morlais tavern memories

Yank & Jans morlais memories

83- 2000

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Adrian Thomas

old photos welcomed

and returned



to our site,we hope these

photos bring back some happy


of the

Morlais tavern


photos of

Pubs now and long ago

boxing tributes John Gamble & Howard Winstone

On end of Page 3

click on links


Yank & Jans morlais memories ( 1 ) 83- 2000

morlais memories ( 2 ) Morlais memories ( 3 )


Yanks Old and new Pubs

( click on links )

Yanks old pubs in Dowlais A to L

yanks--old--pubs-Dowlais M to Z

Merthyr--= pub== Photos A to L

Merthyr--- pub ---photos M to Z


Yanks old Valley pubs

click on links

yanks pubs around the valleys(1)

yanks pubs around the valleys (2)

first page below

click on photo to enlarge

Tafarn y Morlais

pen & ink Drawing by artist Emyr Williams son of the late Dr John

now lives in london teaching art

(I still have original )

The List below is dedicated to our friends and family

of the Morlais who sadly

are no longer with us.

J.R. (Jack the morlais) & Dilys Thomas. --- William & Bronwen Jones

mine & Jans Parents

Bryn Jones-- Handel Bevan --Ralph Williams--Grenvile Hughes(flick)

Bernard Mahoney

Ralph Tasker

Keith ( Floyd ) Ridgeway----- Roy Elliot

Brian Duke- -Devril Davies(pinto) -- Vic Evans- - Jeremy Coates

David John (dai bus) - Ray & Kitty Reagan

Lyndon Reagan ( son of above )

Dinney guess - Gaynor hourahan.-Horace Thomas -Mel Pugh.

cpt Sid Hill.-- Ron Williams (the brigadier)--

-Glyn & Joan powell

Gordon Davies & son Stephen


Iuan morgan------ & wife Diane

Dai isaacs

Peter Lloyd ( Mougli ) 21.10.02 John Evans (Railway Troed.)28.07.03

Peter (rabbi) Evans 20.08.14

( My Brother in law and best mate r.i.p. )

Lyn Richards ( boon ) & brother Alan----

Stan (the pigs)Davies & wife

Glyn ( maestro ) Jones

EX leader of the famous PENDYRUS CHOIR


Dr John &Thelma Williams

Dennis Hall & wife Maggie

John( fast hands )Gamble --.07.08

Gerald Evans (ex landlord Carmarthen Arm

Peter ( the cheetah ) Evans

John Raymond & Anne raymond

Goronwyn ( Ron the bus ) Jones 12.10.11

Will ( the Eagle ) Cooksey13.04.12

Dai ( the post ) Jones

John Price (drummer)

Perry Williams

Bernard Mahoney

Roy ( welsh office ) Williams

Bernard Clancy.

James (Jimmy ) Winstone 18.01.18

Paul Stanley

Eiffion Davies -02.18

Bryn Price 10-20


more with photos on Friends remembered

Yank & Jan mine hosts 83-2000

above bar was added in 90s to restaurant at rear of building

first refit of bar 80s

bar counter by ( doodle ) & Paul Stanley pews from glyn mill golf club

history of the big bar mirror, my father in the early 70s had a phone call

from Bill Llong the new landlord of the mount in Trefil, informing him that he

had just discovered a mirror in his cellar, with half a ton of coal against

it, and other than slight damp on the bottom was good ,and if he can

arrange transport its his. my father was over there within the hour and

by the end of the week was up. ( and still there to-day )

Can You ?

name the morlais Dogs

loved mougli

What was his favourite bar snack .

Answer below

1/ captain

2/ fergie

3/ Taffy

4/ Dylan


restaurant building before development

and below

( Dai Date hasn't been! Around ? must have slept late )

( Barrels still there )

Ken (doodle ) Morgan

(the minstrel)

(very talented Man a great mate to have)

Very good Artist too


( Above Photo )

If you want to go to Heaven ! (Move To Pant )


( BELOW ) The Jar the black moths missus missed regulars will understand

- ( Who saved all the eggs )

Yank-Mougli -Basil


( Below )

yank presenting cheque to marilyn morgan


for Mencap

( on behalf of the great ! customers of the Morlais)

Elaine Daly Eileen williams R.I.P. Kity Reagan R.I.P.

Gerald Daly P.O. Sullivan ( pos ) big Ralph Williams R.I.P.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Yank presenting cheque to

Guide Dogs


( on behalf of the great ! customers of the morlais)


( Below )

Beer mats collectors items

saved twelve of these

wonder who just came in ha ha not

telling yet

Stan ( the man ) Sullivan

Last seen passing pluto

consec numbered old fivers (mint con )

( bstd tax man got them now ( honest )

The late John Gamble & Striker Ron Morgan

Charity Bike Ride

Brilliant Mates

R.I.P. Boys

He had the style even then


Morlais golf trip builth wells 2000

b/row yank- Dr John Wiliams R.I.P.-Berwyn Jones-Mervyn Jones

Perry WilliamsR.I.P. -Mougli (Johns Caddy )R.I.P. -Phil Prosser .R.I.P.

