
Publications in Journals

M. Schouler, R-A. Caulk, L. Meyer, T. Terraz, C. Conrads, S. Friedemann, A. Agarwal, J-M. Baldonado, B. Pogodziński, A. Sekuła, A. Ribes, and B. Raffin. (2023). Melissa: coordinating large-scale ensemble runs for deep learning and sensitivity analyses. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(86), 5291,

A. Ribes, J. Pouderoux, B. Iooss. "A Visual Sensitivity Analysis for Parameter-Augmented Ensembles of Curves." ASME. J. Verif. Valid. Uncert. December 2019; 4(4): 041007.

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt, R. Pillay, C. Lahanier. ”Studying that smile: A tutorial on multispectral imaging of paintings using the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci as a study case”. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25 (4) (2008) p. 14-26. DOI: 10.1109/msp.2008.923091   Download PDF

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt. ”Linear Inverse Problems in Imaging: an Introductory Survey”. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25 (4) (2008) p. 84-99. DOI: 10.1109/msp.2008.923099  Download PDF

C. Rabrait, P. Ciuciu, A. Ribes, C. Poupon, P. Le Roux, G Dehaene-Lambert, D. Le Bihan, F. Lethimonnier. “High Temporal Resolution functional MRI using Parallel Echo Volume Imaging”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 27 (4) (2008) p. 744-753. DOI: 10.1002/jmri.21329    Download PDF

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt, R. Pillay, C. Lahanier, “Calibration, Spectral Reconstruction and Illuminant Simulation for CRISATEL: an Art Paint Multispectral Acquisition System”. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 49 (6) (2005) p. 463-473. Downoad PDF

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt, "A Fully Automatic method for the Reconstruction of Spectral Reflectance Curves by using Mixture Density Networks", Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (11) (2003) p. 1691-1701. DOI: 10.1016/s0167-8655(02)00325-2   Download PDF

My Ph.D. Thesis

A. Ribes. "Multispectral Analysis and Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction of Art Paintings". Ph.D. dissertation. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications. Paris, France, December 2003.  Download PDF


A. Ribes, M. Ben Chouikha. "Dispositif et procede d'estimation d'un parametre d'un materiau polymere"

FR3059104 - 2018-05-25 (BOPI 2018-21)

Book Chapters

A. Ribes, T. Terraz, Y. Fournier, B. Iooss and B. Raffin. "Unlocking Large Scale Uncertainty Quantification with In Transit Iterative Statistics", chapter in "In situ visualization for computational science". In: Childs, H., Bennett, J.C., Garth, C. (eds) In Situ Visualization for Computational Science. Mathematics and Visualization. Springer, Cham. Pages 113-136 (2022) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-81627-8_6

A. Ribes, B. Lorendeau, J. Jomier and Y. Fournier. ”In-Situ Visualization in Computational Fluid Dynamics Using Open-Source tools: Integration of Catalyst into Code_Saturne”, chapter in "Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data -- Tackling Large-Scale, High-Dimensional, and Multivariate Data Sets", Springer. Pages 21-37 (2015) ISBN 978-3-662-44899-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44900-4_2   Download PDF, Book web page

A. Ribes. ”Image Spectrometers, Color High Fidelity and Fine-Art Paintings”, chapter in "Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis", Springer. Pages 449-483 (2013) ISBN 978-1-4419-6189-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6190-7_14    Download PDF

Publications in Conferences (mostly with Proceedings)

A. Ribes, N. Benchekroun, T. Delagnes. A Fast Learning-Based Surrogate of Electrical Machines using a Reduced Basis. AI for Science workshop at ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning ). July 2024. Vienna, Austria. 

L. Meyer, M. Schouler, R-A. Caulk, A. Ribes, B. Raffin. High Throughput Training of Deep Surrogates from Large Ensemble Runs. In Proceedings of The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 2023 (SC’23). DOI:

L. Meyer, M. Schouler, R-A. Caulk,  A. Ribes, B. Raffin. Training Deep Surrogate Models with Large Scale Online Learning, ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning ), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 23-29, 2023. 

B. Iooss, A. Ribés, and F. Robin. On-the-fly uncertainty quantification: algorithms and applications, ENBIS Spring Meeting 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 25-26, 2023.

