Invited Talks

A. Ribes, "Techniques d'apprentissage pour les jumeaux numériques industriels, outils et modèles" , Keynote speaker at NAFEMS conference, 19-20 November, 2024, Sensils, France. Link to program

A. Ribes, invited to panel of "Journée VISU 2022" , 28th June, 2022, Bordeaux, France. Link to program

A. Ribes, seminar "Melissa: a modular external library for in-situ sensitivity analysis", Research School on Uncertainty in Scientific Computing, 17th September, 2021, Erdeven, Brittany, France. Link to program

A. Ribes, invited to panel of "Workshop on the In Situ Co-Execution of High-Performance Computing & Data Analysis" , ISC High Performance 2021, July 2nd 2021, on-line due to covid-19 sanitary restrictions. Link to program

A. Ribes, invited to panel of Journée VISU 2021, June 8th 2021, on-line due to covid-19 sanitary restrictions. Link to program

A. Ribes "Inovative portable tooling for in-situ Polymer aging follow-up",  talk at the 1st Program Committee meeting of the MEGAPOL project. December 2nd, 2020. Materials Aging Institue, EDF Lab Les Renardières, France.

A. Ribes "The Many Problems of the Visual Analysis of Uncertainty in Numerical Simulation", Keynote at the 23rd International Conference on Information Visualisation, 4 July, 2019, Paris, France.

Link to the Visual Analytics track

A. Ribes "El Pistolero: a lightweight tool for the inspection of polymers", Technical Seminar : On-line monitoring of nuclear component ageing , July 3rd, 2019, Materials Aging Institue, EDF Lab Les Renardières, France.

Link to MAI's web page

A. Ribes "MELISSA: Modular External Library for In Situ Statistical Analysis",  Workshop CCRT-TGCC sur le « Dépouillement in situ », Mars 29, 2019, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France. 

CCRT-TGCC web page

A. Ribes " ...",  Dagstuhl Seminar 18271(In Situ Visualization for Computational Science), July 1 – 6 , 2018, Germany.

Seminar's web page

A. Ribes "MELISSA: in-transit computation for large sensitivity studies",  TOTAL's CodeShow, EAGE (European Association of Geoscientist and Engineers), June 13, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.

EAGE CodeShow

A. Ribes "Challenges computationnels de l'étude de l'incertitude dans les simulations numériques" Workshop Traitement de Données pour la Mécanique des Fluides. 30th Nov. 2017.Saclay, France.

Workshop web page

A. Ribes "Computational challenges of studying uncertainty in numerical simulations", seminar at Argonne National Laboratory. November, 20th 2017.Chicago, USA. 

Seminar's announcement

A. Ribes "Computing Ubiquitous Statistics: Computational Challenges", Keynote at ISAV (In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization), November, 12th2017. Denver, USA.

Workshop web page

A. Ribes "In-situ Visualization for computation workflows". Workshop  "Visualization at scale" of the ISC High Performance international conference. June, 22th 2017. Franckfurt, Germany.

Workshop web page

A. Ribes "Visualizing Uncertainty using the Open Source Software ParaView". Seminar  "Visualization methods for uncertainty studies",  organized by GdR MASCOT-NUM and GdR IGRV (GT Visualisation)  - Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris - May, 22th 2017.

Link to seminar's announcement

A. Ribes "In-situ Visualization and Analysis for large numerical simulations using Code_Saturne", Séminaire BIG SCIENTIFIC DATA STORAGE AND VISUALIZATION OF LARGE DATA GENERATED BY NUMERICAL SIMULATION of EDF – INRIA  – Laboratoire UIUC/NVCA, ANL, BSC Joint Laboratory On Extreme Scale Computing, 24th June 2016, Palaiseau, France.

A. Ribes "In-situ analysis and visualization for large fluid mechanics simulations: Visual coprocessing and parametric statistical studies for Code_Saturne", 

Seminario SIAV, 5th Nov. 2015. IIMAS, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

Link to seminar's PDF announcement

A. Ribes "In-situ Analysis and Visualization of Ensemble Data Sets: the case of Fluid Dynamics Simulations in Energy Production", Workshop on Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC), 28th January 2015, Barcelona, Spain.

Link to agenda of workshop

A. Ribes "Integration of Catalyst into Code_Saturne: In-Situ Visualization in a Computational Fluid Dynamics Open-Source solver", ParaView Showcase at Kitware's booth (#1354), 18th November, Supercomputing 2014, New Orleans, USA.

Link to kitware's blog post

A. Ribes "In-situ Analysis and  Visualization for Large Fluid Mechanics Simulations: Visual Coprocessing and Parametric Statistical Studies for Code_Saturne", Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 30th May 2014.

Link to UPF seminars

A. Ribes "Visualisation de grands volumes de données en simulation numérique : du serveur parallèle au co-processing", ONERA ("The French Aerospace Lab"), Chatillon, France, 6th February 2014.

A. Ribes "Visualization of large numerical simulations: challenges at EDF R&D", Kitware's technical lunch, Clifton Park, NY, USA, October 2013.

A. Ribes "Visualisation in-situ en mécanique des fluides avec Catalyst : une étude de cas pour Code_Saturne", Journee VISU 2013, Paris, France, 6th November 2013.

Link to Journée Visu 2013

A. Ribes "Image Spectrometers for the scanning of fine-art paintings", Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2nd May 2013.

Link to Kyoto seminar's page

A. Ribes "Multispectral capture of the Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci: high quality images for digital archives", TELDAP International Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 27th Febrary 2009.

Link to Teldap conference program

A. Ribes "Haute-fidélité de couleur pour toiles de maître", GDR-CNRS “Couleur et matériaux à effets visuels", Paris, 9-11 December 2008.

A. Ribes "Two Inverse Problems in Imaging", SIAV’08 Seminar, IIMAS, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 15th August 2008.

A. Ribes "Digitalizando a la Mona Lisa", coloquio « Tecnologías aplicadas al arte », IIMAS, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 13th August 2008.