Math Tutoring FAQs

How does this work? For most students, weekly tutoring works best. We can practice, review the past weeks' work, answer questions that came up during the week, prepare for the next test. We can practice in any areas of weakness. We can look ahead at the next week's work, to be ready and prepared.

Can you improve grades? Yes. Typically within 1-8 sessions, as students improve technique, skills, focus, preparedness, confidence, and speed, grades rise.

How long per session and how often? Most students meet with me weekly at a regular time, for an hour or 45 minutes. Some are better served by twice per week sessions, so that we can better keep up with current class work; these are most often 30 or 45 minutes.

Do you have references? Yes, I have good customer references ! Tutoring depends on referrals and recommendations from happy customers (parents and students), so I try hard to exceed expectations. I would love for you to recommend me to others!

What is my “style”? I strive to be friendly, competent, professional, and to be a good positive role model. I employ a variety of techniques depending on what a student needs: demonstrate, ask questions, answer questions, coach, teach, show, give feedback, correct, give a hint, suggest, etc as needed. Mostly I like the students to do math, and I give guidance and feedback. I try to never lecture, but to give only short lessons of a couple of minutes when needed, then have the student try out the new math idea. I try to relate the math to a student’s particular interests, such as music, sports, theater, hobbies, etc.

Can we reschedule? Yes, I have been very flexible about accommodating sports schedules, an upcoming math test, etc; we can usually work something out - please give me at least 24 hours notice.

Can/should my child end tutoring? It’s always your choice, and I try to give an honest evaluation of what I think. Some families end weekly tutoring, monitor grades, and restart if needed. Some families know their student benefits from the weekly extra focus, and continue even as things are going quite well.

Am I a teacher? Yes, I taught math in a public high school for 4 years (not in Acton MA). I maintain a MA teaching license.

How did you set your fee? I believe it's the going rate (or lower) for good, qualified, adult teacher tutors in this area.

Other questions? Just ask!