PhilEAs, Geneva

As a student, I co-founded and was president of PhilEAs, the philosophy student association of the University of Geneva.

I co-created and managed the PhilEAs colloquia series. I also developed PhilEAs's student development support initiative, which aims at providing a one-stop address for

  • philosophical and writing resources that are freely available to philosophy students in Geneva preparing for exams and developing philosophy papers—some of these tools having been developed by PhilEAs itself;

  • answers to questions about the philosophy program requirements (e.g., how credit modules work, how to approach a potential senior thesis supervisor, how to combine part-time work and coursework, etc.)

  • offering individual support to students struggling with specific issues (e.g., guiding students to financial aid and housing support resources available within the university)

Student development support initiatives—impressively managed by the current PhilEAs committee—are listed under "Etudes" on the PhilEAs website.

With many other members of PhilEAs, I developed working groups focused on specific projects, which led to Philosophy Café meetings, undergraduate/graduate student reading groups, and the creation of the undergraduate/graduate student philosophy journal iPhilo.