Keynote Address

The role of professional bodies in ensuring the quality of higher education offerings 

Mr J Nel

Senior Manager Registration and Recognition

South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)  

Worked with NQF related issues since 1994.  Was part of the National Training Board with the Minister of Labour in the development of a National Training Strategy for South Africa.  Out of consultation with Unions and Employer Organisations, the NQF was proposed.

Joined SAQA in January 1998 as the coordinator of one of the National Standards Bodies.  Had my own business from April 2000 where I consulted with Sector Education Authorities (SETAs), Higher Education Providers (Public and Private), skills development providers and other stakeholders in relation to qualifications development, quality assurance processes and other NQF processes.

Worked for a while in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in the Middle East, where I was involved in the development of qualifications, policies and procedures, and accreditation of providers and qualifications.  Rejoined SAQA in 2018 as Deputy Director in the Directorate Registration and Recognition where I was involved in the registration of qualifications, recognition of professional bodies and development of policies and procedures.

Recently appointed as the Senior Manager: NQF Qualifications and Professional Bodies from 1 April 2021.