Parallel Session

Post Covid-19 Assessment as Correlates of School Adjustment Among Students with Special Needs in Ibadan North Area of Oyo State

Dr OO Oladimeji

Dept of Education for Learners with Intellectual Disability

Federal College of Education

Oyeyemi is a multidimensional educator, researcher and lecturer at Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. Her interest is in education of learners with intellectual disability, an area where she has published several articles in reputable journals. She had a background in E3nglish and counselling psychology which has been a source of finding her niche as a special educator and has developed her passion to see every child fulfill destiny. Her PhD thesis is on Effect of Graphic Organizers and Task Analysis Strategies on Acquisition of and Attitude towards Social Skills among Pupils with Intellectual Disability.

Oladimeji has been an expert facilitator, a regular speaker at Conferences, an advocate of inclusion and trainer on Education of Persons with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SENDs) in Collaboration with National Teachers Institute and Axiom Learn Solutions for over a decade. She is a member of Counselling Association of Nigeria, National Association of Special Education Teachers where she constantly draws her strength to forge ahead.

Dr AN Molokwu 

Lecturer: Institute of education 

Federal College of Education


The impact of Covid-19 Pandemic had been felt by all and sundry since its advent.  It has actually imprinted itself on psyche of every individual; persons with special needs are not left out as almost, if not all aspect of their lives were disproportionately affected by the novel pandemic. Studies on Covid-19 Pandemic abound, but few had captured all round experiences of students with special needs and their implications on school adjustment. This study therefore examined the post covid-19 assessment as correlates of school adjustment among students with special needs in Ibadan North local government area of Oyo State.  Multistage sampling technique was employed to draw a sample size of 60 participants who participated in the study from among the students with special needs in Ibadan North local government area of Oyo state being the population for the study. Three research questions were answered; a structured questionnaire was administered to collect data from the participants. The descriptive research design of ex-post facto type was used to analyze the collected data at 0.05 alpha level of significance.  The results revealed that the experiences of students with intellectual disability during the pandemic negatively impact their school adjustment.  It was revealed that students with special needs had negative experiences as regards accessibility to helpful information about their safety, education and health during the pandemic. Also, students with special needs had negative experiences as regards access to community services and support during Covid-19. The result also revealed that students with special needs have negative experiences as regards their accessibility to daily routine and IEP during Covid-19. Therefore it was recommended that necessary provision should be made for persons with special needs as relates their safety, education, health, availability and participation in community services and support during a challenging period like this. It was also suggested that the daily routine and IEP for various types of persons and their disability status should be documented such that parents and careers will have something to fall back on in case of further lockdown and any other subsequent reasons for virtual learning as new variants are unfolding.

Key words: Post Covid-19 Assessment, School Adjustment, Persons with Special Need

OLADIMEJI Oyeyemi Omolayo.pdf