Responsibilities of the Executive Committee Members

Program Chair (2-Year Term)

The Program Chair attends to the general administration of the Narrative Research Special Interest Group Program for two consecutive AERA annual meetings. This 2-year commitment allows the chair to sustain continuity between programs with the support of the incoming Program Chair Elect and the mentorship of the Past Program Chair.

The Program Chair works with the Program Chair Elect to develop the annual meeting program attending to the following:

o Attend learning sessions with other SIG program chairs in preparation for developing the annual meeting program

o Monitor incoming proposal submissions

o Select invitee reviewers

o Send email invitations to reviewer invitees

o Finalize peer review panel

o Setup review criteria

o Assign all paper and session submissions for review to the individuals on the review panel

o Notify reviewers of their responsibilities and deadlines

o Monitor reviews

o Accept and reject paper and session submissions based on review panel recommendations

o Notify AERA staff to send out acceptance and rejection letters

o Create sessions based on accepted proposals and allocations from AERA

The Chair prepares and submits necessary reports and communication with Narrative SIG committee monthly meetings as well as with AERA conference organizers on each of the 10 deadlines throughout the year.

Chair Elect: 3-Year Term (Chair Elect, Chair, then Past Chair)

This 3-year commitment allows the Chair Elect to learn alongside the current Chair before taking on the role of Chair, then moving into a mentoring position as Past Chair. The Chair shall be responsible for the general administration of the SIG, among other duties the Chair generally

● Oversees planning of Annual Meeting;

● Works with Co-Chair and Program Chair to develop program;

● Provides leadership for all Narrative SIG activities;

● Works with AERA central staff on financial matters as needed;

● Prepares (in collaboration with the Executive Committee and Program Chair ) and submits necessary AERA reports, forms and plaques;

● Appoints committee chairs, members and webmaster.

● The Past Chair is responsible for elections, providing support to the Program Chair and across the leadership team for various initiatives of the SIG.

Program Chair Elect: 3-Year Term (Program Chair Elect then Program Chair)

This 3-year commitment allows the Program Chair Elect to learn alongside the current Program Chair in before taking on the role of Chair. Duties and responsibilities include

· Overall program development and facilitation

o Work with SIG chair and Co-Chair to formulate ideas for the annual meeting

o Develop necessary program review materials

· Oversee submissions and review of proposals for annual meeting

o Coordinate program

o Finalize program for annual meetings

o Report on Program Matters as needed

Past Program Chair

The Past Program Chair supports the Chair and Chair Elect when called upon.

Secretary/Treasurer: 2-Year Term

  • This officer is responsible for managing and reporting on the financial accounts of the SIG and the safe keeping of all financial documents of the SIG. Main duties include to

● maintain membership records and report to annual SIG meetings.

● approve expense claims, prepare and submit financial reports to the Executive Committee and membership

● assist Chair in other duties such as scheduling meetings, taking minutes and collecting information for subcommittees and newsletter.