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Bibliothèque personnelle (Livres et articles divers)



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Springer, Banking for family business - A new challenge for wealth management.

Conseils pratiques pour la rédaction d'une dissertation critique.

Nash-1950-non-cooperative games-phd dissertation-princeton.

Planning your dissertation.

Money managment techniques in global asset allocation.

2001 Triz and innovation asset management.

A toll for strategic asset and liability management.

Asset management and cost saving maintenance strategy based on risk-informed decision making.

Obtaining value from Oil & Gas model based asset management.


Ten secrets to becoming a highly  profitable residential developer real estate investing.

Total asset mangement.

wet-fet - carrers in asset managment retail brokerage.

Wiely, The biginners guide to Real Estate investing (2004).

Tous les conseils pour gagner des sous en bourse.

Stock market predictor - Guaranteed money maker - proven result.

Financial market tradin e-book -Nazur J, Money management strategies for future traders.

The money market and the interest rate.

Burton G.Malkiel, Can predictable patterns in market returns be exploited using Real Estate.

Charles Drummond, How to make money in the future market and lots of it.

Paper, Modeling high frequency Dynamics of financial markets in continuous time 2002.

Project managemnt - A system approach to planning, scheduling and controlling, Kerzner Harold.

Sunny day real estate - pink (Back).

Sunny day real estate - The rising tide.

Sure fire selling strategies - Real Estate.

Why most people lose money in the forex market (Booker).

Wiely, How to make money with Real Estate options (2005).

William Bronchick - Financial secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate investor.

Banking law in Palestine.

Hardy, Mary -2003, Investment guarantees modeling and risk management for equity-linked life insurance.

Improving Workflow in the insurance industry, A focused managment approach (Y Eden and B Ronen)- 1993.

Wiely, Finance and invesment guarantees - modeling and risk management for Equity-linked life innssurance.

Actuarial versus financial pricing of insurance.

Banking - bank runs, deposit insurance and liquidity - D W Diamond & P H Dybvig (journal of political economy) - 1983.

Glossary of insurance policy terms - 1999.

Outboard-Motor-advisor com - How to rescue yout outboard.

Reuters Business insights - The top global insurance companies, 2004.

Finance - statistical tools for finance and insurance, Cizek, hardle & Weron - 2003.

Consumer`s guide to insurance for small business owners.

Analytics in insurance_6 - Insurance against decision risk.

(Paper) - Risk, financial crises and globalisation - Long term capital managment and the sociology of arbitrage.

CRC press - Risk analysis in finance and insurance - 2004.

CRC press - Risk analysis in finance and insurance - A Melnikov - 2004.

Development of surveillance technology and risk of abuse of economic information.

IEEE Standard for software life cycle process - Risk management.

Risk analysis in finance and insurance.




II- ECONOMY / ECONOMIE - (Micro/Macro)


Econometric introduction to econometrics 2nd ed (1988), G.S.Maddala - Macmillan publishing.

Investigating casual relations to econometrics model and  cross spectral methods.

Johnson-dinardo econometric methods - 4ed.

Anti globalisation - Hammock john - Globalisation development and humanitarianism ethics transformation - web library.

Apress. foundations.of. AOP.for.J2EE development. sep-2005.

Apress.Beginning. Perl.web development fron novice to professional (2005).BBL.LotB.

Apress.Pro.Eclipse.JST.plug ins for J2EE development (2205).

Creating value in the network economy.

Economic development and population growth.

Economic development, international trade, and income distribution.

GIS and remote sensing for land resource and environment distribution.

Globalisation, Dual economy and economic development.


Ivey Biz journal, Leading and creating value in the knowledge economy.

Ken wilber - The Atman project, A tranpersonal view of human development v 2.0.

Rosen & Campbell international trade.

Schumpeter`s Theory  of economic development and understanding countries.

Specialisation, product development, Evolution of institution of the firm and economic growth.

Sutton, Antony, Suworow, wiktor - Westren technology and soviet economic development.

The rule of agriculture in economic development.

The rule of Business virtue in economic development, PT Barnum.

Le livre noir du capitalisme.

Goodbye Lenin.

Lenin, El programa militar de la revolucion proletaria.

Louis Althusser, Lenin and philosophy and other essays.

Adrien Arcand - Du Communisme au mondialisme-illuminati, conspiration, Franc-Maconnerie, secret, Québec.

Marx -  Le capital (Genese du capitalisme industriel).

La Rusie dans la mondilisation libérale, CADTM.

Mondialisation - Arte, Le monde diplomatique.

mondialisation - commerce et economie.

Mon Combat, Mein Kombat (1926) - Adolf Hitler - French.

