04. Impediments & Advantages


Following is a list of impediments and hindrances that characters may use to gain other advantages (trade off), or just to make their character more interesting.

In most of the games I have dealt with such things are often forgotten in the heat of the fun, especially as a GM where you have to remember lots of them. So I have tried to design them as a once per session thing or a set effect, that is easy to remember and easy to apply. I've also tried to make them optional but with a consequence. The player may elect not to play their impediment this time around but by choosing to do so they will generate a point of Bad Luck.

Players that creatively bring their impediments into game play voluntarily should be rewarded with Good Luck.

Some impediments can be taken in levels, reflecting progressively nastier impediments or ones that appear more often during a session. This will be indicated in the description.

A good idea is to create a card deck of everyones impediments, one card per level, then randomly draw out a number of cards per event and confront the players with them. If they ignore the request the card is moved to your Good Luck pile for use.

Impediments can be agreed to between the player and the GM, customised to their own needs, you odnt have to stick with what is listed below.

Medical Condition (3 levels)

Description: You are ill, having contracted some permanent, debilitating condition that causes you problems, like weakness or feinting, at the most inconvenient times. This can be a recurring cold, a hacking cough, rashes etc. More serious conditions could be malaria or tuberculosis. Disease is abstracted within the game via the disease rules, so feel free to design some affliction accordingly. Players should NOT take conditions that will prove fatal in the short to medium term unless they really want to die. You may take upto three separate afflictions of 1pt each, or a more serious 2 or 3pt affliction.

Once per session, per point (a 3pt affliction would still occur 3 times), the GM may announce that your problem is acting up. The player will be given a chance to role play the effect. This may result in modified dice rolls, extra dice rolls or other undesirable events. These are NOT conditions that can be rolled away or resisted, they do affect you, so play them up as best you can.

Players that gain an affliction during game play do not gain adjustment flaws, and recover as per the normal rules. Afflictions gained during game play can be cured, afflictions taken as an Adjustment strangely never get cured, unless you buy them off.

Eg: The GM will be allowed to lower your rank one level for an event. They may do this a number of times per session based on the level you have taken. Which type of rank is lost will depend on the condition and the circumstances. This must be done before the combat begins.

Technically Inept (3 levels)

Description: the character is particularly inept when it comes to handling technological and mechanical devices, such as muskets, catapults, locks, traps and other devices etc. All attempts to use such devices will be at -1d,-2d or -3d.

An alternative to this would be to make the player pay a multiple cost for learning the Technology skill, brought about by some trauma in their past or a basic mental inability to understand technology (whatever you decide technology is).

Bad Hearing (3 levels)

Description: the character is deaf to various degrees. Whenever they make a roll that involves hearing to a major degree then they suffer the selected penalty (-1d, -2d or -3d). The result can be a 'miss-hearing' or a 'not hearing' effect. There are advantages to being deaf also, but these are left to the player to find.

Bad Sight (3 levels).

Description: the character has poor sight to various degrees. Whenever they make a roll that involves sight (and most do) then they suffer the selected penalty (-1d, -2d, -3d). A 1pt affliction will generally mean poor long sight (out of zone), 2pts will mean poor short sight (within the zone), 3pts poor all sight. Glasses do NOT normally exist in a fantasy world, although they might be invented. Any artificial solution to your sight problem will still require you to buy off the affliction, but something like glasses would result in a different affliction: Reliance (qv). This effect is on at all times.

Bad Luck (3 levels).

Description: You are basically cursed with bad luck. Each session the GM will gain a number of modifier points (1,2,3) with which they may adjust your dice results, equal to the level you take (1,2,3). The GM can split these up if they wish, and need not apply them until after you have determined the result. The GM can apply them to reduce your dice values as well as the result, thus removing special successes, or creating special failures. They are limited to modifying the face value of any dice by 1.

If you took 3 levels of bad luck the GM would have 3 pts to play with, but can only modify any single dice by 1 pt, but the roll by 3pts (3 dice).

Overconfident. (3 levels)

Description: you are habitually overconfident, doing things that normal people would not due to a driving need to prove yourself to others. The effect of this is that the GM may call for you to take action where normally you wouldn't (or if you are particularly keen you can do this yourself), whether you like it or not. A number of times per session equal to your level the GM may call attention to your overconfident nature and ask for you to act accordingly. It will be up to you to come up with some foolhardy response. If appropriate the GM should reward you with experience later on (or right away if particularly apt). You may of course chose to do nothing and thus gain no extra experience, you dont have to be an idiot ALL the time. However, each time you dont use your power to full effect the GM will gain 1 Bad Luck points for each level not used, with which they can then modify their dice rolls.

