Accord Counselling Cardiff

experienced, ethical, engaging, effective

Maeve Keenoy

Life can feel uncomfortable, difficult or overwhelming for many reasons. I believe counselling offers a unique space to be able to stop, explore, and reflect which can lead to meaningful insight and change. I am offering you a place to talk about whatever you need to, whether that is the impact of past experiences, issues in the present, or concerns about the future.

I work in a very client centred way which means I value your autonomy so I do not direct or advise you but support you in understanding your own experience of the world to be more able to work out what you need. I strive to create a comfortable and safe environment where you are able to constructively explore whatever you need to. I believe that by building a strong, collaborative therapeutic relationship there is potential to increase self-awareness, understanding and confidence which can increase clarity and insight leading to change. 

My core theory is Humanistic Existential which aims to support you to understand yourself, your world and identify what gives your life meaning.  We can work together to try to find a comfortable balance between societal, cultural and individual expectations which can enable you to live as authentically as possible. I work in an affirming way that respects your autonomy and supports you to feel more secure in your sense of self. 

As well as my core theory I have undertaken further qualifications and training around working with trauma and working alongside trans and gender diverse people. 

I have experience of working in a variety of agencies, including working in specialist agencies for substance misuse and rape and sexual abuse.

Contact Maeve at or 07497 920933