2017 Meetings

October 28, 2017

Cranford TV 35: Lt. Art Snyder’s Air Force Career - Part 2

by Art Snyder, Korean War B-29 Pilot, CIA Pilot, Chapter 195 Member

The second part of a video produced by Cranford TV 35 on Lt. Art Snyder’s Air Force career was shown which covers his second tour as a CIA B-29 pilot out of Yokota, Japan on psychological warfare missions in violation of the Geneva Convention, and on his third tour for the French while still in the CIA out of Da Nang, French Indochina.

See the video of his interview on our You Tube site: Art Snyder - TV35 Interview Observations

September 30, 2017

Cranford TV 35: Lt. Art Snyder’s Air Force Career - Part 1

by Art Snyder, Korean War B-29 Pilot, CIA Pilot, Chapter 195 Member

Officer elections for the next fiscal year were held. After which the first part of a video produced by Cranford TV 35 on Lt. Art Snyder’s Air Force career was shown. It covered Art’s first 50 missions as a B-26 pilot from K-9, US Korean Base, where he describes that his job was to kill anything that moved in North Korea. The second half will be shown at our next meeting.

See the video of his interview on our You Tube site: Art Snyder - TV35 Interview

June 27, 2017

Rev. Trevor Slade

South African Air Force Association - Johannesburg, South Africa

Reverend Trevor Slade (left) and Chapter 195 President, Bill Fosina.

On Saturday, June 27th, following lunch, Reverend Trevor Slade, while visiting the US on business, gave a presentation about the South African Air Force Association and the common interests it has with the US Air Force Association. Reverend Slade is a member of the Johannesburg Branch and National Executive Committee of the South African Air Force Association and heads the Benevolence Portfolio.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Rev. Trevor Slade - South African AFA

May 27, 2017

Teacher of the Year 2017

by Kyle O'Neill

On Saturday, May 27th, following lunch, Kyle O'Neill, our chapter Teacher of the Year, gave a presentation of his teaching activities. He is a teacher of Environmental and Forensic Sciences and utilizes STEM methods in the classroom. As part of the Renewable Energy unit in Environmental Science, his students make solar ovens out of recyclable material that can heat to 110-170 degrees to melt chocolate and bake pizza rolls.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Kyle O'Neill - Teacher of the Year for 2017

Kyle O'Neill (Center), Chapter President William Fosina (Left), and Bob Voucher, WW II Veteran and B-29 Pilot.

April 29, 2017

Capt. Arthur Raymond Brooks, U.S. Army Air Service (1895 - 1991)

by Howard Leach, Chapter 195 Treasurer

Howard Leach

Chapter 195 Treasurer

On Saturday, April 29th, following lunch, Howard Leach gave a talk on former member and WW I ace Arthur Raymond Brooks using some of the material he received from the NJ Aviation Hall of Fame and Museum. Among the material is a beautiful poem, 'Ode to Ray Brooks,' written by Paul Garber, former Aviation Curator of the Smithsonian. We are named the "Shooting Star" Chapter 195 after the shooting star insignia on his and other SPAD XIII planes used by the 22nd Aero Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, US Army Air Service. History Channel video of Dogfights The First Dogfighters featuring AR Brooks (31:18 in) was played.

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Arthur Raymond Brooks

Capt. Arthur Raymond Brooks

March 25, 2017

Landing Craft Support (Large), LCS(L)-61

by SC3/c Joseph H. Staigar, USN

SC3/c Joseph H. Staigar, USN, gave a talk on Landing Craft Support (Large), LCS(L) 61, on which he served in support of troops invading the Pacific Islands during WWII. The LCS (L) 61 gunners had the best anti-aircraft record. LCS(L)'s were primarily used for close support before landing forces on beaches. They also performed radar picket duty and fire fighting. They were nicknamed the "Mighty Midgets". The LCS(L)(3) ships provided more firepower per ton than any ship ever built for the U.S. Navy. Three guns and 10 rocket launchers were the main armaments. Four 20 mm cannons were also mounted and other arms stowed inside. The rifle locker held 4 M1 carbines, 4 Thompson sub machine guns, and 1911A1 45cal semi auto pistols. For more about them, see: LCS(L)-61

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Joseph Staigar

February 25, 2017

Aviation Art: F-35C Carrier Takeoff

by Keith Ferris, 2012 National Aviation Hall of Fame enshrinee

On Saturday, February 25th, Keith Ferris delivered a presentation on his latest painting of an F-35C taking off from a carrier. He is a founding member and past president of the American Society of Aviation Artist. See his background at: ASAAAlso, visit his ‘About the Artist’ page of his Aviation Art Gallery website at: AAG

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Keith Ferris

January 28, 2017

WWII B-29 Kobe, Japan, Fire Raid Mission – Saved by Iwo Jima

by Lt Col Bob Vaucher, WW II B-29 Pilot

The Air Force Association Chapter 195 sponsored a “Spouses / Friends” meeting with a talk by Lt Col Thomas ‘Bob’ Vaucher, of Bridgewater, NJ, on ‘WWII B-29 Kobe Fire Raid Mission – Saved by Iwo Jima.’ He is a decorated WWII B-29 pilot with 117 combat missions who led the armada of 525 B-29’s “Show of Force” over the USS Missouri as Gen MacArthur and others signed the Japanese Surrender documents on September 2nd, 1945. The “Spouses/Friends” meeting was held to recognize the contribution by women to who now comprise about 20 % of the active duty Air force. See USAF’s History with Women at: USAF Women

See the video of his talk on our You Tube site: Bob Voucher

Spouses/Friends with Lt Col Bob Vaucher.

L-R: Ginny Murphy, Diana Ramos, Betty McConnell,

Lt Col Bob Vaucher, Lorraine Gambert,

Ann Morgan, and Donna Lazartic.