Cours micro_economie

Intelligence economique et stratégie d'entreprise.

Master spécialisé ESSEC, Intelligence Economique. espionnage informatique - Window.

Rapport Carayon - Veille Intellignece Economique.

La gestion efficase des services d`information commerciale.

Albert Michael. Neoclassical micro and macro economics.

Blanchard, olivier Jean. lectures on macroeconomics.

Economics, macroeconomics, advances macroeconomics foundations of international macroeconomics - Obstfeld Y Rogoff.

Economic, Macroeconomics. lectures on macroeconomics - Blanchard and Fischer.

Economics, international macroeconomics and finance.

Principal of Macroeconomics, Gregory mankiw, 3r.

The forces of economic growth - Center of Empirical macroeconomics.

Behavioral Macroeconomics and Macroeconomics behavior, Akerlof.

McGraw Hill - Fundamentals of managerial economics.

Microeconomics, Pindyck Rubinfeld.

Microeconomic theory - Economic Mas-Colell, Whinton e green.

Microeconomic Analysis 3d, Hal Varian.

Microeconomic theory (Texas AM lecture notes, web draft, 2004).

Microeconomic 3ed (Prentice-Hall), Pindyck, Rubinfeld.

Inermediate Microeconomics 5ed, Test item file, Hal Varian.

Introduction & Review Microeconomics theory.

Microeconomics, Mcconnell, 2003.

Microeconomics for Mbas - R B Mckenzie & DR Lee (Cambridge universitry Press),2006.

Microeconomics private and public choice - J Gwartney, 11th, 2006.

Le manifeste du parti communiste (1848), Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels. 






Les lois sociales (1898), Gabriel trade,Socio science politique. 

Introduction à l`economie moderne (1903), Georges  Sorel, Socio science politique. 

Le déséquilibre du monde (1918), Gustave le bon, Socio science politique. 

In defense of Marxisme, Leon Trotsky.

Traité du gouvernement civil (1960), John Locke.

Essais de persuasion(1931), John Maynard keynes

Capitalisme socialisme 1 (1942), Joseph Schumpeter.Capitalisme socialisme 2 (1942), Joseph Schumpeter.

Transnational politics international relations theory and human rights APSA, kathryn Sikkink.

Le Rapport de CIA, Comment sera le monde en 2020.

Le socialisme démocratique, (1946), Léon Blum.

La Justice, (1962), Pierre joseph Proudhon.

Le Travail,(1962), Pierre joseph Proudhon.

Les causes de l`oppressions,(1962), Pierre joseph Proudhon.

Le Livre verte.

La guere de Bush, les secrets inavouables d`un conflit,  Eric Laurent.

La face cachée du 11 Septembre, Eric Laurent.

Politics and history, Louis Althusser.

Contre Hayek, Alain de Benoist.

De la démocratie En Amérique, Tome II (1840), Alexis de Tocqueville.

Système de politique positive (1851-1854), Auguste Comte.

De l`esprit des lois, Livre 1 (1748), Charles Montesquieu.

De l`esprit des lois, Livre 2(1748), Charles Montesquieu.

De l`esprit des lois, Livre 6(1748), Charles Montesquieu.

CIA improved sabotage divices.

La Physiologie Sociale (1803-1825), Claude Henri de Saint Simon.

Conscience-polituque organisation.

Martil Arts, CIA remote viewing manual, E-Book,

The politics of Misinformation (2001), Edelman, Murray.

Le socialisme (1928), Emile Durkheim.

Lecons de sociologie (1890-1900), Emile Durkheim.

Le sol, la propriété de l`Etat (1900), Friedrich Ratzel.






Do it yourself, Advertisng and promotion, John Wiley.

Time Mangement - Sitting your goals, Life skills.

Decision making (2001), Mintzberg.

Accounting for managers, Interpreting accounting information for décision making, 2003, wiley,

Combining Fuzzy sets and databases in multiple criteria spatial decision making.

Competitive Vs Collaborative decision making, Steven COHEN.

Decision making and problem solving (2002),Curs.

Decision making support systems - Achievements, Trends, and challenges for The new decade,2003.

Decision maling under timing pressure.

Decisive decision making in the executive budget processes.

Dynamic power management based on continuous-time Markov decision processes.

Emotion, cognition and decision making.

Ethical leadership and the psychology of decision making.

EU protectionism on the rise, Trade policy decision-making, firm-level lobbying, and the impact of enlargement.

Behaviour analysis & decision making, Fantino.

Berklee_carrer_development techniques.

Evolutionary theory and human development, Burgess R.

From `professional business partner` to `Strategic talent leader`,CAHRS.

