Media coverage
Sharing with Minimal Regulation? Free Riding and Neighborhood Book Exchange (with Anouk Schippers)
NRC (01.10.2023) - Veel Lucinda Riley, Dan Brown én het Nieuwe Testament
De mini-bieb is bezig met een opmars (Radio 1 Langs De Lijn En Omstreken, 10 november 2021)
A short clip shown at the Behavioral Insights Day organized by BIN NL (24 November 2020)
Interview with Anouk Schippers in De Volkskrant (9 April 2020)
OOG omroep (12.03.2020) - Wat gebeurt er in de minibieb? [Radio interview]
Rtv Noord (27.02.2020) - De minibieb is populairder dan menigeen denkt
Dagblad van het Noorden (22.02.2020) - Populariteit van minibiebs neemt toe
Nederlands Dagblad (22.02.2020) - Minibiebs zijn populairder dan gedacht
By: Dave Ostow (
Broad and narrow bracketing in gift certificate spending, 2014, European Economic Review, 66, 284-302, with Flóra Felsö.
Screening for collusion: A spatial statistics approach, 2015, Journal of Economic Geography, 15(2), 417-448, with Marco A. Haan and Pim Heijnen
The Effects of Lottery Prizes on Winners and their Neighbors: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery," 2011, American Economic Review, 101(5), 2226-2247 (with Peter Kuhn, Peter Kooreman and Arie Kapteyn).
Payment Choice, Image Motivation and Contributions to Charity: Evidence from a Field Experiment, 2011, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3(1), 180-205.
Anonymity in Giving in a Natural Context – A Field Experiment in 30 Churches, 2005, Journal of Public Economics, 89(11-12), December, 2301-2323