
The Options pull-down menu consists of options that control various functionality of the graphical interface. The options available in the Options menu and actions associated with those options are described below.


Charts is a menu that allows user to add, remove, smooth and clear charts in the Histograms tabbed panel of the GUI. The following is the menu item list of the Charts menu:

  • Add (Alt-A)

  • Remove (Alt-D)

  • Smoothing... (Alt-S)

  • Clear

The section How To describes detailed steps to add, remove components to the strip charts, and a procedure used during a graph smoothing.

Coda 2 Database

Coda 2 Database menu presents two menu items: RunTypes... and Sessions.... Run Types... menu item causes a dialog window to open, listing all the configuration names stored in the CODA 2 msql database.

Once you specify your preferences in a DB RunTypes dialog window Platform will translate selected CODA 2 configuration information into COOL configuration knowledge base and store it into appropriate structures in the $COOL_HOME directory (see the section in the run control Users Guide for more details).

The same way Sessions... menu item will cause platform to access msql database and list registered session names in the sessions table of the CODA 2 msql database.

Run control menu items

Options menu has a set of menu items to to select a component for monitoring purposes, as well as setting event limit on the number of events seen by that component to end the run.