Loud Mouth. (3 levels)

Description: you just cant keep your mouth shut, ending up saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and loudly too. When a reaction roll ends up as neutral or better, you can choose to push it into a lower result (or the GM may ask you to), by saying just the dumbest things. You can drop the result by a number of levels up to your level in this adjustment. Remember you dont HAVE to do this, it is just an option. Each time you dont use your power, when asked, the GM will gain 1 Bad Luck point for each level not used, with which they can then modify their dice rolls.

Mark Of Evil

Those who pledge them selves to the cause of Seth, honestly and truly, can be branded on their left breast with the sign of Seth. From this day forward, the character gains the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge.

The Edge comes with a price though. Set knows what is in the person’s heart, and does not impart his brand to those who have no intention of fulfilling their duties.


Description: you are a bit of a porker (no offence).

You must sacrifice a Physical or Mental Rank due to poor health once per session. You also suffer more from Fatigue effects if they are applied. Your base move rate is reduced 1d.

Bloodthirsty (3 levels)

Description: you dont quite go berserk but you are nearly as ruthless in your pursuit of slaying your enemies once the fighting begins. You have an uncontrollable urge to simply hack and slash your enemies until they are dead plus a bit more (and smiling all the time). Others seeing this will mostly be horrified and a little scared of you. It has the advantage of intimidating some (if they know), but maybe also drawing the attention of others. Anyone you defeat is likely to be dead rather than incap, making interrogation difficult.

Once per session per level, the GM may call for you to 'double check' that a slain foe is dead, which will mean you are required to go over and hit it a few more times, regardless of what else may be happening, just to be sure. Feel free to embellish the results of your strikes for the benefit of the other players. Failure to do so immediately will result in Bad Luck.

Cautious (3 Levels)

Description: you are thoughtful, some times to the extreme. You always like to think things through, never rushing in or acting precipitously. This may cause you to delay at crucial times, but at other times may be a benefit. Once per session, per level, the GM may call for you to 'rethink' your course of action. If this is during a melee then you lose that action and whatever dice you spent. Other times it requires you to delay whatever you planned and re-consider for a short time, you may well end up doing the same thing. You can chose not to do this, but it is Bad Luck each time you do.

Curious (3 Levels)

Description: you are overly curious about things, always trying to get a look, understand or just find out whats going on. It is bound to get you into trouble sometime. Once per session, per level, the GM may advise you that something is 'fascinating', and you should investigate it further. Failure to do so will result in Bad Luck.

Dubious (3 Levels)

Description: you doubt everything you havent seen with your own eyes, despite the mountain of evidence piled before you. You are dismissive and at times condescending to those who tell you things. Once per session, per level, the GM may tell you that what you have heard sounds like 'rubbish'. If you dont make an effort to dismiss this absurb fact it will be Bad Luck.

Enemies (3 Levels)

Description: you have a serious enemy, either one or more. This can be a long standing enemy, a family enemy or a brand new one you have managed to attract. The level of your enemy will equate to the level of this advantage. A level one enemy would be a little weaker than you, level two would be equal to you, and level three one level better. If multiple enemies are used then decrease their individual skill levels appropriately. These are long term enemies, and not ones that will die out after you kill them. The GM should work out some continuing saga until the player actually buys off the adjustment. The enemy doesnt need to want to kill you straight away, they may want to make you suffer etc. They dont always show up every session either, just at the wrong times. They may act against you from afar, influencing how others react to you, killing those friendly to you, telling lies about you. If you kill them, another replaces them, until you buy off the penalty.

Unattractive (3 levels)

Description: (Boris) you are a very unattractive person. This can help when trying to scare people, but most of the time it gets in your way. Lower reaction rolls considerably (-1,-2 or -3d), but dont push them into violent reactions unless something else would trigger that kind of response. On the up side, use this modifier as a plus when trying to scare or intimidate people (who must be able to see). Ugly is only skin deep.

