2014 Meetings

October 25, 2014

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Air Force and Automated Flying - Part 2

by Toby Terranova, Chapter 195 Secretary

The Air Force's secret role in UAV development remained "in the black world," unseen by any except those closest to the projects. "Today, we now have more than 5,000 UAVs, a 25-fold increase since 2001," said Robert Gates (former Sec. of Defense) in his 2008 speech at the Air War College at Maxwell AFB, Ala. That success is attributed to the massive and long-term technical innovation of the Air Force and its intelligence agency partners over the decades. Satellites, manned aviation, and standoff missiles presented formidable competition to Air Force UAV's. The presence of a “rich uncle” in the form of the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) allowed the Air Force to outsource high-risk development. The Air Force shared in development of every major NRO system and operated all of them. Come hear about the history of remotely piloted airplanes and the role of the Air Force in their development and use.

Speaker and Chapter 195 Secretary, Toby Terranova (right) is introduced by Bill Fosina (left), Chapter 195 President, at the Morris County Library where the presentation took place.

September 27, 2014

Ladybirds - the Untold Story of Women Pilots in America

by Henry Holden

Henry's talk was about American women in aviation from the early day when they faced challenges, discrimination and the glass ceiling. They succeeded because of their dreams, positive attitude, dedication to their dream, and sometimes refusing to take NO for an answer. It was based on his books “Ladybirds - the Untold Story of Women Pilots in America” and “Ladybirds II – The Continuing Story of American Women in Aviation.”

Henry Holden has authored over 900 magazine and newspaper articles, been a commentator on the History Channel, and published 37 books. See: http://www.henrymholden.com/ . He was presented with an Air & Space Conference tote bag.

L-R: Toby Terranova, 195 Secretary, NJ Chaplain and VP Membership , Cole Klietsch, 195 VP, Susan Loricchio, 195 and NJ VP Gov Relations, Henry Holden, and Howard Leach 195 Treasurer and NJ Pres.

Henry Holden receives a complimentary tote bag from Howard Leach in the Library of the Chathams after his presentation.

* * * * * *

The Shooting Star Chapter 195 met prior to the talk to have lunch with the speaker at Charlie Brown’s, 522 Southern Blvd., Chatham Township, NJ. The business portion of the meeting consisted of the following:

1. Electing officers for the roster year starting October 1, 2014. The results are:

President: William Fosina

Vice President: Cole Klietsch

Secretary: Toby Terranova

Treasurer: Howard Leach

2. We agreed to pay the registration cost for four students to register for the High School CyberPatriot Open Division Team ($395 each) and for four middle school Open Div Team registrations(195 each).

3. We will also have a half page ad ($350) in the NJ Aviation Hall of Fame Induction dinner program.

July 26, 2014

Chapter 195 Awards at NJ State Convention

Sally Snelson (Center), Randolph High School, Randolph, NJ, receives the 2014 State Teacher of the Year award from Northeast Regional President Maxine Rauch (right) and a polo shirt from NJ State President Howard Leach (left).

William Fosina, Chapter 195 President (Center), receives a Certificate of Appreciation for a National Medal of Merit Award from Northeast Regional President Maxine Rauch (right) and a polo shirt from NJ State President Howard Leach (left).

Toby Terranova, Chapter 195 Secretary (Center), receives a Certificate of Appreciation for a National Medal of Merit Award from Northeast Regional President Maxine Rauch (right) and a polo shirt from NJ State President Howard Leach (left).

Susan Loricchio, NJ and Chapter 195 Vice President of Govern-ment Relations (unable to attend), received the Exceptional Service Award.

Bill Fosina (left), Chapter 195 President and Toby Terranova (right), Chapter 195 Secretary, receive their Medal of Merit from Howard Leach (center), NJ State President, at the November 1, 2014 State meetiing at Camp Evans in Wall Township, NJ.