The development of personality, volume 17, CG Jung.

Life skills, personal development - useful articles to help you in your career.

Personal development - 7 little known success secrets of the rich and famous, (2004),CMee.

Tourism, Human resource development, employment and globalisation in the hotel.

Expanding the keynesian model the role of Government, international trades and prices.

Graphic designer marketing and promotion.

Marketing and management, Kotler.

McGraw-Hill, Value based marketing for bottom line success, 5 steps to creating customer value.

Social constructionism and research in marketing and advertis.

Enterprise marketing management - the new science of marketing (2003), Wiley.

Time management, Acadmic development (Self help life skills) - EBook.

Basic time management (Psychology, self-help), EBook.

Time management for busy people, (Psychology, self-help), EBook.

Time managment, fly, Mcgraw-Hill.

Software project management, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill.

AMACOM, preparing for the project management professional.PMP, Certification exam 2005.

Intro to project management -07, budgeting and cost estimation.

Project management, new six sigma, A leader guide to achieving rapid business (Prentice Hall).

Strategic planning for project management, john Wiley & son, Harold Kerzner.






(DOC), Kogan page, multimedia management.

Object oriented system development (addison,Wesley, Dennis De champeaux), Ebook.

Prentice Hall, Knowledge management Toolkit, Ebook.

Ethernet Networks, Design, Implementation, operation, management.

APress - Real world ASp.NET, building a content management system(VBL).

Apress - Test driven development.A.JE22, example (2005).

Aupha press, the health care quality book (2005).

Human behavioral biology, sociobiology, development (1993), Burgess.

Center of creative leadership - For the practicing Manager, building your teams morale pride and spirit.

International investment for substainabl development (2005), Earthscan.

Harvard business school- Michael Porter`s prescription for high cost of health care.

Human resources management.

International trade law.

Beyond governance, creating corporate value through performance, conformance, and responsibility (2005), John Wiley and sons.

Industrail organisation and international trade (1986), Krugman.P.

Workflow management - models, methods and systems, Mit Press.

Negotiating and influencing skills, The art of creating and claiming value.

The Dynamics of emerging market hedge funds exposure during the asian currency crise of 1997.

Who dies, international trade, market structure and industrial restructuring. 






Microsoft office acces bible,2003.

Microsoft office excel bible,2003.

Microsoft office frontpage 2000 for visual  leaeners tutorial.

Microdoft office outlook bible, 2003.

Manual powerpoint 2000.

Microsoft office project bible.

Microsoft office word bible,2003.

Prentice Hall - Data structures and program design C++.

Visual C+.

Windows programmierung mit C++.

Oreilly - java 3ed programming.

Object Pascal language guide (Borland).

Visual basic 6 black book.

Microsoft office access 2003 VBA programmer`s reference.

Microsoft office outlook 2003, inside out, VBA - Article 2.

Office - Wrox, Excel 2003 VBA programmer`s reference, 2004.

Wordware, microsoft office access 2003 programming by example with vba, xml, and asp, 2005.

Webdesign, creating web pages all in one desk reference for dummies, 2004, Wiley.

Cisco press, CCIE professional development - Advances IP network design.

 Business finance, Excellence in financial management - Evaluating financial performance.

Matlab financial derivatives tollbox users guide (Excellent).

McGraw Hill, Brealey & Myers - Financial analysis with EXCEL.

Computer organisation and design, The hardware software interface, appendix A.

Computer repair, A computer illustrated guide to PC Hardware, 2004.

Computer science & mathematics - programming, a genetic algorithm tutorial.

Fundamentals of digital logic with VHDL.

Probability theory, the logic of science.

Learning and soft computing, support vector machines, Neural network and fuzzy logic model,2001.

Cascading style sheets, level 2, CSS2 specification.

Macromedia dreamweaver Mx Tutorial.

Macromedia flash 8 for dummies, 2005, LinG.

Oracle datebase 10G, The complete reference, Mcgraw hill osborne.

Managing and maintaining a MS windows server 2003 environment.

Wrox, professional. S.Q.L server 2005, reporting services, 2006.






Learn english grammer level 1-2-3, multimedia Vol1.

Easy Letters.

Magic Letters (Business).

92 hypnotic sales letters, Doston and Vitale.

The AMA handbook of business letters, AMACOM.

Career Press, Business letters for busy people.

Learn Spanish I - Reading Booklet - 2nd edition, Pimsleur.

Learn Spanish I - Workbook Lessons 1-30.

Learn how to Speak spanish.

Apprendre l'espagnol (1).

Apprendre l'espagnol (2).

Apprendre l'espagnol (3).

Apprendre l'espagnol (4).