Grim Reaper (3 levels)

Description: death walks nearby, but only because he is fond of you, you have a knack for killing others. All non-player followers, and minor characters, that go OoA will tend to die rather than be defeated, mysteriously and gruesomely (lots of blood and internal organs, screaming and such). At the end of an event 1 in 6 of the defeated will be dead on level 1. On level 2 this becomes 2 in 6, and on level 3 half of them. If you need to know the status of a particular person just roll a dice. For dramatic effect they should all seem to fall dead around you, so that by the end of a large melee bodies will lie in a circle around you. Its spooky, and people will notice. You will find it hard to hire followers (-1,2,3d).

ON the plus side if people know who you are they will generally avoid you. Major opponents will not be affected by this.

Addiction (3 levels)

Description: you are seriously addicted to some substance, to the point where you have problems controlling it. Alcohol and drugs are all possible forms of addiction. Discuss the matter with your GM and come up with some agreeable arrangement.

A number of times per session equal to your level, the GM may impose the Shakes on you, which means you will be at -1d to all actions during the event. Instead of a penalty the player may choose to sacrifice a Physical or Mental Rank at the start of an event.

An obvious addiction can have social ramifications as well. This addiction is not deadly, it is merely debilitating and possibly expensive.

Compulsion (3 levels)

Description: you are seriously compulsive about something, to the point where you have problems controlling it. Greed, cleanliness, neatness, ceremony and beliefs are all possible forms of compulsion. Discuss the matter with your GM and come up with some agreeable arrangement. Generally you will be required to act obsessively/irrationally toward whatever you are compulsive about. Once per level per session the GM may ask you to act out your compulsion. You may choose not to. However, each time you dont use your power to full effect the GM will gain 1 Bad Luck point for each level not used, with which they can then modify their dice rolls.

Weird (3 levels)

Description: You are different from others, almost unique unless in your home environment, which is remote. Basically you have a feature or habit that most other people think is very strange, and causes difficulty for you at times (you are picked on or shunned). This can be simple, such as tattoos, or complex, such as a strange religion. Discuss with your GM first. The GM will be allowed to use this to discomfort you a number of times equal to the level, per session.

Hero (3 levels)

Description: you are a HERO (big letters), move over Hercules. You love helping the down trodden, opposing the oppressive, bashing the bully, helping damsels in distress, being nice to young children etc. Classical stuff that the rest of your party will hate. Once per session per level, the GM may call for a 'Hero' and those with this aspect are expected to rise to the occasion (or slink away with their tails between their legs, whilst their party members snigger and laugh at them, the meanies!).


Description: you are heroic, a cut above the rest. You gain an extra Physical or Mental rank (your choice at the start of any event). You may re-roll natural 6's. Players gain this feat for free.

Illiterate (3 levels)

Description: you cant read, period! Get someone else to tell you what is written here! Well maybe you can read just enough to cause you trouble, or maybe you misread things a lot.

Intolerance (3 levels)

Description: you have a notable dislike of some group, or some thing. It makes life difficult for you as you generally cant stand it for too long. Normally you have as little to do with them, or it, as possible. If forced to deal with them, or it, you will be obviously obnoxious and unhelpful. Once per session per level, the GM may call for you to be 'offended', or to 'offend' that which you dislike, for whatever reason, and take action about it. Fail to do so will generate a Bad Luck point for the GM to use.

Loyal (3 levels)

Description: you have a moral streak running through you, when you work with people you feel protective and supportive toward them. You rarely lie to them, unless for their own good. You never leave them behind, staying as long as you can to save them. If you promise them something you mean it!

Nice Guy (3 levels)

Description: you are a Nice Guy... sucker! Nice guys always come last, well most times. But for some reason everyone likes a Nice Guy, because they are nice. You have to play nice, be nice, act nice, even to the GM! You are a Boy Scout. You trust people, until you have reason to doubt them, and you are willing to forgive. You are able to lift any reaction roll one level by spending time with them, 10 minutes is usually enough. You remember birthdays!

Miser (3 levels)

Description: you cheap bastid! You are frugal in the extreme, never wasting a penny. You scoop out the spittoons to make sure people haven't spat out a gold filling! You buy things on the cheap whenever possible, you always haggle about the cost of the bill. You never give to charity or a good cause, there is no such thing! You know where every cent goes. You are in charge of tracking the party loot.

Oath-giver (3 levels)

Description: you are only as good as your word! To you your word means EVERYTHING! Your honour is paramount in your mind, if you say something then you make sure it happens! People quickly get to know this through your actions and respect you more for it. When you give your word on something peoples reactions are increased 1 level in your favour immediately, and can never be worse than neutral. Dont be frivolous with your word however, you may come unstuck. A failed oathgiver becomes an Oathbreaker!

