Alain Pe-Curto


I pursue research in value theory, the metaphysics of value, and the philosophy of mind at USI Lugano. My Lugano-based research project, titled “Value Exploration”, receives generous support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SPF, Horizon Europe transitional measures for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions).

In addition, I am a lecturer in philosophy at EPFL, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Yale University, working with Laurie Paul, and an invited postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Rutgers-New Brunswick, working with Prof. Dean Zimmerman. 

I was the academic coordinator of Laurie Paul’s lab meetings at the Department of Philosophy and Program in Cognitive Science of Yale University, and I visited the interdisciplinary centers Institut Jean Nicod in Paris and Arché at St. Andrews.

I am an associate member of Thumos, the Geneva-based research group on emotions and values directed by Julien Deonna and Fabrice Teroni at the Campus Biotech (University of Geneva & EPFL).

My Ph.D. dissertation, Values Under Construction, focused on the mereology of values, a topic at the junction of metaphysics and value theory. I wrote my thesis between Geneva, where I defended under the supervision of Fabrice Teroni and Julien Deonna, and Rutgers-New Brunswick, where I visited under the supervision of Dean Zimmerman. The dissertation committee included Paolo Crivelli, Campbell Brown, Fabrice Correia, and Jonas Olson.

My two MA disciplines were philosophy, with a master's dissertation, and Ancient Greek, with a shorter master’s dissertation. I took linguistics as well.


I work on value and the self with an eye to recent developments in science and technology. Thus, my research develops along three dimensions:

Value Metrics | I am interested in phenomena that may be distinctive of value metrics—such as non-additivity, non-transitivity, evaluative indeterminacy, incommensurability, and parity.

Self | I examine the role of value and emotion in recent controversies about selves, their rational and moral agency, and the persistence of selves across contexts and time.

Transformation | I explore the value dimension of transformative experience and the ability of selves to transform their core values.

Two workshops that I co-organized at Yale focused on this topic: a Workshop on Mutual Understanding and a Workshop on Experience and Transformation.

PUBLICATIONS (as first or sole author)

Manuscripts in preparation or under consideration for publication include:

Please contact me at if you would be willing to share ideas on the manuscripts and topics mentioned.

SCIENTIFIC POSTER (as sole author)

received the Yale Postdoctoral Symposium Poster Presentation Award.

ONLINE POST (as sole author)

Updated and translated versions of a post on malicious pleasure originally created for Swiss TV, available in German, Spanish, and French.

Schadenfreude, Freude über das Unglück anderer (2020).

Schadenfreude, la alegría en la desgracia de los demás (2020).

Schadenfreude, la joie maligne (2020).


Selected Past Awards | I have received research awards from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Cogito Foundation, the Boninchi Foundation, the Academic Society of Geneva, the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, the National Center for Competence and Research in Affective Sciences, and the Dean of the School of Humanities at the University of Geneva.

I am grateful for the Philibert Collart Prize, the Disdier Prize in Moral Philosophy, the Neuman Prize in Aesthetics and Moral Philosophy, and the Yale Postdoctoral Symposium Prize.


I have acted as a reviewer for conferences, book contributions, and, among others, the following journals: The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Dialectica, The Emotion Review, Klesis, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Philosophical Quarterly, The Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Synthese.


Selected—as sole instructor or instructor of record


Transformative Experience, invited lectures, Department of Philosophy, Yale University, New Haven.

Transformative Experience and Migration, invited lecture, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University, New Haven.


Advanced Bachelor

Philosophies of Death and Dying, course-seminar, Department of Philosophy of Rutgers University-New Brunswick.

Metaphysics of Value, course-seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva.

Philosophy of Death, course-seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva.

Master (with master projects)

Emotion and Value I : Feeling, Goodness, and Building Oneself, EPFL–École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Emotion and Value II : Feeling, Goodness, and Building Oneself, EPFL–École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Student supervision and mentoring—in Geneva, at Rutgers, and at Yale

MA (Graduate) & BA (Undergraduate) theses supervision. Topics: value theory, aesthetics; metaphysics.

BA tutoring and paper supervision. Topics:  value theory; metaphysics; transformative experience; mind and moral psychology.

Professionalization events for Ph.D. students

I founded the Lake Geneva Graduate Conference in philosophy with the sponsorship of Profs. Fabrice Correia, Julien Deonna, and Fabrice Teroni, and competitive funding from the Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale and host institutions. The project involved the Universities of Fribourg,  Geneva, Lausanne, and Neuchâtel. I was a member of the lead organization teams for its 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 installments.

The conference was organized in Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, and Neuchâtel on a rotating basis. Its program committee was composed of graduate students from these four universities. The program committee invited keynote speakers and selected papers from international graduate students submitted to the conference. Peer-review was triple-blind: in particular, the names of authors were unknown to both the program committee and the external reviewers.

More information is available here:

Continuing education

La Transformation, invited lecture, Université des Seniors, Geneva.

La Construction des valeurs, course, Université des Seniors, Geneva.

Emotions and Values, course, Université des Seniors, Geneva.


Curriculum Development Committee, Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva

As a student and with the Department's  Faculty, I participated formally in the remodeling of the philosophy program at the University of Geneva. I then acted as a member of the Curriculum Development Committee known as Commission mixte. The page for the current Commission mixte is available here.

Creation of PhilEAs, Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva

As a student, I co-founded and was president of PhilEAs, the philosophy student association of the University of Geneva. I then co-created the PhilEAs colloquia series and PhilEAs's student development support initiative. With many other members of PhilEAs, I developed working groups focused on specific projects, which led to Philosophy Café meetings, undergraduate/graduate student reading groups, and the creation of the undergraduate/graduate student philosophy journal iPhilo. More details on these activities are available here.

First-generation students

With academics working in philosophy, I plan on developing a support platform for students who need advice in their discovery of academia, in particular those whose relatives have no academic background or formal education, such as first-generation students. The goal of the platform is to facilitate contacts through a student and alumni network.


I launched,  co-organized, and participated in student and community outreach events, open days, and site tours at the University of Geneva, the interdisciplinary Campus Biotech, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Yale University.  

I taught a corporate Workshop focused on Transformation, Values, and Purpose for Swissnex, Cambridge, MA, and gave a public presentation on Transformation and Core Values at their New York offices. I acted as a jury for the Yale Ethics Bowl, took part in Philosophy Cafés in Geneva and at UNC-Chapel Hill, and participated in first-generation student events in Geneva and at Yale.

Swissnex, Cambridge, Mass.

More generally, I have been involved in research promotion and communication, including for the Swiss National Science Foundation and with the public (press, radio).

These activities explain the existence of a picture of me as "a researcher shaking hands with the President of Portugal" available at Getty's image bank. Thanks to my amused coworkers for the pointer to the picture.

Non-Academic Work

In the past, I pursued activities outside academia, which helped support my graduate studies in addition to being inspiring and formative. For example, I joined the team of a performing arts theater (no acting involved), was an assessor for high-school finals in Ancient Greek, and contributed to the development of an e-learning platform.