Math Study Skills Checklist

Daily class

Today’s learning objective? ▢ Write it at the top of your page.

☐ Do the problems along with the teacher; don't just be a watcher. Keep notes - for you.

☐When homework is reviewed: take advantage of this time. If you missed problems, understand why. Ask questions - that's why your teacher is there! Circle missed problems for later review. (These are your best study guides later)

☐At the end of class: read today's learning objective objective again. Do you understand what it means? You will practice it more in homework.

Daily homework

review for a minute or two what you went over in class. What was the lesson? (Understand the purpose of math homework: It's to help you understand concepts and build skills, not because it is important to get the right answers. )

Troubles? When you have trouble completing a problem (most people do):

1. review your class notes and think about how they relate to this problem.

2. read the section in the text - your teacher might not have explained everything.

Circle any you still have trouble with - ▢ ask about them the next day.

Stars: At the end of the problem set, look at the learning objective you wrote from class. Choose a few problems to star, that were typical or challenging, that you will review before your test. (most homeworks have some easy beginner problems to help you learn and practice. Then there are problems that vary and extend the lesson, use earlier skills, and really make you think. What did you learn from each? )

Process: Try to understand the solution process, not just the specific problem. A similar but brand new problem may be on a test or quiz.

review the previous day's lesson for 1 minute. What did you learn? Can you still do it?

Look ahead at the material for tomorrow. What will you learn? (skim for 2 minutes).

☐Keep your homework in a convenient and neat notebook so that you will be able to find questions or difficulties you have quickly and easily. This will also provide an invaluable study guide for tests.

☐Ask a study buddy to work together 1-3 times per week. Very Valuable and more fun!!

Study for a test

Make a list of the topics you were to learn; a typical test is on a whole or ½ chapter. Include Vocabulary! Also, check the text; most have a list for the chapter.

☐You may get a review sheet of problems. It will probably give you only 1 or 2 of each type of problem; it also includes some your teacher thinks you must know!

Take it a step further - find and do a few similar but different types of problems. For example, an interest rate problem may ask you to calculate the final total amount, or the interest earned, or a number of years, or an interest rate, or to compound interest quarterly, annually, or continuously. The review sheet may only give you one - think about which type was hard for you, and also do one of those!

☐If the review sheet does not cover a topic on your list, review it yourself!

☐review all of your chapter homeworks. Look at those you have circled and starred. What did you learn from them? Change a number in the problem and do it again - that will help you remember the process.

Need More Help?

As an Acton and Concord area (MA USA) tutor I would be happy to coach your student to a higher level of success!

Here's another article I like: " A Guide for Studying Math "

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