June 28, 2014

This month's meeting was canceled. The next meeting will be held on September 27, 2014

June 15 - 19, 2014

2014 Army Warrior Trials at West Point

The Shooting Star Chapter contributed $1,000.00 to our Wounded Airmen who participated in the Army Wounded Warrior Trials at West Point. The Warrior Games, a unique partnership between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Olympic Committee Paralympic Military Program, is a sports competition for wounded, ill and injured service members and Veterans representing all branches of the military. After overcoming significant physical and behavioral injuries, these men and women demonstrate the resilience of today’s force and the importance of adaptive reconditioning in recovery and transition. See: 2014 Army Warrior Trials at West Point More than 100 Army, Marine Corps and Air Force athletes competed in archery, cycling, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming, track and field and wheelchair basketball tournaments during the Tournament. Hosted by the U.S. Army Warrior Transition Command (WTC), the trials determine which Army athletes will compete at the 2014 Warrior Games this fall in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Not only did we contribute money but our Chapter was the only Chapter to have members attend and support our AIRMEN. The event was attended by the Shooting Star President, Bill Fosina and one of our newest members, Cole Kleitsch. According to Bill, "Cole was like a Tornado. He was everywhere and did everything from provide transportation to motivational support. Even participated in a game of wheel chair basketball and had the callus to prove it."

Many of the AIRMEN Wounded Warriors are enlisted and medically retired from the AF. Many have lost limbs and are in wheel chairs. Their disability checks do not go far to support a family never mind covering the costs of participating in the games. President Bill Fosina commented, "I could write a book on how wonderful these men and women are and I plan to write an article for Wingman Magazine."

May 31, 2014

Chapter 195 Teacher of the Year Awards Presentation

This month's meeting honors the Chapter 195 Teachers of the Year (TOY). The purpose of the Chapter Teacher of the Year program is to recognize classroom teachers at the chapter level for their accomplishments and achievements in exciting K-12 students about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), and preparing them to use and contribute to tomorrow’s technologies. Chapters may select one TOY from any grade level or may select two TOYs: one from grades K-8 and one from grades 9-12 for submission to HQ AFA to receive award components each year with the year running from May 1st through April 30th.

Our K-8 Teacher of the Year is Allen Thurlow, with eight years of teaching experience. He currently teaches Technology & Design in the Fourth Grade at the Marion T. Bedwell Elementary School, Bernardsville, NJ. His goal ‘is to make learning technology and design at Bedwell Elementary an amazing educational adventure for his students each and every time they step into my classroom.

Our high school teacher of the year is Sally Snelson with ten years of teaching experience. She teaches Computer Science and Math. Prior to this she worked as a Mechanical Engineer for 13 years and as a Programmer for ten years. In her classes, she makes it a priority to incorporate real world applications to improve the relevance of the home work. She coached the Randolph HS Red and Blue CyberPatriot teams for the last 2 years. This year they won the 2013-14 Open Division NJ 1st and 2nd place awards.See the April 09, 2014 posting below.

Group Picture (L -> R): William Fosina (Chapter President), Sally Snelson (HS TOY), Allen Thurlow (K -> 8 TOY), Amy G. Phelan (Principal, Bedwell Elementary School), Howard Leach (Chapter Treasurer).

April 26, 2014

Newark and Teterboro Airports - Divergent Twins

by Henry Holden, pilot, author

The original founder of the DC-3/Dakota Historical Society, Henry is a member of the Aviation Hall of Fame (New Jersey), Women in Aviation International, AOPA, and EAA. He is currently the News Editor East for Airport Journals and is a regular monthly contributor to the paper. In 1996, he launched the Women in Aviation Resource Center. In 2010 Henry was awarded the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame Distinguished Service Award. He is the author of over 900 magazine and newspaper articles appearing in national magazines. He has been a commentator on the History Channel, and has published 37 books. While only 17 miles apart, and beginning in about the same time frame the two airports evolved into two different and distinct entities. One struggled for decades to remain viable, the other thrived, almost from the beginning. Henry M. Holden is an aviation historian and author. In 1994, Mr. Holden was cited in the United States Congressional Record for his work in recording the history of American women in aviation, and was the recipient of the Author’s Award from the New Jersey Institute of Technology for his book Her Mentor Was An Albatross – The Autobiography of Pioneer Pilot Harriet Quimby.

Chapter Treasurer Howard Leach (Right), thanks Henry Holden for his presentation.

Some members attending the presentation at the Chatham Library (L to R): Toby Terranova (Chapter Secretary), Herb Ramo, Jack Baka, Henry Holden our speaker, Howard Leach (Chapter Treasurer), Gus Manz, Jim Morgan, and Diana Ramo (not seen) who took the photo.