L. Meyer, A. Ribes, B. Raffin. Simulation-Based Parallel Training. AI for Science workshop at NeurIPS (Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems). December 2022. New Orleans, USA.  Workshop web page

A. Ribes , R. Persicot, L. Meyer, J-P. Ducreux . A hybrid Reduced Basis and Machine-Learning algorithm for building Surrogate Models: a first application to electromagnetism. Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS (Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems). December 2022. Workshop web page

A. Ribes, F. Mazen, L. Meyer. In Situ Monitoring and Steering Deep Learning Training from Numerical Simulations in ParaView-Catalyst.  Talk at In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV'22), November 13, 2022, Dallas, TX, USA. 

F. Mazen, A. Schieb, A. Ribes, L. Meyer. Visualize, Monitor and Control the Training Process of a Deep Surrogate Model in ParaView. ISC HPC 2022 Project Poster Session. Hamburg, Germany. May-June 2022.

L. Meyer, L. Poittier, A. Ribes, B. Raffin. Deep Surrogate for Direct Time Fluid Dynamics. Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS (Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems). December 2021. Workshop web page

A. Ribes, A. Geay, M. Westphal. Accelerating the visualization of spatio-temporal simulations with non-evolving meshes.  In Proceedings of The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Saint Louis, MO, USA, November 2021 (SC’21).

A. Ribes, B. Raffin. The Challenges of In Situ Analysis for Multiple Simulations. In Proceedings of In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV'20), November 12, 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA 6 Pages. DOI: 10.1145/3426462.3426468    Download PDF from HAL

B. Iooss, A. Ribes. "Iterative uncertainty and sensitivity analysis", 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2019. July 2019. Valencia, Spain.

A. Ribes, T. Terraz, Y. Fournier, B. Iooss, and B. Raffin. Large Scale Computation of Quantiles using Melissa. In Proceedings of The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Dallas, Texas USA, November 2018 (SC’18).

T. Terraz, A. Ribes, Y. Fournier, B. Iooss, and B. Raffin. Melissa: Large Scale In Transit Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs Avoiding Intermediate Files. In Proceedings of The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Denver, Colorado USA, November 2017 (SC’17). DOI: 10.1145/3126908.3126922  Download PDF from HAL 

A. Ribes, O. Mircescu, A. Geay and Y. Fournier. "In-situ Visualization for Computation Workflows", In International Conference on High Performance Computing 2017, workshop "Visualization at Scale". Frankfurt, Germany. June 2017. Volume: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10524 (pp. 655-661). Springer, Cham. Download PDF

T. Terraz, B. Raffin, A. Ribes, Y. Fournier. "In Situ Statistical Analysis for Parametric Studies". Proceedings of the In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV), Salt Lake City, USA, November 2016. DOI: 10.1109/isav.2016.012   Download PDF from HAL

Y. Fournier, J. Bonelle, E. Le Coupanec, A. Ribes, B. Lorendeau, C. Moulinec. "Recent and Upcoming Changes in Code_Saturne: Computational Fluid Dynamics HPC Tools Oriented Features". Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering (PARENG), Dubrovnik, Croatia, March 2015.

A. Ribes, J. Pouderoux, A-L. Popelin, B. Iooss. "Visualizing Statistical Analysis of Curves Datasets in ParaView". IEEE VIS. Paris, France, November 2014. DOI: 10.1109/vast.2014.7042523  Download PDF

A. Ribes, A. Bruneton. "Visualizing results in the SALOME platform for large numerical simulations: an integration of ParaView". IEEE symposium on Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), Paris, France, November 2014. DOI: 10.1109/ldav.2014.7013218    Download PDF

B. Lorendeau, Y. Fournier, A. Ribes. "In-Situ visualization in fluid mechanics using Catalyst: a case study for Code Saturne". IEEE symposium on Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), Atlanta, USA, October 2013. DOI: 10.1109/ldav.2013.6675158    Download PDF

Video of the presentation:

A. Ribes, I-Y. Chen, C-H. Yeh, C-P. Lin. “A Monte Carlo simulation to study noise in SENSE reconstructed parallel images “. ESMRMB 25nd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, October 2008.

I-Y. Chen, K-H. Chou, C-H Yeh, A. Ribes, C-P. Lin. “White matter abnormalities in patients with major depressive or bipolar disorders“. ESMRMB 25nd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, October 2008.

C-H. Yeh, K-H. Cho, A. Ribes, C-P. Lin. “Evaluation of angular uncertainties of diffusion MR imaging using finite diffusion pulse duration“. ESMRMB 25nd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, October 2008.

A. Ribes, I-Y Chen, C-P Lin. “Description of the Noise and Signal Probability Density Functions in SENSE reconstructed images”. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2008.

