2015 Meetings

October 31, 2015

"SILENT WARRIORS" - The story of Cold War Airborne Reconnaissance of the Soviet Union:

by Keith Ferris, 2012 National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrinee

Speaker Keith Ferris receives an autographed copy of Wings from Bill Fosina, Chapter 195 President.

Video taken by my friend retired USAF Col. Mark Pestana who routinely flew the RC-135 Rivet Joint missions around the Soviet Union. The video shows what it was like when intercepted by a number of different types of threatening Soviet Fighters. The pogram is dedicated to over 130 Air Crewmen who perished in 40 reconnaissance aircraft shot down during the Cold War. On Sataturday, October 26th, you are cordially invited to attend our next meeting at Charlie Brown’s, at 12:30 PM, for lunch followed by a talk by Keith Ferris. For information and reservations ($20/person), contact Howard Leach at 973-540-1283 or hhleach@aol.com. Everyone is welcome.

September 26, 2015

History of the Picatinny Arsenal

by Patrick J. Owens, Historian, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

Picatinny Arsenal began as the War Department’s powder depot in 1880 and evolved into one of the Army’s most important armaments research and development centers. The post has many historic buildings – some dating to its earliest years, some built following an explosion that devastated much of the base in 1926, and some from the World War II and Cold War eras. On Saturday, September 26th, Patrick J. Owens, Historian, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ, gave a presentation of the history of the Picatinny Arsenal from its founding to the present day. Click on the links below to go to the Picatinny Arsenal's official website and Mr. Owens' presentation on the Chapter 195 You Tube website.

See: Picatinny Arsenal Website See: Meeting Video on You Tube

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1. The election of officers for the roster year starting October 1, 2015, was held. The results are:

President: William Fosina

Vice President: Cole Klietsch

Secretary: Toby Terranova

Treasurer: Howard Leach

The following were appointed positions:

Vice President of CyberPatriot: Howard H. Leach, Jr.

Vice President of Government Relations: Cole Kleitsch

Vice President of Membership: Tobia (Toby) Terranova

Chapter Chaplain: Tobia (Toby) Terranova

2. Members received their plaques and medals that were awarded them at the NJ State AFA Convention on August 1, 2015:

President Bill Fosina receives a Community Partner Achievement Award for his outstanding success in recruiting new Community Partners for Chapter 195.

Toby Terranova (right), Chapter Secretary, VP Membership and Chaplain, receives his Exceptional Service Award plaque from Howard Leach, NJ AFA State President.

August 01, 2015

Chapter 195 Members Honored at NJ AFA Convention

Maxine Rauch, NE Region President, presents an Exceptional Service Award to Howard Leach, NJ State Chapter President.

Maxine Rauch, NE Region President, presents a Medal of Merit Award to Cole Klietsch, Chapter 195 Vice President, as NJ State President Howard Leach (right) and Chapter 195 President Bill Fosina (left) look on.

Maxine Rauch, NE Region President, presents a Exceptional Service Award to Toby Terranova, Chapter 195 Secretary, Chaplain and VP of Membership, as NJ State President Howard Leach (left) and Chapter 195 President Bill Fosina (right) look on.

The recipients of the above certificates will receive their actual awards at the next Chapter 195 meeting on September 26, 2015.

May 30, 2015

America's Secret MiG Squadron (1)

by Keith Ferris, Chapter 195 Member

Keith Ferris, aviation artist, Chapter 195 member, and 2012 enshrinee in the National Aviation Hall of Fame (2) will tell the story of his friend Gail Peck (3) who conceived, briefed, got approved, built and then led Secret, the U.S. MiG Squadron, from a base hidden in the desert at Tonopah, Nevada in the late 1970s and 80s.

(1) America's Secret MiG Squadron (2) Aviation Hall of Fame - Keith Ferris (3) Colonel Gaillard Peck

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2015 Teacher of the Year (TOY) Awards Presentation

William Fosina, Chapter 195 President presents the K-8 Teacher of the year award to Dori Smyth of Mendham Twp. Elementary School.

This year's High School TOY, Bill Thalman, receives his award at Morris Knolls High School from Bill Fosina.

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Greatest Generation meets Gen-X

Chapter 195 member, Thomas R. 'Bob' Vaucher, Lt Col WWII (left), who piloted the lead B-29 during the "Show of Force" display at the Japanese surrender on the USS Missouri at the end of WW II, speaks with Colonel Thomas M. Cooper (right), Vice Commander, 621st Contingency Response Wing, headquartered at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.

B-29's fly over the USS Missouri at the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945.

April 25, 2015

Selection for Teacher of the Year

Bill Thalman, Morris Knolls High School, has been selected as Chapter 195 Teacher of the Year for grades 9-12. Dori Smyth from Mendham Township Elementary School is the Chapter 195 Teacher of the Year for grades K-8. Congratulations to both winners. The Chapter will be presenting the awards at a luncheon meeting on May 30, 2015, at Charlie Brown’s in Chatham, NJ, at 12:30 PM.

March 28, 2015

My Service in Korea and the CIA - Part 2

by Art Snyder, Chapter 195 member

Art Snyder, Chapter 195 member, recapped getting a direct commission, being called to active duty, the Korean war starting, volunteering for flight training to get into combat, then going to Korea to fly B-26’s and, what he did on his 38 missions He elaborated on being transferred to a new CIA Wing to fly B-29’s on covert missions.

To see the presentation video click here. (There are two gaps in the video caused by technical difficulties with the camera.)

Speaker Art Snyder posing with Thomas R. 'Bob' Vaucher, Lt Col WWII B-17,24,29 pilot who led the 525 B-29 Show of Force during the formal Japanese Surrender.

February 28, 2015

My Service in Korea and the CIA - Part 1

by Art Snyder, Chapter 195 member

Art Snyder, Chapter 195 member, spoke about getting a direct commission, being called to active duty, the Korean war starting, volunteering for flight training to get into combat, then going to Korea to fly B-26’s and what he did on his 38 missions.

Chapter 195 President Bill Fosina (left to right) presents speaker Art Snyder with a gift for his presentation with Art's son George, and grandson Travis present.

January 31, 2015

My Time in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)

by Bob Hodges former Chapter 195 President

Robert Hodges, past president of Shooting Star Chapter 195 spoke on his Civil Air Patrol cadet experience during WW II. He got interested in joining on a family trip in 1943 to Syracuse, NY, where was given an orientation flight. He joined in late 1943 or early 1944 and left on Jan 31, 1946, at 18. He was in a Morristown flight that was part of Squadron 222 located in Summit, NJ. He remembers marching with his unit about one week after V-E Day as the American flag bearer. His senior flight commander was the auto mechanics instructor at Morristown High School. His flight was assigned to help at Morristown Airport which had a Crash Truck which was used to put out fires at the airport as well as one in Morristown where an entire block was threatened. His unit was at an encampment at Rome Air Base on V-J Day. He enlisted in the Army in 1946 and was honorably discharged by the USAF in 1949.

To find out more about CAP's history and the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal, go to: http://www.capgoldmedal.com/ .

Bill Fosina, Chapter President (left) presents Bob Hodges (right) with a complimentary gift for his presentation about his Civil Air Patrol experience.