2018 Meetings

October 27, 2018

The Ace and the Wingman

by Claire Whitcomb, relative of 1st Lt Philip Edward Hassinger (Capt Arthur Raymond Brooks’ wingman)

(From L to R) Claire Whitcomb, Bill Fosina (President), Art Snyder, Howard Leach (Treasurer)

Claire Whitcomb talks about her great uncle, 1st Lt Philip Edward Hassinger, on her father’s side. He was Capt Arthur Raymond Brooks’ wingman. He was credited with shooting down two Fokkers on Sep 14, 1918, before he went MIA. This is the same day of Brooks’ famous battle with eight Fokker D.VIIs.

See the video of her talk on our You Tube site: Claire Whitcomb - The Ace and the Wingman

September 29, 2018

NJ Aviators in the Great War

by Michael O’Neal, member of the League of WW 1 Aviation Historians

Michael O'Neal (left) & Bill Fosina (Chapter President)

Michael O’Neal gave a presentation on “NJ Aviators in the Great War." He brought along a few pieces of WWI memorabilia for display. He is a member of the League of WW 1 Aviation Historians which dedicated a permanent memorial to our WW 1 aviators at the National Museum of the USAF in Dayton Ohio on September 21st.

The League of World War I Aviation Historians, founded on September 29, 1985, was established exclusively for literary and educational purposes. Its goals include the accumulation, preservation and publication of the history and traditions of factual data concerning aerial activity in World War I. Through sponsorships of educational and cultural programs, such as seminars, forum, panels, and lectures, the League will accomplish these commitments.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Michael O'Neal - NJ Aviators in the Great War

July 28, 2018

The Fog of War Part II

by Lt Col Bob Vaucher, B-29 Pilot, Chapter 195 Member

Bob was invited to be the guest speaker at the New Jersey State AFA Conference on July 28, 2018. His talk, ‘The Fog of War - Part II’, covered his experiences from Jan 1942 thru May 1943. This includes equipping the LB-30 bomber with RADAR, his reassignment to Panama before departing the US to Java (when Java fell to the Japanese in March 1942), and 1,000 hours in four engine bombers flying search missions in Caribbean and Near Pacific until being called back to the US as part of the new organization for the B-29 program.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Bob Vaucher - The Fog of War Part 2

May 26, 2018

World War II Air Corps Veteran

by Art England - 5th Air Force outfit

WWII Air Corps veteran, Art England, talked about his experiences as an “Aerial Engineer” 2750, a combo crew chief & flight engineer. He served in the Southwest Pacific in the Philippines (Leyte, Manila) and the New Guinea jungles. His 5th Air Force combat squadron had twelve C-47’s, but ended up with only four left. They carried ammo, aviation fuel and other cargo. He often encountered anti-aircraft fire. Art had the oldest plane in the squadron: no superchargers, like a Model-T!

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Art England - WWII Air Corps veteran

April 28, 2018

Four Flying Tigers

by Art Snyder, Chapter 195 Member, B-26 Pilot-Korea, B-29 Pilot for CIA

B-29 pilots Bob Vaucher (left) and Art Snyder (right).

Art Snyder, highlighted the careers of four Flying Tigers , emphasizing the small world Earthquake McGoon made it to be.

In April, 1937, Claire L. Chennault, a captain in the US Army Air Corps, retired from active duty and accepted an offer from Madame Chiang Kai-shek for a mission to China to survey the Chinese Air Force. In the fall of 1940, Chennault went to the US to obtain American planes and pilots. On April 15, 1941, an unpublished executive order with President Roosevelt's signature, authorized reserve officers and enlisted men to resign from the Army, Navy and Marine air services to join the American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers) in China.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Art Snyder - Four Flying Tigers

2018 Teacher of the Year - Andrew Palmer

Randolph High School, Randolph, NJ

Andrew Palmer and

Chapter Vice President Betty McConnell

On April 28th, Andrew Palmer, Science teacher at Randolph High School, was presented with an Air Force Association Chapter 195 Teacher of the Year Award by Betty McConnell (see photo), Vice President, AFA Chapter 195, of Randolph, NJ. for engaging students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) within his class curriculum and student club activities. The Award includes a certificate, $500.00 check, and a Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Membership.

Andrew teaches 10th to 12th grade AP Physics, Physics, and Astronomy. He is an advisor to the Robotics, Science Olympiad, Light & Sound, and Computer Club. The Computer Club competed in the AFA CyberPatriot X competition with four teams. One of which, Team M, won the Open Division Silver Tier Semi-finalist award. He also coaches the freshman soccer team.

See the video of his acceptance on our You Tube site: Andrew Palmer - 2018 Teacher of the Year

March 31, 2018

WWII Weekend Highlights at The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum

by Tom Kelcec, Chapter 195 Member

Tom & Ginny (mom) Kelcec

Tom Kelcec spoke about the annual WWII Weekend Highlights over the years at The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, Reading Airport, PA. The Mid Atlantic Air Museum was organized to ensure the professional stewardship of a collection that reflects the history of aviation and to enhance the public's appreciation and understanding of that history. The Museum's collection emphasizes the Mid-Atlantic region's unique contribution to flight,but is broad enough to chronicle a general history of aviation, including military aviation.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Tom Kelcec - WW II Weekend @ MAAM

Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Link

February 24, 2018

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome

by Stu Shippey, Chapter 195 Member

Stu Shippey talks about the 'Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome' and about his visits. He has eight videos, including one during a ride along the Hudson in a bi-plane with a Wright J5 Whirlwind radial engine. Founder Cole Palen made the Aerodrome into America’s first flying museum of antique aircraft and replicas. Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum continues his work of collecting, restoring and exhibiting more than 60 aircraft of the Pioneer, WWI and Golden Ages of aviation.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Stu Shippey - Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Link

January 27, 2018

My Role in the Show of Force at Japan's Surrender

by Lt Col Bob Vaucher, B-29 Pilot, Chapter 195 Member

As the Japanese surrender ceremonies concluded on September 2nd, 1945, 450 carrier planes from the Third Fleet passed in massed formation over the USS Missouri. A few minutes later, 525 Army Air Forces B-29 bombers flew by. This noisily impressive demonstration underscored the power that had brought Japan and the Allies to this time and place. Lt. Col. Bob Vaucher talks in more detail about his last combat mission leading the 525 B-29's as a Show of Force over the Battleship Missouri during the Japanese surrender.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Bob Voucher - Show of Force at Japan's Surrender