
Creation, size, complexity







Extra Handles-

Conjuring is the art of bringing forth objects from other places, always material things. These can be Marked! (see below) or summoned randomly.

When a conjuration spell is cast the item requested is not just created, it is brought from somewhere else, transported to the caster. If no such object exists then it cannot be conjured. Likewise if only one object of its type exists then that is the only one that can be conjured.

The object brought forth can be a 'marked' object (marked by the conjurer), or a random one. A random object is drawn from the real world, usually the nearest available. Thus you could conjure a gold coin, but it would probably come from the stack of the guy next to you had just put on the table.

A conjured item must be free to come, even the slightest resistance to answering the call will prevent that object being conjured (such as being on someone, such that their spirit is touching it). The Common Spell - Mark can be used to prevent, or aid, conjuring. Resistance must be in the form of "sentient spiritual resistance", merely placing an object in a safe, or putting a rock on it does not cause conjuring resistance. Only sentient spirits (they have consciousness) can resist things, animal and most elemental spirits cannot resist.

Eg: a coin in a persons pocket cannot be conjured, it is in spiritual contact with that person (personal contact). A coin someone had just placed on the table in front of him, but was no longer touching, is conjurable.

Base Rules

• All conjuring spells can be cast 'tight' or 'loose', decided by the player before the casting roll is made. A 'tight' spell indicates that the caster wants exactly what he is after, or nothing at all. If nothing exists to match the request then the spell fails. A 'loose' spell indicates the caster will be happy to get something 'as close of possible' to what they asked for. By default a spell casting is 'tight'.

• All conjuration spells are considered CONSTANT (except the Support spells), the caster's FAT levels are reduced for as long as the spell lasts. The spell remains in effect for as long as the caster wishes to pay for it. Once the spell is cancelled by the caster then the conjured object is returned to whence it came. If the caster is knocked unconscious, or if their FAT level is reduced to zero then all CONSTANT spells fail.

• RANGE LIMITS: conjuring is a line of sight magic, you may normally only conjure an item that is at least partly visible to you. To summon an item that is not visible to you increases the casting level of the spell by one. Eg you are casting a level four spell to conjure an item you cannot see, it will therefor count as a level five spell in all regards, including casting rolls.

• SIZE LIMITS: conjuring only allows you to summon objects up to your own size. Larger objects can be conjured but each multiple of your size increases the casting level of the spell by one. Eg conjuring a bear three times your size (level three spell) would increase it to a level five spell. If not in sight it would become level six.

A conjured item appears on the ground immediately in front of the caster, or in their hands if appropriate.

When something is conjured the caster only gets to nominate a generic object (within reason). They cannot conjure a specific object, such as 'Robert the Bruce’s personal shortsword, the one with the nice green gem in the handle'. You are only allowed to say 'a shortsword'. The use of possessive words (someone’s), explicit names or more than one descriptive word is not permitted. You may not conjure anything magical that does not currently carry your 'mark' (see lists of magical items in the Alchemy spells section).

The exception to this is "THAT item!" Where the caster can clearly see a specific item (90% of it) from where they stand, they can summon 'that item'. Limitations on the type of item still apply, so you could not summon the magical short sword of dragon slaying from the dragons hoard just because you can see it, or snatch a sword from the users hands (it is in contact with his spirit).

Permitted examples:

• A fine shortsword

• A strong longbow

• A quiver full of arrows

• A sturdy horse

The following is not permitted:

• Robert Gordan's shortsword

• The Longbow of the Hero Aradun

• Farmer Jone's horse

• A gem encrusted magical Vorpal Blade.

The status or mood of a summoned object is not controllable by the caster either. If you conjured a bear nothing says it will not immediately turn and attack you, and as the nearest person that is very likely.

Conjured items remain for the ‘event’ then return. All enchanting/alchemy is longer than an event and thus conjured materials can never be used in these processes.