Yank &Jans morlais memories 83- 2000

( 3 )

Yank & Jans morlais memories one 83- 2000

morlais memories two Morlais memories ( 3 )


Merthyr pub Photos A TO L

merthyr pubs m to z


Yanks old pubs in Dowlais A to L

yanks--old--pubs-Dowlais M to Z


yanks pubs around the valleys ( 1 )

yanks pubs around the valleys( 2 )

Friends Remembered R.I.P.

click on link above

click on photos to enlarge



New Years Eve

in the Morlais

Can you remember who was Pavarotti ?

( answer bottom next photo )

( Ans,to above . Zoffy was pavorotti

New years eve morlais )


Jan & Beryl

Below Beryls late husband Defryl ( Pinto ) & Judith

Judith & Beryl

Phil Prosser R.I.P

It's him again

Mougli and sad faced flick Grenville R.I.P. both


Joint Trip To Ireland

Morlais Tavern==Mount (twyn)== Railway (troed)

Ron & Allan Parry

with the yank

In Ireland


on the irish ferry

Mad eyes-Nigel tut-flick Grenville hughes R.I.P.

lyn kendrick- robs swede on the ferry

Yank-alan&Ron Parry- Jan Symonds

on the ferry going to ireland


on ferry

The parry b- - - - - -s & Yank


alan with his bikers look

Muckross House Killarney

Craig Simms

looking for his shoes ?

(ring of kerry trip )

played golf at Murphys course Killarney

someone stole Craigs new brogues

(left him a tatty pair shoes )

he was not amused !

Vince the prince R.I.P.


its them three again


Yank and Jan

Windswept (Ireland )

Ring of Kerry

Peter Davies & Yank

Ireland -Ring of Kerry

Yank & Jeff the Mount

ring of kerry trip

Craig & Susan sims Lorrain & Jeff The Mount R.I.P.

( Ireland Trip )


Fred Tricket giving mougli flying lessons

shell & Timewarp

is that her tongue sticking out the other ear

mougli pulled again

La Touquet


First illegal immigrant

Arriving in DOWLAIS

( mougli )

the brothers grim

is that mascarra paul ?

Paul & Roger Sullivan

Tony Williams-Sweetie-Mad Eyes

( sweetie saying Do you wanna by a car )

Camber sands darts

Bryn Jones & Handel Bevan

(rip boys)

(notice the smoke ?

(The halcyon days of smokers )

cough! cough !

Stan (The pigs) Davies R.I.P. ----------- Bootsy

( singing the blues )

white and mackay darts r/up


lockie- Ken thomas (abercynon )

lost in semi final


Daley-Will-John Wicious-mougli

(Will must know something the rest dont ? )

Put the heating on Yank!


Ah! That's Better - Remember the photo on left

world famous biker ?

answer below

Wll Cooksey R.I.P.

That cup ( must be for gardening )

(Ans above no/3 Kenny Roberts usa )

Morlais Mares


B/row -barbra --/ Shell /----/----/Brenda /sandra two stools/sylvia

f/rowVanessa/-------/gennette/ michael /Judy Mare

brill set of girls

Can you name these two varmint


Darran & ( son ) Keeron

Dai( Bus) John

drove the bus on the mystery trip

drunk more than us

( great Character )

( r.i.p.)

Yank handing over ÂŁ1,000 cheoue on behalf of customers

to guide dogs for the blind

(see sweetie before specsavers )

Not a badf pint if you downed it quick


Morlais tavern

Charity Eating Comp 23-04-84

only allowed one whisky glass water

The Decathlon boys

Barbie Alan Jones & the champion Martin Mullarney

Jacko Sims pickled onions done him in.

Stan struggles with the pickled eggs

Jacko trying to give one of his pickles away

Who are the youngsters?

Left Zoffy & rabbis boy mathew

Stan & barbie munching along

Barbie came second


My old mate

John William Gamble

When this picture was taken Howard Winstone had just turned professional, standing with

him are Eddie Thomas and David and Bobby Giles. In the front row (left to right): Malcolm Price, a Welsh junior champion and a Welsh International; Gerald Jones, a flyweight champion and Welsh International; Don James, Boy's Club of Wales champion, Welsh International, Welsh flyweight champion and a British NCB champion; John Gamble, a British welter weight champion and a Welsh International.

The boxers are celebrating Don James winning the Viscount Hyndley Trophy (the first time the trophy had left England) and becoming the British National Coal Board boxing champion.

Price, Jones, James and Gamble all went on to fight professionally. Don James has been a big influence on boxing in Merthyr; he trained Johnny Owen before the European bantamweight began hitting the headlines.

https://myhero.com/film_theboxer short doco on don.

A great friend to many ! R.I.P. John


Sad year 2008

below Johns Close mate Howard Winstone

worked one time = to-gether for Hancocks Brewery on brecon road

in 60s

I feel honoured to have known ,and seen this great man fight

A boxing ledgend.

A credit to Wales & his profession

The start of his greatness was the Hot favourite

( the golden Boy Terry spinks ) bye bye

some Bookies were trying to scarper from the eighth rnd but the Merthyr Boys were on their ( Cockney )case

stopped him tko 10th rnd spinks had a few fights after to no avail Howard

went on to Greatness


The Supremes