
Start CODA components. Attention, some CODA components (mainly CODA 2 components) may require msql deamon running. Make sure that the main experiment control server called platform (Afecs platform) is running. If not start Afecs platform by executing $AFECS_HOME/bin/platform shell script. The Platform contains the intelligent agent framework as well as the new CODA messaging (cMsg) server. It can be started up in a shell/window with no arguments (as long as $EXPID, $MSQL_TCP_HOST have been set). It does NOT have to be started on the same host as the msqld is running, and one does not have to specify which host (via an ENV variable) on which you choose to run it. However, the user must make sure that a directory is specified for the Afecs platform database to reside (called $COOL_HOME). A default example COOL database is provided for the User in the "examples" directory (cool_db_example.tar). One can unpack this database in a preferred location, and then change the setup scripts to point $COOL_HOME to this directory. The Platform should be left running and the user does not have to interact with that process again. Only one platform should be active for a given $EXPID.

The Run Control GUI is also a JAVA application - "rcgui" (in $AFECS_HOME/bin). It can be run from any host, and one can run multiple copies on multiple hosts. It can take several arguments (see the -h option). All the arguments are optional.

If the Platform is ever shutdown (or killed) for some reason, rcgui and all CODA components should NOT have to be restarted. They should be able to reconnect after the Platform is started again.