Merthyr pubs A to L

Old landlords Merthyr / Dowlais

( When they were! landlords )

b/row l/r Tom Owen Cefn hotel,- -Jim Belt Forge Hammer-Viv Hodges Eagle Inn quarry row,

Lionel Mittel Royal Oak & Bee Hive (owen moneys dad ) -Glyn Edwards IRON Bridge Vaults & Maerdy Hotel

Len Catton Swan merthyr-

,Phil Jones Dowlais Inn,- Fred Brown Great Western,- Charlie Oaks New Inn merthyr(londoner)

f/row old Bill Parry Eagle Hotel,- Jack Thomas (my father) Chairman l.v.a Morlais castle inn.- FAtkinson regional

manager guiness,- Vince Harris Penydarren inn,- W P R Davies sec merthyr l.v.a.

picture taken at the Peter pan restaurant, opposite merthyr library 1954.

J.belt and his wife Thelma later took over stores on georgetown square

,li mittel took over the Beehive castle street.Glyn Edwards took over Maerdy hotel bottom of town,

What a View of an iconic piece of history

i think should have been kept ?


photo from old merthyr



Anchor Inn

96 high st


one of my

locals in the past most of the lamb boys

used it after the lamb closed

Ron & Marge Price run it

Ron Price

one time

( landlord Anchor )

Hobby Horse Bitter

aquired taste

( thats being kind )

Angel Hotel

26 high st

end of building angel public bar

<To left nxt to glass fronted building

100yrds the Crown Pub

opposite Angel >>>>

Three Salmons


Shoulder of mutton

past the Angel left into Broad st

Farmers arms & old angel inn

see map below

six pubs on map

a nice little pub crawl then

Angel Hotel

Farmers Arms

left past angel bar

Corner of Broad St

was the Angel bar now a shop ?/restaurant

Old Angel Inn

Other end of broad st

opposite side to

Farmers Arms

see map below


bott twyn hill

Barley Mow

Nantygweneth st Georgetown

ughh !

Bee Hive

Lye Mitell & tyd Hosts in 60s

Owain Money's parents

Lye Mitell

Belle View

Town centre

Once managed by famous boxer

Joe Erskine

in yhe 60s

Called The Kontiki Bar then Dressed the inside like a

Jungle brought their own bouncers from Cardiff/newport

only seen bouncers at dance halls those days

didn't last long them or the bar lot of hard men

in town those days ha! ha!

Belle View

above 119 high St

Belle View

Name still on front of house

Opposite side to club

Bentleys Commercial Hotel

first shop on right was Rosy Royals

Fruit & Veg Well known Character in merthyr

and ran a1st class shop

larger than life person


bott town nr fountain

this area was known as the Throttle valve due

to the trouble people had getting through.-now getting

pulled down to allow a straight road through town (note all the demo boys posing

in the windows)

Boot Inn


conways dairy to right

took over boot to

extend dairy


Brecon Rd

Hancocks Brewery


Giles & Harraps

merthyr Brewery

to the left was Brewery Vaults ( pub )

There is a long history of brewing in this once industrial heartland of Wales,

stretching back to the early 1800's.

As the industrial revolution took hold,

breweries started to appear across the heads of the Glamorganshire valleys,

producing beer to quench the thirst ( well you couldn't drink the water ) of the men working in the great iron works

. By 1848 there where 12 breweries producing in Merthyr Tydfil alone.

This was beer brewed in the traditional way, using the finest malt and hops

, to suit the taste of the local drinkers.

Sadly as the industry disappeared, so did the breweries,

which where closed down or bought out by larger companies.


Bridgend Inn ( was there once )

Vernon & sadie Jones

Mine hosts of the Owain

son Malcolm


Brittania Inn

The Brunswick

Les Dallow one time landlord

now a chinese eating est/and bar

owned by Gareth Hanely from twn old class mate of mine

1st class i'm told

sadly changed hands again i'm told 2017

Bush Hotel no/45

first sign on right Bush hotel nxt to where barclays bank is

2nd sign on right

Temple bar Inn

Temple Bar with Bush Hotel

further down same side


High st

starting with B

Bird in the Hand- 57 high St

Boars Head

Boat Inn

Bodega Wine Vaults 63 H/St

Brecon & Merthyr R.I.

Bunch of Grapes off n/o 72 back library

Butchers Arms 51 H/St

Bute Arms Inn 23 pont/morl

Bute ( old )

Butchers arms


Nantygwenith Street

other pubs that were in this street

Alfreds Arms

Chandlers Arms

Crown & Scaptre

Full Moon

Grey Hound

Moulders Arms

Kings Arms no/57

Great Western Inn no/58

Bentleys Central Hotel

Commercial Hotel

Bentleys -Central / Commercial Hotel

Must be a Parade of horse drawn Wagons ?

pub-? ( info needed please)

Picton St


Black Lion 58 crn/vaughn st

Cardiff Arms 23

The General Picton 43

Three Mariners

Castle Hotel no/100

site where cinema was

scene of merthyr riots

where dick (Richard Lewis ) penderyn was arrested

and wrongfully hanged in Cardiff Jail

opposite corner to ( Witherspoons) Y Dick Penderyn named after him

Castle Street Lamb on left

Castle Hotel

( not a lot of thought went into that design ughh )



sign uncovererd during renovation


Motor car club





Tom Owens Landlord 50s/60s

Cefn Hotel

was last building leaving cefn for brecon

Church Tavern

Vaynor Pontsarn

George town


( Colliers Cwtch )


Court of Requests

The Dynevor Street street pub has a long history.

In 1809, a Court of Requests for the recovery of small debts was established here.