Audio Books, learn Spanish in your car (Lessons 1-46).

Dictionnaire - Argot francais.

Language success strategies (e-book), learn hebrew accellerated learning.

C-learning hebrew book.

Learning the Hebrew Alphabet.

Learn italian in your car (all 104 lessons).

Learn language - Italian (8CDs), Michel Thomas.

Learn italian - full course.

Tofel CD 1 + 2.






Dictionnaire des mathematiques universails (Algebre, Analyse, Geometrie), 1997.

Science_Math, How to build a fuel cell (Free energy).

Mathematical foundations & applications, Fractal Geometry.

A conjecture in arithmetic theory of differential equations, Bull, soc, Math, 1982.

Continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, Khrushchev.S.

Pozrikidis-Fluid dynamics theory computation and numerical simulation.

Dynamical systems (lecture notes, Math 118, free web draft 2000), Sternberg.S.

Base medecine traditionnelle chinoise, Jacques andre Lavier.

Psychanalyse et medecine, S Freud.






Le flambeau pnfe nationaliste l'affaire garaudy l'abbé Pierre revisionisme 52.

Dictionnaire philosophique, 1762.

OSHO, From the false to the truth.

Occultisme, Hindouisme, Bhagavad Gita.

Occultisme, Hindouisme, Sri Ramana Gita, Le chant de sri Rama.

Top-Livre FR, Bouddhisme,  Hindouisme et Bouddhisme Gaia.

Plantin, Jean Paul Rassinier (1906-1967).

Martin Luther king, The story of Christ's resurrection.

Martin Luther King, I Have a dream.

Martin Luther King Jr, Letter from the Birmingham jail.

Taoisme et et sciences Chinoises.

Les versets sataniques.

Occultisme, La magie de l'Oeil Noir.

Traité d'astrologie générale, Robert Fludd.

The seal of the living god, Mark of beast 666 Babylon antichrist ten commandments.

Traité de la Pierre philosophale.

Franc macon, Le coté occulte de la Franc-Maconnerie, C.W.Leadbeater.

Moi Franc-Macon.

La magie blanche.

Livre de magie blanche.

Étude Nationnel de la magie noire.

Occultisme, Traité pratique de la magie sexuelle (P Manoury).

La science secrète, Papus.

Occultisme, dictionnaire des herbes, Les recettes.

Occultisme, Almanche du magiste 5, Papus.

Occultisme, Traité élémentaire de magie pratique 5, Papus.

Occultisme, Histoire de l'Atlantide, W.Scott Elliot.

Critias ou Atlantide, Platon.

Social meditation (Conflict resolution).

Meditation and Psychotherapy.

La connaissance des chakras, Sahaja Yoga France.

The principles of the Yoga philosophy of the Rosicrucians and Alchemiste, Franz Hartmann.

The complete Necronomicon, H P Lovecraft.

Al-Azif, Abdul Al-Hazred.

Occultisme, Livre de la mort, Le Grimoire de Morsoth.

La science des nombres, Papus.

Le livre de la chance, Papus.

Consciousness at the crossroads, Dalai Lama.

A flash of lightning in the dark of night, Dalai Lama.

Le message des anges, Gevaert - SATB.

Le livre de l'or de la sagesse, Paroles de Maitre Arion, Franz Bardon.

Livre de la voie et de la vertu, Tao Te king, LaoTseu.

The tarot of the Bohemians, PAPUS,

Tarot 1, PAPUS.

Tarot 2,PAPUS.

Tarot 3,PAPUS.

Conscience et telephathie.

Telephatie 1 (Arabic).

Telephatie 2 (Arabic).

Dream explaination (Arabic).

Dar Il-Maaref 1 (Arabic).

Dar Il-Maaref 2 (Arabic).

Dar Il-Maaref 3 (Arabic).

Dar Il-Maaref 4 (Arabic).

Decouvrir le troisième oeil.

The holy bible.

The holy Koran.

Barnaba's Gospel.

Histoire des pensées religieuses, Partie 1 (Arabic).

Histoire des pensées religieuses, Partie 2 (Arabic).

Histoire des pensées religieuses, Partie 3 (Arabic).

Au dela du principe de plaisir, 1920, Sigmund Freud.

Cinq lecons sur la psychanalyse, 1904, Sigmund Freud.

Malaise dans la civilisations, 1929, Sigmund Freud.

Psychologie collective et analyse du moi, 1921, Sigmund Freud.

The interpretations of dreams, Sigmund Freud.

Analisis terminable interminable, Sigmund Freud.

Un souvenir denfance dans fiction et verite Goethe, 1917, Sigmund Freud.






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