( Good Day Good Friends )

Darran Thomas ( sticker ) & Jacko sims.

( NOT ! Keeron )

Dowlais Choir Annual dance

i used to run the Bar


went to 70s never been seen or heard of since

the banjo man great mate and entertainer

Yank ( thinking about the vat bill.

( above )

Dean Thomas ( zoffy )


just finished catnic half marathon

11 yrs old

( smiling ! merthyr must have won )

VERY Good friend and workmate


John gamble r.i.p


( brilliant friend to have had ) ( god bless )

R.I.P. mate


( Below )

Mystery trip from Morlais

organised by myself and Jan

Ended up on the ss balmoral

sailing from Penarth to Bristol

night cruise- music & booze

Coatsey- gis a lend of a tenner barb

Late Jeremy Coates R.I.P. & Alan ( Barbie ) Jones

Gang before we set out

!st Stop Sporonis chip shop King size sausage each


2nd stop back to car park morlais glass wine each

3rd stop Penarth Pier to join The Balmoral

charity mysterytrip 80s

who's got the beard ?

( Had to dress up and wear wellies )

peter lock threw Basher reeds wellies over board

Peter (Rabbi Evans ) R.I.P.

(the beard is Zoffy )

Will Cooksey Jeremy Coates (R.I.P. both )

Coatsy ! (will got anything for sea sickness ? )

( on the balmoral )

Gerald Daley ( back ) Norman & Barbie(front )

on the way to penarth

Barry thomas Mougli Barbie Stan the man

on theBalmoral (cruise )

up on deck



Arnie Posnager

Peter o sullivan & Doodle Ken Morgan

pos l said ( i'll be back )

Pos & Doodle

on the balmoral

winner of the drinking comp was

Dai (The bus ) John. ( R.I.P. )

Yes its true our driver

End of trip Photos

anyone got any more ?


Dinny guess (rip)- Tony guess

(the late) Ralph Williams and wife Eilleen

R.I.P. both

L/R Peter Mew -Peter ( rabbi ) evans.R.I.P. ( just finished hjs ice cream round )

Frankie Frosty Griffths - Chris Jones ( Buttons ) r.i.p.

L/R Barrie sullivan-Bandit-Stan & paul sullivan

(Young Zofy Decapitated )

zoffy youngest entrant Catnic

Half marathon 11yr old lied about age

finished in a good time

Gamble & Granville Price

( Trying to drink with the swig! no chance john )

Anyone got any papers ( sorry vince wrong plant )

Vince The Prince

( Ostend )

Jimmy-Crab r.i.p. & Daley

Looking to see if frosty has opened his wallet ouch !

Crom,pontsarn( r.i.p)Jack morlais &(taffy ) r.i.p

sweeties first lovethe italian stallion ( sporoni )

owner sporoni's chippy- mushroom town

( Penydarren )



Gren hughes (flick r.i.p.) Sporoni Stan (the man ) his gay look

ÂŁ1,000 ) presentation to p.c.h

To purchase nebulizers

on behalf of the morlais customers

Granville Price- big Ralph- Yank & J.R.

flick & fred ( ostend )

the late Grenville Hughes ( Flick) smiling ( must be freds round )


Mirror that Malcolm gas smashed Man U hooligan.

Mama mia the shop is all mine ! (tony sporoni )

Bob turner mougli ( Jans parents Will jones, wife Bron (in mirror )

( Sadly all no longer with us ) R.I.P. all

(taken in Morlais restaurant )

norman shell & judith new years eve

Tut restraining John Raymond

from calling a round?

nnnnigel ttttut

s TuT tering

in spain

Sweetie pulled Again

(late Peter Lloyd) & Allan Evans (Motors)

returning from camber sands (Darts )

won the drinking comp again

Ritchie Llewellyn R.I.P.

( his halloween look )

Run the Quiz at the morlais for years

Very Hi-brow quiz (brill

Mougli ( a new hair do )

Pos & Mougli (spain )

still no glasses moug?

Elwyn tony pos Jimmy

(before the hunting ban

Peter O Sullivan

(The ice man )

L/R Ron (brigadier )rip DR John. RoyWelsh office rip Thelma Johns Allison Williams

the late perry williams (wife)

Left Mougli & Phil Prosser Right Front Perry Williams & Dr John Williams

Photo taken by Me in France

Sadly All Passed on R.I.P. Boys

Mougli-Norman-Taffy-Yank (with a Bit of hair )


Morlais memories two

Morlaismemories three Yanks old pubs in Dowlais A to L

yanks--old--pubs-Dowlais M to Z


( click on links )

More Yanks Pub Photos (1) yanks pubs around the valleys ( 2 )

yanks pubs around the valleys ( 3 )

Friends Remembered R.I.P.

( click on links )

Hope you ejoyed this first page, if you have anything to add or want deleted

contact me at.

Hope you enjoy the other sites. Yank & Jan.