Oathbreaker(3 levels)

Description: You have broken your word once too many times, and now the word is out! The lowest level means you are not trusted and occasionally recognised (renown of 10 for this purpose only), although someone has a habit of coming along and exposing you eventually (once known, -1 to reaction rolls). The second level indicates you are recognised quite often (renown of 12) where-ever you go and your oath breaking is well known (-2 to reaction rolls). At the highest level you have been branded (or tattoo) as an Oathbreaker and all people know and distrust you (-3 to reaction rolls). Carry cash at all times!

Charitable (3 levels)

Description: you love a good cause, maybe even a stupid cause! Whatever it is you like to help others out and can never refuse a beggar. Basically your money just seems to go in your pocket and out the bottom. At anytime during a session the GM may approach you with a 'good cause' and you must fork out the money. AT level 1 you lose 15% of your current total cash items. AT level 2 you lose 33%, and at level 3 you lose 50%. Although this is vanished (poof) it actually goes someplace and you can request the GM provide a valid target, which you might be able to make use of. Your generosity will soon become known and after a month in any location you get +1 to all reaction rolls.

Scrawny (3 levels)

Description: you are a bit thin (no offence). The more levels you have the thinner you are. This has pros and cons. On the bonus side you get to say ONCE per session per level, that a strike misses! This must be stated before the strike is rolled, and immediately becomes a miss. On the downside you lose 1 physical rank for an event, a number of times equal to your level per session.

Reliance (3 levels)

Description: you are reliant on something, either physically or mentally. This is not an addiction, but to function properly, at times, you require something extra. Spectacles would be a reliance if you had poor sight (qv). A crutch would be a reliance for a broken leg etc.

Heavy Sleeper (3 levels)

Description: you are a very heavy sleeper and find it slow to wake up, plus you dont respond to noises as well. All actions taken after waking up require 1 extra AP per level taken. This effect remains until you pass a BODY roll (1,2,or 3 successes), allowed at the start of each round (but not during your first round). Attempts to wake you, or determining if you awaken due to events, will be 1 harder per level taken.

Delusion (3 levels)

Description: you live in a strange world of your own sometimes. You believe something to be true that everyone else knows isnt - Elvis isnt dead! Despite the evidence you deny reality and persist with your little dream. The delusion must be relevant to your everyday life as a hero. Once per session, per level, the GM may ask you to act out your delusion in the current event.

Night Terrors (3 levels)

Description: each time you sleep there is a chance you will have a horrific nightmare that will result in you waking up screaming your head off. Once per session per level the GM may ask you act accordingly. You will find it happens at the worst possible times. Failure to do so and the GM gains a Bad Luck point. You lose one Mental Rank for this encounter.

Outlaw (3 levels)

Description: you are a wanted man in some areas. For each level select one major city (which must be near each other) and in those cities (and their surrounds) the law wants you! Which cities you pick may be limited by the GM. You have committed a crime, or been framed, or whatever. Posters are up with your face on them! Each time you enter one of these cities you may be recognised (30% chance by default). You can make attempts to disguise yourself and that will help. Another roll will be made at each significant interaction within the city. If someone does recognise you then a SWAT team will be on their way...

Squeamish (3 levels)

Description: Violence, blood, gore, guts etc make you ill. So ill that it makes you feel like throwing up, which isnt good either as vomitting makes you want to vomit also! And killing the evil guys who surrendered to you - right out!! Can’t we let them go? Once per session per level the GM may ask you to react badly to what is happening, or the GM gains a Bad Luck point.

Thin-skinned (3 levels)

Description: you bleed easily and have brittle bones, any single damage event will do an extra one damage, each time, per level (so 5 damage would become 6 damage).

You lose one Physical rank at the start of an event of the GMs choice. They may do this a number of times you have taken this feat per session.


Description: once per session the GM may ask that you hesitate from entering a melee, or if you are in one and look like loosing then they may ask you to flee, leaving your friends to their fate. If you dont do this then all your dice rolls from that point on till the end of the adventure will be at -1 to their base values as your shake in your boots.

Once per session, at the GMs choice, they may force you to lose a Mental rank. This can only be done while you have a mental rank greater than normal.

Slow (3 levels)

Description: the character is small in stature, short legged or slovenly to the point that it effects their movement ability. This make be taken 3 times.

