Building resilience in difficult places


Prof Jonathan Jansen

Stellenbosch University

Jonathan Jansen is Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Stellenbosch. He is President of the Academy of Science of South Africa.  He started his career as a Biology teacher in the Cape and holds a PhD from Stanford. His research is concerned with the politics of knowledge. He is the author of the award-winning book, Knowledge in the Blood (Stanford University Press) and his forthcoming books include Inequality in South African schools (with Nic Spaull, Springer Publishers), The decolonization of universities (Wits U Press) and Who gets in and why: the politics of admission to elite schools in the southern suburbs (with Samantha Kriger, UCT Press). His first grandchild is 15 months old and she prefers Tolstoy over Dr Seuss. He is a lifelong supporter of the Blue Bulls and plays the piano when he finds one.


The university environment is difficult for any first year student but especially for first-generation students and for black students on former white campuses. Drawing on experiences at three former white Afrikaans universities, the presentation will focus on how to build resilience (intellectual, spiritual, emotional and political) in ways that transform institutions and enrich student lives at the same time. The Lecture will be especially helpful to those who work with students in the broader student support services environment.

Presentation & Resources