A. Ribes, C. Poupon, C-P Lin. “Tikhonov regularization: effects on the detection of activations in SENSE functional MRI”. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2008.

C. Rabrait, P. Ciuciu, A. Ribes, C. Poupon, G. Dehaene-Lambertz, P. Le Roux, D. Le Bihan, F.Lethimonnier. “Regularized Localized Parallel EVI: application to the study of habituation effects in fMRI”. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2008.

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt . “Improving Spectral Reconstruction Accuracy using Bootstrap”, MCS’07: 9th International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science and Application, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2007.

A. Ribes, F. Lethimonnier, C-P. Lin, C. Poupon. ”Tikhonov regularization optimisation for PreLearn: effects on the detection of activations in functional MRI”, ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May 2007.

C. Rabrait, P. Ciuciu, A. Ribes, C. Poupon, P. Le Roux, D. Le Bihan, F. Lethimmonier. “Localized Parallel Echo Volume Imaging at 1.5 T: a first extensive fMRI study“. ISMRM 15th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany, May 2007.

C. Rabrait, C. Poupon, P. Le Roux, A. Ribes, D. Le Bihan, F. Lethimmonier. “Parallel Zoom EVI: effects of short TR on image quality“. ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2006.

A. Ribes, F. Lethimmonier, C. Poupon, D. Le Bihan. “Reconstruction of Functional MRI series using Parallel Reconstruction Learning“. ESMRMB 22nd Annual Meeting, Basle, Switzerland, September 2005.

C. Rabrait, A. Ribes, C. Poupon, D. Le Bihan, F. Lethimmonier. “Development of a High Temporal Resolution Echo Volumar Imaging (EVI) Sequence with Outer Saturation RF Pulses, using SENSE Reconstruction“. ESMRMB 22nd Annual Meeting, Basle, Switzerland, September 2005.

A. Ribes, F. Lethimmonier, C. Poupon. “PreLearn: a Learning Method for MRI Parallel Reconstruction”. ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, Florida, USA, May 2005.

F. Schmitt, G. Aitken, G. Alquié, H. Brettel, M. B. Chouikha, P. Colantoni, P. Cotte, J.Cupitt, C. de Deyne, D. Dupraz, C. Lahanier, H. Liang, R. Pilay, A. Ribes and D. Saunders. “CRISATEL multispectral imaging system”, 10th Congress of the International Colour Association AIC'05, Granada, Spain, may 2005.

A. Ribés, F. Lethimonnier, D. Le Bihan, C. Poupon. "Développement d'une technique de reconstruction IRM basée sur un système d'acquisition parallèle et sur une méthode d'apprentissage". 11ème congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, March 2005.

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt, H. Brettel. "Calibration and Spectral Reconstruction for an Art Painting Multispectral Acquisition System", CGIV'2002 Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision, Aachen, Germany, April 2004.

A. Ribes, H. Brettel, F. Schmitt, H. Liang, J. Cupitt, D. Saunders. "Color and Spectral Imaging with the Crisatel Acquisition System", PICS'03 The Digital Photography Conference, Rochester, USA, May 2003.

A. Ribés,  F. Schmit,  "Reconstructing Spectral Reflectances with Mixture Density Networks" in Proc. IS&T CGIV'2002 First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision, April 2002, pp 486 - 491, 

A. Ribes, F. Schmitt "Reconstructing Spectral Reflectances of Oil Pigments with Neural Networks", 3rd International Conference on Multispectral Color Science MCS'01, Joensuu, Finland, June 2001.

Other Publications

A Ribes, C. Boucheny. "Eye-Dome Lighting: A Non-Photorealistic Shading Technique", KSource (Kitware's corporate magazine), Issue 17, April 2011. Download PDFOn-line version

A Ribes, A. Bruneton, A. Geay. "SALOME: An Open-source Simulation Platform Integrating ParaView", KSource (Kitware's corporate magazine), Issue 37, April 2016. Download PDF, On-line version

M. Westphal, J. Pouderoux, S. Ayme, A. Ribes, A. Geay. "OpenTURNS Integration in ParaView : Stats and Uncertainty tools". The Kitware's Blog. June 30, 2017. On-line version

A. Ribes, J. Pouderoux, B. Iooss. "Analyzing Ensembles of Curves with ParaView using the Functional Box Plots and Bag Plots". The Kitware`s Blog. May 25, 2020. On-line version