Once per event the GM or the Player must reduce their movement dice. The number of times, or the number of dice, must be equivalent to the level taken. The reduction only counts if it is significant to the action. Any levels not used will generate Bad Luck.

Outsider (3 levels)

Description: the character lives outside the norms of the majority and is therefore seen as strange and an unknown. They lose 1d from all Social Xposure rolls when dealing outside their own society, per level.


Bodyguard (3 levels)

Description: The player has a bodyguard who is either a close friend or someone is assigned the task and taking it seriously. They are not always available however, once per level per session for an event. Other times they are away taking a leak or visiting their mother.

Good Sight

Description: the character has extra good sight under certain particular circumstances, giving them +1d to any roll that relies on sight to determine the result to a MAJOR degree. A particular circumstance could be poor light, very small things, distant things, from patterns, an eye for detail etc. This bonus can be bought multiple times to gain a bonus in each different circumstance. The GM and the player should be quite clear as to the benefit gained and when it works. Only one level (+1 is the best you get) can be taken per circumstance. This should NOT be used to improve combat or casting rolls.

Dark Sight

Description: the creature is adapated to living in places where sight may not be the primary sense, they are able to compensate darkness penalties 1d per level gained. A maximum of 3 levels may be taken.

Good Luck

Description: you are blessed with good fortune. Each session you may adjust the values of your dice rolls up or down by a total of one point per time you take this benefit. Thus if you rolled 5,4,1 and succeed you could

Robust Health

Description: you are naturally blessed with an efficient body. You gain 1pt to resist all disease and poison rolls (applied to the dice). Once per session you may apply 2pts to any BODY based dice roll to change it as you wish. (This implies that the BODY CHAR must be the one used, and not just one of the two CHAR applicable)

Extra-ordinary Strength

Description: you are blessed with an ability to summon extra strength when it is needed. Once per session you can apply 2pts to any STR based dice roll to change it as you wish. Doing so is draining though, so it expends 3 FAT (Long term). (This implies that the STR CHAR must be the one used, and not just one of the two CHAR applicable)

Astounding Intellect

Description: your mental powers are astounding! Sicilians live in fear of trying to outwit you. Once per session you can apply 2pts to any MIND based dice roll to change it as you wish. This can manifest in extra-ordinary insights, or clues that no one else saw. (This implies that the MIND CHAR must be the one used and not just one of the two CHAR applicable). You never get into land wars in south east asian countries.

Agility of the Cat

Description: your manual dexterity and ability to focus on specific physical tasks is legendary. Once per session you can apply 2pts to any DEX base dice roll, to change it as you wish. (This implies that the DEX CHAR must be the one used and not just one of the two CHAR applicable)

Mind Like a Steel Trap

Description: your WILL is indominateable. The power of your ego is unstoppable when aroused. Once per session you can apply 2pts to any WILL based dice roll, to change it as you wish. (This implies that the WILL CHAR must be the one used and not just one of the two CHAR applicable)

One with the World

Description: your spirit is calm and at peace, you are one with nature. Once per session you can apply 2pts to any SPIR based dice roll, to change one or two dice scores as you wish. (This implies that the SPIR CHAR must be the one used and not just one of the two CHAR applicable)


Description: you are naturally blessed with both hands (and feet). A normal person, trained with their right hand would have 0 skill in their left (-3), and be using an offhand (-3). The first level reduces the -3 offhand penalty to -1, but you still require skill in that hand or you will be "unskilled". The second level reduces it to 0.

Thick skulled

Description: you are naturally resistant to Stun effects, ignore the first Stun effect you suffer during each encounter. Further Stun effects apply as normal. If you take the 3pt level you gain a 1 pt modifier to all Stun recovery rolls as well.

Eyes in the Back of your Head

Description: the character has an uncanny knack of knowing when something is sneaking up behind them. Always allow the owner to make a perception check (even if asleep).

Remain Conscious

Description: the character is able to resist the effects of wounds and injuries and remain conscious longer then normal men. Add +1 to base values for unconsciousness rolls per level taken.


Description: you are naturally gifted with working with anything you pick up. Whenever you default to something (dont have a skill) you gain +1d to that default value.

Level Headed

Description: you remain calm and focussed whilst others succumb to chaos. Once per level per session you may ask the GM to suspend the game for upto 5 mins and get a short briefing of the current situation. You may ask the GM to repeat anything they said immediately before the current event and seek to clarify things. IN a combat you could ask for some extra detail about your opponents. ONLY you and the GM may talk at this time, if any other player says anything the GM gains a 'good luck' point for each one, each time.

