Series Editors

Yassine Maleh, and Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif

About the Series

The critical technological transformations on which future prosperity depends, pervasive connectivity, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and next-generation approaches to identity and access management will not only present additional challenges to the security community. They can generate new and systemic cyber risks to the global ecosystem, and their full impact is not well understood at this stage. It suggests the urgent need for collective action, policy intervention, and improved government and corporate accountability.

The scope of cybersecurity continues to evolve each year, as does the complexity of the business environment and the rapidly changing risk landscape in which it must operate.

This series is a fundamental source of reference for cybersecurity research and development. It aims to publish advanced textbooks, research monographs, and edited books addressing recent advances in cybersecurity topics. The series is a knowledge resource for practitioners, scientists, and researchers working in various fields of cybersecurity, hacking, digital forensics, cyber warfare, viruses and worms domain or critical infrastructure protection area.