Tutoring Locations

    • Anytime: Remote video sessions, using screen sharing and annotation, via Zoom. I recommend your student have a pen tablet to make shareable writing easier and better than a mouse or laptop touchpad. Also, a Chromebook does not work for essential shared annotation; PCs and Macs work.

Non-pandemic times, by mutual agreement:

    • In your home in the Acton MA area; much of our work happens at a kitchen or dining room table!

    • In my home dining room in West Acton near the high school. I am a 5 minute walk from the ABRHS high school in West Acton. There is a path to our neighborhood from the school campus, and no highway crossing is required.

    • In public locations; Acton Library and other libraries, churches, even Dunkin' Donuts!

    • My Security and Safety policy: is to always have a third person in the building at the same time.