Nerves of Steel

Description: you have the ability to steel yourself against fear or other mental weaknesses that may hinder your task at hand. Once per session per level, when-ever some mental weakness or modifier would be applied to you (such as fear or distractions) you may counter them with this ability, modifying the result roll or the effects roll by the level taken.

Once per level per session you may ignore the loss of a Mental Rank due to a mental attack. You cannot use this to power spells or recover lost Ranks from casting.


Description: you have a friend who does things for you, without question. He cooks your meals and does your washing and combs your hair etc etc. He will have two non-combat/non-magic related skills at level 16 (characteristic of 9), and allows you to use those skills as if your own. He is somewhat vulnerable to dying tho, and isnt replaced.


Description: you are big and heavy for your type.

Once per session you may begin an event with an extra Physical rank. This does not stack with any other bonus Physical rank from other


Description: you start the game with a magical item of some kind, discuss this with your GM. The item will be of variable power depending on how many points you spend on it. Have a look at the weapon enhancement spells in the Combat group and use the points here as a guide.


Description: you are above average in your bravery, once per session whenever your character would be required to run or flee from an enemy due to magic (Fear spell etc) or other influences, you may instead ignore it and stand. Further, your bravery can infect others; you may stop one follower/friend from fleeing at that time as well as yourself. You can do this even if you are not fleeing but it counts as your one effort.

You can mend one negative Mental rank per session by spending an action dice (any value) talking to the appropriate target (which can include yourself as well). OR you can ignore the lose of one Mental rank once per session for any reason other than spell casting.


Description: for each point you will gain the starting money again (but not the equipment).

Gift of the Gab

Description: each point gains you an extra 5 language points.


Description: you are extra alert and attentive to details, you gain +1 to all perception skill rolls.

Light Sleeper

Description: you are rarely caught sleeping, and even if you are, you awake instantly; no actions/dice are lost.

Good Looking

Description: you are an attractive devil, at least to the other sex of your race. Others will still recognise you are a good specimen as well. Once per session you may try to use your good looks to influence the result of some social interaction, gaining +1 to the current roll, or a reroll if done in a suitable fashion. For 2 pts you can do this thrice, and for 3pts as many times as you like (but only once per encounter), you are stunning. Of course there are problems now and then...hello sailor!

Sense of Direction

Description: you have an unerring sense of direction, at least in one environment - forest, plains, underground etc. For each point you can add an extra environment. Any test will use your appropriate environment skill +2d. You rarely get lost.

Wicked Eyes

Description: you have eyes that scare people and make them feel very uncomfortable. Modify any intimidation result by +1d as long as you have a minute or two to apply your eyes (lets hope they can see).

Commanding Voice

Description: you have the voice of a British SargMajor, people jump when you clear your throat. You gain +1d to any Leadership, Soldier or Officer skill base value.

Fleet Footed

Description: you are a naturally gifted runner, you gain +1d to movement.


Description: You scare people, you gain +1d per level to all attempts to intimdate others (opposing levels of Fearsome cancel each other out). See Interact (Social) Exposure.

Animal Companion

Description: the character has a loyal animal companion who obeys his commands and to outsiders would appear trained. The type of animal should be mundane, at best a wolf size. Although they have a close bond and can communicate on a basic level there is no telepathy, and the animal is just an animal.


Description: the character has access to people in power, or people who know things, or people who can get things done...


Description: the character has a group of followers who are very loyal to them.


Description: the character has access to some kind of physical and knowledge based resources that are useful to them at times. A library of books, a master artizan etc. This can be consulted once per adventure.


Description: the character is resistant to deseases and infections, add +2d to any rolls to avoid these types of attacks.


The player begins with a minor magical item.

Divine Heritage

Req: None

You are a descendent of a god. This doesn’t have to be taken at the start but is required to become Pharaoh.

Gives you some minor magical gifts related to your god (one spell power from a relevant domain) and minimum required power to cast it. Faith roll to cast, one use per day.


Req: Mind +1 or better

You are able to run two discard pools at once, for eg a spell and a melee action, or even two spells. You may add dice to either one as your action comes up. If either one is forceably discarded for any reason then both are lost.

True Grit

Req: Body +1 or better, or Spirit +1 or better.

Your crossover value from damage is increased from 2 to 3, thus every 3rd Rank loss will cause a rank loss in the other area.