Professor of Microeconomics
Research Interests: Industrial organization, behaviorial economics, field experiments, social interactions
Contact details
University of GroningenFaculty of Economics & BusinessP. O. Box 8009700 AV GroningenThe Netherlands
E: a.r.soetevent-AT-rug-DOT-nlT: + 31 (0)50 363 7663 (direct)T: + 31 (0)50 363 7018 (secretary)
Recent Working Papers
(2024) P(l)ay-As-You-Go: Large-Scale Longitudinal Risk-Elicitation in the Field. With Gert-Jan Romensen.
(2024) The Short and Long Term Effects of In-Person Performance Feedback: Evidence from a Large Bus Driver Coaching Program. With Gert-Jan Romensen. Revision requested JPE: Microeconomics
(2024) Does Targeting Relative Performance Feedback Improve Worker Productivity? Field Experimental Evidence from Bus Drivers. With Gert-Jan Romensen.
(2024) Don’t wait on the world to change! How technophilia causes group inaction – an experiment. With Lennart Stangenberg.
Keanu Reeves and John Cleese on this topic. Fun fact: The title has included the reference to John Mayer's song since July 2022, we turned out to be in sync with the New Year's Eve conference by Claudia de Breij at December 31 that year.
Recent Publications
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2024. [Online Appendix][Replication package]
Unofficial soundtrack: John Hiatt with the Jerry Douglas Band. Interest in electric vehicles in Groningen goes a long way back.
Sharing with Minimal Regulation? Evidence from Neighborhood Book Exchange. With Anouk Schippers
European Economic Review, 2024, 161, 104639 [Online Appendix][Replication package]
Corporate leniency programs for antitrust: Past, present, and future. With Jeroen Hinloopen and Sander Onderstal
Review of Industrial Organization, 2023, 63, 111-122.
I will donate later! A field experiment on cell phone donations to charity. With Toke R. Fosgaard.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 202, 549-565, [RCT ID: AEARCTR-0001759] [Replication package]
Short Run Reference Points and Long Run Objectives. (No) Evidence from Running Data.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 2022, 89, 102471. [Replication package]
Key Publications
Payment Choice, Image Motivation and Contributions to Charity: Evidence from a Field Experiment.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2011, 3(1), 180-205. [pdf]
American Economic Review, 2011, 101(5), 2226-2247, with Peter Kuhn, Peter Kooreman and Arie Kapteyn.
Laboratory evidence on the effectiveness of corporate leniency programs.
RAND Journal of Economics, 39(2), 607-616, with Jeroen Hinloopen
Anonymity in Giving in a Natural Context – A Field Experiment in 30 Churches
Journal of Public Economics, 2005, 89(11-12), December, 2301-2323