April 09, 2014

Randolph High School AFA CyberPatriot VI First Place NJ

Front Row L to R: Howard Leach, Andrew Putlock, Sally Snelson, Debbie Iosso, William Fosina, Roslyn Franklin

Back Row L to R:, Issac Loo, Ethan Sterk, Daniel Rios, Steven Cheng, Kevin Butryn, Brian McDevitt, Patrick Gannon, Michael Cascione

The Randolph High School Air Force Association CyberPatriot VI Open Division first team was recently recognized for their first place finish within New Jersey. Above, the CyberPatriot-VI 2013-14 First Place certificate was presented by William Fosina, President, Chapter 195, to Debbie Iosso, Principal, with Howard Leach, NJ AFA President and Coach Sally Snelson on left, and Assistant Coach Roslyn Franklin and STEM Supervisor Michael Casicone on right. The first place team members are shown in the back except for Patrick May who was not available for the photo.

Randolph High School AFA CyberPatriot VI Second Place NJ

Front Row L to R: Samuel Wasserman, Sally Snelson, Debbie Iosso, William Fosina, Kyna Horten, Roslyn Franklin

Back Row L to R: Howard Leach, Joel Kurian, Christopher Maxwell, Jamie Flynn, Joe Michail, Michael Cascione

The Randolph High School Air Force Association CyberPatriot VI Open Division Blue team was recently recognized for their second place finish within New Jersey. Above, the CyberPatriot-VI 2013-14 Second Place certificate was presented by William Fosina, President, Chapter 195, to Debbie Iosso, Principal, with Howard Leach, NJ AFA President and Coach Sally Snelson on left, and Assistant Coach Roslyn Franklin and STEM Supervisor Michael Casicone on right. The Second Place team members are shown left to right except for Kevin Leary who was not available for the photo.

March 29, 2014

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Air Force and Automated Flying - Part 1

by Toby Terranova, Chapter 195 Secretary

The Air Force's secret role in UAV development remained "in the black world," unseen by any except those closest to the projects. "Today, we now have more than 5,000 UAVs, a 25-fold increase since 2001," said Robert Gates (former Sec. of Defense) in his 2008 speech at the Air War College at Maxwell AFB, Ala. That success is attributed to the massive and long-term technical innovation of the Air Force and its intelligence agency partners over the decades. Satellites, manned aviation, and standoff missiles presented formidable competition to Air Force UAV's. The presence of a “rich uncle” in the form of the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) allowed the Air Force to outsource high-risk development. The Air Force shared in development of every major NRO system and operated all of them. Come hear about the history of remotely piloted airplanes and the role of the Air Force in their development and use.

Bil Fosina (Ch. 195 President) left, thanks Toby Terranova (Ch. 195 Secretary) for his presentation.

February 22, 2014

"Roving on Mars: The Journey of Curiosity"

by Frank O’Brien, Solar System Ambassador for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The exploration of Mars has been underway for almost 50 years and a wealth of knowledge has been obtained from the Red Planet. Photographs and sampling of its atmosphere and surface have focused on questions that have been asked for years: Did life ever exist on Mars? Does some form of life exist there today? Answers to both questions are both elusive and tantalizing. In the last 15 years, four rovers have been sent to Mars, each building on the previous experiences of the probes that went before them. In the most recent mission, the Curiosity rover has been on the surface since August, and has already made important discoveries. We will talk about Curiosity’s two year mission and the incredible technologies used to deliver the spacecraft to the surface. A review of the experiments and their results will be discussed as well as future plans and goals. Finally, we will discuss upcoming missions, including the recently announced rover scheduled for launch in 2020.

Frank O'Brien (left) receiving an AFA membership for his talk on 'Curiosity' from Chapter President Bill Fosina.

The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo command module (CM) and Apollo Lunar Module (LM). The AGC provided computation and electronic interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the spacecraft.

January 25, 2014

Roving on Mars: The Journey of Curiosity

by Frank O’Brien, Solar System Ambassador for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Due to unforeseen circumstances at the Morris County Library, the meeting was postponed until February 22, 2014.