion and International Return Comovements by Xu, AEA Meeting, 2020 

Monetary Policy in Sudden Stops-Prone Economies, by Coulibaly, AEA Meeting, 2020

Flattening the Illiquidity Curve: Retail Trading during the COVID-19 Lockdown, by Ozik, Sadka, and Shen, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, 2020 

Changing Patterns of Capital Flows, Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) Papers No. 66, Academic Roundtable, BIS, 2020

Managing Capital Flows: Theoretical Advances and IMF Policy Frameworks by Korinek, IMF IEO workshop on Assessment of IMF Policies on Capital Controls, 2020

Household Credit, Global Financial Cycle, and Macroprudential Policies by Minoiu, Epure, Mihai, and Luis Peydró, Washington-Area-International-Finance Symposium, 2019

News, Sentiment and Capital Flows by Benhima and Cordonier (Université de Lausanne) CEPR ESSIM, 2018 

Credit Booms and Macro-Prudential Policies in Low-Income Countries by Martinez, Rabanal, and Unsal, AEA Meetings, 2016

Pass-through, expectations, and risks: What affects Chilean Banks’ Interest Rates? Pedersen, BIS Mexico Office Conference on Interest Rate Pass-through, 2016

Understanding the Risk of China's Local Government Debts and Its Linkage with Property Markets", by Ambrose, Deng, and Wu, AREUEA-AsRES Global Real Estate Conference, 2015

Housing Prices and Capital Flows: The Role of Capital Flows Composition, by Olaberra, Workshop on Real Estate and Financial Stability, Central Bank of Chile, 2014

Prudential Policy for Peggers, by Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe, AEA Meetings, 2014

Leverage and Foreclosure Crisis, by Corbae and Quintin, Bundesbank Spring Research Conference, 2014

Taylor Rule with Financial Stability: How to do it? by Taylor, FLAR Annual Research Conference on Financial Stability and Inflation Targeting in Latin America, 2014

International spillovers and capital flows (Global Liquidity and Drivers of Cross-border Bank Flows by Cerutti, Claessens, and Ratnovski, Macro-prudential Capital Controls and the Shadow Economy by Bengui and Bianchi, and Crisis Transmission in the Global Banking Network by Hale, Kapan, Minoiu), ECB MaRs Conference on Macroprudential Policies, Frankfurt, 2014

Macroprudential Regulation Versus Mopping Up After the Crash by Jeanne and Korinek, AEA Meetings, 2013

Overborrowing and Systemic Externalities in the Business Cycle by Bianchi, AEA Meeting, 2010

"Credit Booms and Macroprudential Policy in Low-Income Countries", by Martinez, Rabanal, and Unsal, ASSA Meetings, 2016

"Understanding the Risk of China's Local Government Debts and Its Linkage with Property Markets", by Ambrose, Deng and Wu, AREUEA-AsRES Global Real Estate Conference, 2015

"Housing Prices and Capital Flows: The Role of Capital Flows Composition", by Olaberra Workshop on Real Estate and Financial Stability, Central Bank of Chile,April 2014

International Spillovers and Capital Flows by Cerutti, Claessens, Ratnovski, ECB MaRs Conference, 2014 

Leverage and Foreclosure Crisis by Corbae and Quintin, Bundesbank Spring Conference, June 2014

Overborrowing and Systemic Externalities Over the Business Cycle, by Javier Bianchi, ASSA Meetings and Central Bank of Uruguay, 2013

Macro-Prudential Policies in a Commodity Exporting Economy, BIS conference, October 2013

Taylor Rule with Financial Stability: How to Do It? by John Taylor, FLAR, 2013

Financial Liberalization and Competition by Balmaceda, Fischer and Ramirez, VIII Latin America Finance Network Meeting, Barbados, 2013

Crisis, Capital Controls, and Covered Interest Parity: Evidence from China in Transformation, by Jinzhao Chen, CESifo Summer Institute, July 2010

Macroeconomic Effects of Credit Deepening in Latin America, IDB Conference, April 2014

Common Shocks, Asymmetric Effects: Business Cycles in Brazil and Mexico by de Carvalho and Chauvet, Global Crises and Latin American Economies Conference, November 2012.

Inflationary and Contractionary Biases in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence and Implications, by Magda Kandil,  Economia Panel, May 2010.

Time to Produce and Emerging Market Crises, Latin American Finance Network, May 2011

Deconstructing the Backus-Smith Puzzle: Non-traded Good Prices, Terms of Trade, and Risk Sharing by G.Corsetti, L. Dedola, and F. Viani, Risk Sharing Conference, October 2010

Mundell-Fleming Revisited: The Role of Trade Openness by Calvo, Kamenil and Kumhof, LACEA, November 2008 

SAMBA: the DSGE Model of the Central bank of Brazil, November 2008

Global Yield Curve Dynamics and Interactions: A Generalized Nelson-Siegel Approach by F. Diebold, C. Li, and V. Yue, NBER IFM Spring Metting March 2007

Paper discussions at the 2014 AEA meeting

Paper discussion at the Dallas FED conference on capital flows, international capital markets, and the global crisis 2009

Paper discussions at the US Energy Information Administration annual conference