Calls for Submissions

Call for Submissions:

Conference proposals, nominations, novels, article manuscripts, short story collections and plays

Information Regarding Early Career Award 2022

The Early Career Award Committee of the Narrative Research Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association is calling for nominations for the 2021 Award. The award is designed to recognize a researcher’s outstanding accomplishment in the area of narrative research and to honor an individual in the early career phase, that is, no later than 10 years after receipt of the doctoral degree. The recipient will receive a plaque at the annual Narrative Research SIG Business Meeting.

Nominations, to be submitted electronically, must include the following:

1. A letter of nomination from a colleague explaining why the nominee is qualified to be recognized in this manner;

2. The nominee’s most recent curriculum vita; and,

3. Two representative scholarly publications by the nominee.

The submission deadline for the Early Career Award nominations: TBA.

Information Regarding Outstanding Dissertation Award 2022

The Outstanding Dissertation Award has been established to honor promising national and international scholars whose research is shaped by narrative research/inquiry theory and methodology. The award recognizes a high-quality doctoral dissertation that offers new insights, expands the reach and imagination of narrative theory and methodology and provokes new thinking about its possibilities for meaning making, critical inquiry, and imagined futures. The outstanding dissertation will be selected by a committee of at least three SIG members. The Outstanding Dissertation Award will only be granted if outstanding dissertation research is evident. The recipient will be presented with a plaque at the annual Narrative Research SIG Business Meeting.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate and select the recipient of the Outstanding Dissertation Award:

1. The dissertation brings us something new. As a whole, it makes an original contribution to the enhancement of wider knowledge and understanding of narrative research/inquiry as a theory and methodology; as well as knowledge of the subject with which it deals;

2. The dissertation demonstrates how narrative methodology sheds new light on the study of a topic appropriate to the degree in the discipline area or in related interdisciplinary areas;

3. The methods used suit the subject matter and are meaningfully and thoughtfully applied;

4. The research findings are accompanied by adequate exposition/theorizing that contextualizes the research within its larger social, cultural and practical context; and,

5. The dissertation was completed and the doctoral degree conferred within the 2-year period preceding receipt of award.

6. Self-nomination is welcome.

Nominations must include the following:

1. A copy of the nominated dissertation (sent electronically)

2. An executive summary of the dissertation in no more than 2,000 words (including references)

3. A one-page letter of nomination from a colleague explaining why the nominee is qualified to be recognized in this manner.

For consideration, nomination submissions must include a letter addressing the evaluation criteria noted above and a copy of the publication.

The submission deadline for the Outstanding Dissertation Award: TBA

Information Regarding Outstanding Publication Award 2022

The Outstanding Publication Award was established to recognize national and international scholars whose research publication contributes to narrative research in terms of the research design and research methodology. The award is intended for single-author or multiple-author books and articles and is not meant for edited volumes or dissertations. The recipient will receive a plaque at the Narrative Research SIG Business Meeting session at the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate and select the recipient of the Outstanding Publication Award:

1. The publication should make an outstanding scholarly contribution to narrative research and/or narrative methodology;

2. The publication should have a clearly evident research base and/or be a strong theoretical piece of scholarly inquiry. We welcome publications from a broad range of disciplines that may address any aspect of narrative research and/or aspects of narrative methodology;

3. The publication must have a single author or multiple authors (no edited volumes or collections);

4. The publication may have been published anywhere in the world between January 1, 2020 and December 31st, 2020 and must be available in English.

Self-nomination is welcome. For consideration, nomination submissions must include a letter addressing the evaluation criteria noted above and a copy of the publication.

The submission deadline for the Outstanding Publication Award: TBA


Social Fictions book series

(Sense Publishers)

Series Editor, Patricia Leavy, Stonehill College

The Social Fictions series emerges out of the arts-based research movement. The series will include full-length fiction books that are informed by social research but written in a literary/artistic form (novels, plays, and short story collections). Believing there is much to learn through fiction, the series only includes works written entirely in the literary medium adapted. Each book will include a brief academic introduction that explains the research and teaching that informs the book as well as how the book can be used in college courses. The books will be underscored with social science or other scholarly perspectives but are intended to be relevant to the lives of college students—to tap into important issues in the unique ways that artistic or literary forms can. Topics will center on the issues college and graduate students are interested in and that can be incorporated into courses— such as identity-building, relationships, life choices and women’s issues. The point of view and lessons—such as feminism, sociology, psychology, and/or history will be in the subtext. The books will also serve as examples of arts-based research or a/r/tography and may be used as exemplars by professors who teach courses in arts-informed research.

Submissions: Please email submissions to Patricia Leavy at

Submissions should include a brief letter about you and your work, a draft of the academic introduction to the book and the first 20 pages of the book. If interested, a complete draft will be requested.


Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice

Brock Education, A Journal of Educational Research and Practice an on-line Open Access peer-reviewed journal. Acceptance rate is under 40%.

Brock Education is particularly interested in publishing scholarly papers that focus on practitioner inquiry (in schools, universities and beyond) and the experiences of teachers, teacher educators and learners.

A General Call for Papers

We encourage teachers, teacher educators and university instructors interested inquiring into practice to consider submitting manuscripts to Brock Education.

Manuscripts guidelines

  • No more than 6500 words in length, not including references.

  • Conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).

  • Footnotes are not to be used.

  • Tables and figures should be kept to a minimum.

*More manuscript and submission details appear on the Brock Education website.