The court empowered bailiffs to seize the property of debtors,

which affected many of the workers made redundant or with reduced wages

during the iron industry depression beginning in 1829.

As a result the court was hated by many people who saw it as the reason for the loss of their property,

and it became a principal target of the Merthyr Rising in 1831.

It was broken into by Dic Penderyn, later wrongly hanged for his part in the rising.

as a detterent to others THE (b/strds)

Court Arms 141 Eagle Hotel

Les Dallow Mine host 60s Young Bill Parry 60s


High st inc /pontmorlais

starting with C

Central Hotel opp/castle hotel ? n/o 86 cant find it

Clarence Inn

Cobden Arms

Cock Inn ( just above flooks )

Cowbridge Arms 43 H/St

Crawshaw Arms 139 by H & J

Eagle Inn

had the best dart team in merthyr50s/60s

close rivals were the Imperial ( Tiger )

Crawshaw Arms

cefn coed


( states on docs Same side as grawen arms )

Higher up and before Cyfarthfar Arms

name on front ?



crown Hotel

Cross keys


The Cross Keys Inn - 1927.

In the photograph are L-R: Edith Vokes,Hetty Vokes, Richard Vokes and Landlord Albert Vokes.

(Photograph courtesy of Valerie Griffiths)


Cross Keys

George St


Cross Keys Cefn High st

The Crown Inn


Cyfarthfa Arms

Brecon rd

Ye Cymro Inn

Bethal St georgetown



Drovers Arms

top cefn

Drovers Cefn


new bar/rest adjacent to travel lodge Rhydycar

Dynevor Arms

( Fingerpost )

Entrance to Baverstocks/care home

Aberdare road( front ) still same

Gill Sallis north walian last landlord

Was foreman fitter with Chritiani shand heads valley


with his wifeThink she was german ?

Olga ?

Ah! Those were the days travel Anywhere by Train At your Liesure

Until that fat cat Beeching cast his net and ruined everything.

Dynevor Arms

first on right


Jack Hayes & wife Nellie

mine host 60s

Y-Dick Penderyn

(Wetherspoons )

Eagle Inn

Quarry Row / caepantywyll


Viv Hodges ( landlord 60s/70s

Court Arms EAGLE INN



(Ye Olde)- Express INN

What a wonderful site it was,When they used to

deliver ale, also delivered to tiger inn and Anchor

next door is Glencross clothier

Later became Lamberts 60s had a sale in 60s of knitted

slim jim ties various colours all had a stripe right

down the middle 6d six pence each that sat night

in the palace you felt the kiddy going in except

nearly all the boys were wearing one Ha ha !

now a take away

Farmers Arms


top twyn

Full Moon mount/hare to get

George INN

High St Cefn Coed

Giles and Harrap Pub/Brewery


<<<Brewery Vaults Bar to the left / Hancocks brewery

Brecon Rd

John Gamble - Teddy Dean ( cellar man in Brewery) Howard Winstone Hancocks Brewery Brecon Road

Glamorgan Arms

landlord Cam ?

top of bethesda st

Glamorgan Arms

Terrace to left led to my old school

Abermorlais 19-54


Golden Lion

Lower down from Dynevor Arms

Tony Williams ( spicy ) footballer/dart player v/good

at both lived here with his parents

Glove & Shears

Now Dominoes Piza

Ye Old Globe no/37

Six of us caught under age drinking late 50s room on right all had

a clip around the ear as we vacated the pub from local sergeant

let us finish our drinks before chucking us out told me he will tell my

old man ( never did clip was enough )

Grawen Arms

John and Eedie Simpson kept this Before

Taking Kings Arms over

Greyhound & Locomotive no/2

Vanguard lower down no/1

Gwynnes Arms cefn

Heathcock Inn

Dynevor st Georgetown

Hollybush Inn

Tramroad georgetown

IRON Bridge Vaults

in photo

Glynne Edwards landlord50s then the Maerdy Hotel 60s

to the left was the old iron bridge ( lost by idiots in council )

see below

opposite corner was Ivy Bush Hotel

PARROT INN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -IVY BUSH HOTEL

<<<<<< Ynysgau street------------------------------Ivy bush Lane >>>>>>>>>>

to the left of where camera man is the Iron Bridge Vaults

1 - Old Patriot Inn

2 - Iron Bridge Inn

3 - New Duke Inn

4 - Plymouth Arms ( log Cabin )

Old Patriot Inn

Kings Head

( snows petrol ) Garage now

Great Western

Landlord (major Brown )

kings Arms

landlord John Simpson ex town footballer

land lady Eedie ( run the whole show the boss

4ft nothing sorted everything out fights inc )

Kings Boys ( back Bar Johns Bar ) We used to when short would tap john

for a couple pound he would say don;t show eedie he always

gave it-Then later we would pop in the front bar ( eedies ) get another

couple of pound and she would say the same don't show john

only gave to a few of us thats why we had to get the extra pounds

for the boys on the blacklist good old days Barley Bright Keg

1/10p pint top of the range =

Volunteers & Western


( Free Wales Army Recrutment centre 60s / 70s )

Honest !

? -- Caio Evans ( Colonel )- ? - Ron Williams ( Brigadier

customer ? ---Landlord ?--Walsh in 60s

The Loco motive & railway


N0/ 11

Log Cabin

( Plymouth Arms )

Albert Phipps landlord

The Lantern

Road leading to Quarry Row

Niel Kendall R.i.p.

Once kept it

Lord Raglan

Owner John Griff

Ex peters pies owner

llwnyreos Inn (

Abercaniad )

best Hosts in 60s

Billy ( live wire ) & Fay